Chapter 1360

Name:Amorous Doctor Author:Xia Yi Liu
As soon as I arrived at the island, I had no idea that I was in trouble before I got hot. It is estimated that no one thought of this. Li Feng, the perpetrator of the accident, got into trouble because of his sense of responsibility as a doctor.

Lin Tian's timely appearance not only stopped the police from taking Li Feng away, but also prevented the police from taking Li Feng back for questioning no matter what the police said.

As long as he entered the Bureau, Li Feng would be isolated by the police. Once he lost contact with the police, plus the operation of the family members of the deceased, he turned the case into an iron case of murder. It is estimated that no one can fight it.

Lin Tian's worry is precisely because of this. At this moment, his mind is full of saving the patient's life, and he has no selfish thoughts at all. Especially, when he realizes that the old man is just in a state of suspended animation, it's like the faint candle light in the night.

In the face of all kinds of strange entrapment and frame UPS, he still does not return to save the lives of the patients. Medical skills are very important. However, if he is in trouble because of saving people, it is estimated that no one will wade in the muddy water.

At this time, Lin Tian's medical ethics is still very important. He spared no effort to cure the patients, hoping to pull the patients back from the death line and save the patients. Lin Tian never lost the bottom line of being a doctor.

No matter how big his career is, Lin Tian thinks that he is just a doctor, and what he knows is just more and more exquisite medical skills.

Many people are looking at him with expectant eyes, hoping that he can create a miracle, but some people do not want Lin Tian to create a miracle, and hope that the more chaotic the incident, the better.

At the beginning, he slapped Li Feng in the face and confused the public with rumors, saying that black was white. He was a member of the famous Sakata family in the island country.

Although he has the Sakata surname, which is regarded as the supreme, he is only a member of the Sakata family. Even he thinks he is just an illegitimate child of the Sakata family.

Sakata Ichiro wants to have a chance to prove the value of his existence. Of course, with his IQ, he can't think of a dirty situation. He is just a thug, a pawn in the front.

When he saw that Lin Tian still didn't give up trying to save a dead man, he sent out bursts of sneers in his heart. He even felt that Lin Tian was doing useless work. At the beginning, when Lin Tian succeeded in attracting people's attention, Ichiro Sakata was also willing to be a spectator.

Some people do meaningless things beyond their capacity, and they don't mind being a bystander, waiting for the development of the situation, and then adding fuel to the flames, so as to successfully create topics.

The following situation made him unable to calm down any longer. He was regarded as a dead old man and gradually showed signs of recovery. His body was already cool and his skin began to turn red.

Sakata Ichiro's brain is running at a high speed, thinking about all kinds of possibilities. Finally, he decides that before Lin Tian saves the old man, he must find a way to stop Lin Tian from doing so.

"Look, this doctor has such disrespect for the dead. It's disgusting for him to do so..." Sakata Ichiro cried out, hoping to arouse people's sympathy.

To his surprise, everyone ignored him and watched Lin Tian rescue the old man. Even the police didn't move to watch the note, which made Sakata's deliberate incitement completely ignored.

On the contrary, Yoshiro Sakata became a clown, a clown who could only yell. Yoshiro Sakata was very depressed, but he didn't give up his heart. He was watching from his eyes, looking for the next opportunity.

When Lin Tian entered the realm of remembering me completely, he completely forgot the environment he was in. There was only one thought in his mind, which urged him to save the old man.

Yan Dongyang is closest to him. For the sake of his escort, he finds that Lin Tian's body is white, and his back is soaked with sweat.

Seeing this scene, Yan Dongyang expressed his heartfelt emotion and said in secret: "no wonder the old man always says that even if I have exhausted my life, I may not be able to reach Lin Tian. I am always unconvinced. Seeing this scene today, I am convinced..."

The so-called "layman watching the fun" and "expert looking at the door", Yan Dongyang clearly saw things he had never seen before from Lin Tian's needling technique. To say that the family Taiji Liuhe needling method has been spread for a hundred years, and after the improvement of Yan's family's more or less knowledge, it has become a set of needling method that can cure diseases and save people. However, such a set of family unique knowledge and Lin Tian's needling method, Only between clouds and mud.

The big gap makes Yan Dongyang's face hot. He has the impression that two years ago, Lin tianchu came to Yanjing to challenge him. Although Yan Dongyang lost the contest, he was not convinced.

Yan Dongyang thinks that they are just a tiny difference, but he did not expect that two years later, Lin Tian's medical skills have reached a point where ghosts and gods are hard to escape.

