"Ark? You made this? " Fang jueyu wondered, although this thing looks very powerful, but its aesthetics is too poor. Such an ugly spaceship is not only wooden, but also square. If people don't know it from a distance, they think it's a coffin.

"How can we have this technology!" Liu Guixiang's cheap voice came from the opposite side of the communicator, "this thing was found by Guo Junyu by chance. You may not believe it. This boy almost couldn't come back, but I didn't expect to not only escape from death, but also bring back these good things!"

"A narrow escape? Tell me, what's going on? "

"This will start from the last time we parted!" Liu Guixiang said.

After the departure of emperor Qixing, they received Fang jueyu's instructions and began to make active preparations.

In the thousands of years of Fang jueyu's absence, Guo Junyu has established a good relationship with many masters of mechanical civilization. His assigned task is to prepare spaceships, artificial intelligence, etc., and his first destination is a top science, technology and culture Star Ball 2.7 billion light-years away.

Unfortunately, when traveling in the light universe, Guo Junyu also encountered the same desperate situation as Fang Suo. A rare space-time storm swept his space-time site.

Facing the space-time storm, even the quantization technology of the body could not escape the desperate situation. He broke through the tunnel barrier of the light universe and fell into an unknown world.

But unexpectedly, Guo Junyu not only didn't die, but also found a relic of an unknown civilization there. There was no one in the world, but there were tens of millions of such strange spaceships!

Guo Junyu himself already has the strength of the surpasser level. Coupled with his ancient god machine armor, even the king level surpasser, he can fight a war. Even as long as he has enough energy, he can hurt half god!

With a curious attitude, Guo Junyu fired a shot at the ark. The seemingly fragile ark was unharmed by the star annihilation gun that destroyed a star, and even left no trace!

He boldly embarked on an ark. Although the operating system of the ark was a word he couldn't understand, with Superman's talent, he actually found out the driving method of the ark in a short time.

The ark has no attack system and defense system. Its strength comes entirely from this kind of wood. God knows what kind of wood can have such strength.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that he found that the ark could penetrate the barriers of space-time storm. He drove the ark and successfully crossed the impossible space-time storm!

Unfortunately, those spaceships are too big. Although Guo Junyu has space storage equipment, he has only installed less than one tenth of the spaceships. When he looks for them again, he can't find the coordinates of that space site.

This batch of ark was directly regarded as the top secret by Guo Junyu. Even Xiao Yi and Fang jueyu were concealed from the past, and they were not completely exposed until today.

"Good boy, it seems that I'm not alone. I've had many adventures!" Fang jueyu sighed. He didn't know which civilization was lost at the node of time and space storm. He could actually create such a magical means of transportation.

At this time, a huge dark shadow flashed in the sky. A huge ark unexpectedly appeared outside the orbit of the earth. Fang jueyu looked up at it as if looking at the masterpiece of the gods.

"Host, the ark is about 1 billion kilometers long, 600 million kilometers wide and 400 million kilometers high. I can't analyze the material. It doesn't exist in the root universe or our current universe!"

"Is this a masterpiece of a previous cosmic era?" After thinking carefully, it seems that there is only one possibility.

However, there is not much time to investigate at this time. The time left for the earth is not enough. In addition, some diehards will even have some local chaos, so Fang jueyu will let his family participate.

In 8000 years, the descendants of this generation should be famous before they leave the earth, right?


"It's the end of the world. What are you afraid of!"

"Da Da! "Da Da!"

"Hahaha, don't run. Everyone is going to die. Why don't you have a good time before you die?"


"A group of idiots, in this age, there are such people!" A young man walked into a chaotic city with a sneer. His eyes stared at the rioters, and the temperature around him suddenly fell to freezing point.

"Hey, who are you! Don't come here! If you come here again, you'll be welcome! "

"Nonsense, if you want to be a hero, kill it directly!"

"Wait, brother, he... He seems to be Fang..."

"You know too much!" The young man said faintly, and the mob and the surrounding buildings were frozen in a snow-white in an instant.

"Hurry!" The young man pointed to the huge ark in the sky, "there are rescue stations in the center of every district in Jiangbei City, and the people there will send you for weeks!"


With a lot of manpower investment and the military intervention of Fang's family, all the riots were completely strangled in the cradle on the first day, and the rapid evacuation operation began the next day. These tens of billions of people were transferred to the ark in just a week.

"Grandpa, there should be no one. We can be ready to go!"

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, I've asked several surveyors to verify it several times. Even if that person hides in the center of the earth, he can't escape our inspection!"

"Very good," said Fang jueyu. "Narga civilization is the most marginal civilization in the universe. That civilization was the asset of our family a long time ago. Take humans there first!"

"Grandpa, what about you?"

"I also want to check the earth. Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"Yes!" Fang Mulei nodded. He believed that Fang jueyu was an omnipotent man.

With a roar, the ark slowly sailed into the light universe, and the earth, which has been prosperous for thousands of years, suddenly became quiet again.

"Hey!" Fang jueyu sighed and his attention fell on the earth again. Er Gouzi, Xiao hei and ino were still lying on his shoulders and head as before. If they weren't there, Fang jueyu might have only Xiao Yi to talk for thousands of years?

"Where is this last fragment?" Fang jueyu used to sweep the earth with his spiritual power. He also tried many times, but with his current spiritual power, he couldn't find any unusual place.

"Huh? Is there anyone left? " Fang jueyu frowned, but didn't Fang Mulei just say that several surveyors had checked again and again? How could anyone stay on earth?

"No, this man's mental strength is a little strange!" Fang jueyu noticed that this man's breath appeared from time to time. He was not only different from the people on earth, but even similar to so many civilizations he had met. However, he didn't know why, but he felt some deja vu.

Fang jueyu disappeared in place with a flash. When he reappeared, he was already standing on the top of Mount Everest in the Himalayas.

It was a monk in a very old robe. He stood quietly on the cliff and looked up at the blue sky.

"Master, everyone is gone. Why don't you go?"

"I'm waiting for you!" The old monk turned his head. When Fang jueyu saw those eyes, he actually felt that his soul seemed to be sucked in.

With his current soul strength, no one can interfere with his soul!

"Fang jueyu, I've been waiting for you for 200 centuries!"