It's not easy for anyone to break through the realm of Shenyou Taixu. Yan Dongyang thinks he doesn't have this ability, and he seldom tries it. But the old man has tried it several times, and he almost has not gone crazy.

Since then, Yan Yangxian did not dare to try it easily any more. From then on, it has proved that the realm of Shenyou Taixu is just a legend. Yan Dongyang never thought that he could see Lin Tian's use of such a realm here.

How could he not feel ashamed and blush for his shallowness while he praised.

Yan Dongyang sighs with emotion, and Lin Tian's rescue is coming to an end. The closed eyes of the old man in suspended animation make a dull sound, which also makes other people see the miracle.

"Master, you made it!" Tu Hu, who came down from upstairs after hearing the news, clapped his thigh and said with a happy smile.

In his heart, Lin Tian is the best. He even thinks that once Lin Tian comes out, there are no patients who can't be saved. With his call, all the people present give out their praise.

The old man's purple face began to be ruddy. He slowly opened his eyes and said in surprise, "how can I lie here?"

The policeman, who is dealing with affairs, did not expect that the old man could wake up and regain consciousness. He was surprised, but he didn't think much. He took the initiative to help Lin Tian lift the old man up and make a simple inquiry.

The old man, who regained consciousness, had a clear mind and was very organized in answering the police's questions. The old man, Mingfu Nishimura, went out alone to do business. Later, he didn't know what was going on and came here.

The police are making a record of the inquiry, Lin Tian suddenly interjected: "uncle, you have diabetes, why do you want to eat sugar?"

Lin Tian speaks Japanese fluently, and there are not many problems in communicating with the islanders. He shows his hand and makes Yan Dongyang blush again. The idea that he intended to translate for Lin Tian completely disappears.

Mingfu Nishimura was stunned at first. He didn't understand the meaning of Lin Tian's words. He knew that he had diabetes, and he was very strict with his diet, for fear that it would aggravate his illness.

He also understood that in the face of diabetes, one of the world's three immortal cancers, in addition to cooperating with the doctor's treatment, he had to keep a positive attitude. After a while of doubt, he asked Lin Tian, "why do you ask that?"

The doubt between his eyebrows made Lin Tian catch a trace of difference, so he replied: "from your pulse image, your body's blood sugar level is too high, and that's why you just suspended yourself."

Akio Nishimura's face turns pale. He is an old man in his old age. He has long been indifferent to life and death. However, when he first heard that he had just met Yama, he would be afraid.

He just came back from the line of death. Suddenly he felt ill and became black in front of his eyes. If the police around him were not quick eyed, he might have fallen to the ground.

"Well, don't ask. He needs a rest. We'll take him to the hospital." The police pointed to the weak Akio Nishimura and said to Lin Tian.

Just as they were about to leave, Lin Tian turned around to see the troublemakers who just claimed to be the family members of the dead, especially the man who took the lead had already disappeared.

This guy must be in a bad situation. He looks at the opportunity to escape under the protection of the crowd. Lin Tian thinks he is helpless, but he doesn't care. One thing he is very happy about is that he keeps Li Feng.

Otherwise, once the charge of manslaughter is on Li Feng's head, Li Feng can't practice medicine in his whole life. Even if his medical license is not revoked, he will be burdened with a heavy psychological burden if he becomes a doctor in the future.

The police took the weak old man away, and the crowd gradually dispersed. Li Feng, who had been looking at Lin Tian, sincerely walked over and extended his hand to express his gratitude to Lin Tian.

"Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would be locked up this time." Li Feng said with sincere gratitude.

Lin Tian lightly waved his hand. He didn't know how much he had done, so he didn't put it on the table. He said lightly: "don't thank me, I just did what I should do."

Li Feng was stunned as if he had known him for the first time. He stared at him without blinking.

At the end of the storm, Lin Tian didn't show off his credit as others imagined. He stayed in his room quietly, and was told by the people in the medical team, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Fukushima nuclear crisis has not been lifted, the medical team can only stay in the hotel for a few days, most of them stay in the hotel doing nothing, but with Qin Xueqing in, they don't have to worry about the cost, just free public travel.

Qin Xueqing, by contrast, was busy after she arrived in Tokyo. She did not lie. Qin's group has been doing business with the island's state-owned enterprises all the time. The business interruption caused by the earthquake requires her to re connect and carry on more smoothly.

At the same time, the accident happened