Chapter 1359

Name:Amorous Doctor Author:Xia Yi Liu
When everyone was sleepy, the plane landed at Tokyo International Airport, and the broadcast of the plane sounded, which awakened the sleeping people. When the plane stopped, the beautiful stewardess commanded the passengers to get off the plane in an orderly way.

With the ambiguous scene on the plane, Qin Xueqing stretches and sits up straight after waking up. Lin Tian grins bitterly and rubs his numb body. They simply pack up for a while and take out their luggage from the luggage compartment of the plane.

As they nestled up to each other and stepped off the plane, the other members of the delegation were red in the eyes, muttering and pointing behind them. They expressed their dissatisfaction with Lin Tian's specialization as the team leader.

Most of the members of the medical team are discontented. Most of the members of the medical team are soldiers under LAN Zhenghao. Although LAN Zhenghao doesn't care about it, they fight for LAN Zhenghao. In addition to Lin Tian's overt specialization, their misunderstanding is deepened.

Of course, Tu Hu heard it clearly. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He had to fight with others to say who dared to tell Lin Tian right and wrong in front of him. But now it's different from the past. In order to take care of the overall situation, he has to bear it.

Because before going out, Lin Tian told him that the purpose of his trip to the island was to save people. In addition, he was to find out the real intention of Western medicine organizations in the island. As a last resort, he should never conflict with others.

To Lin Tian's words, Tu Hu, who obeys his words, will swallow it for the sake of the overall situation, even if he has a big grievance in his heart.

Lin Tian and Qin Xueqing are very good-looking men and women. They drag their suitcases to the door of the airport hall. As for the whispers behind them, they ignore them completely. LAN Zhenghao is very impolite to warn them with his eyes when he hears these rumors.

With LAN Zhenghao coming forward, his muttering voice is much smaller, and Yan Dongyang is also very angry. He and Lin Tian have gone through life and death so many times, and they have been close to each other for a long time. Who dares to say Lin Tian's half sentence right and wrong in front of him, and give him an unforgiving reply.

As soon as the medical team arrived on the island, there was a note of disharmony. Of course, Lin Tian also noticed that his love for Qin Xueqing is true, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about anything.

When LAN Zhenghao comes out, he can't do more. After all, many times, more is better than less.

It took more than four hours to get from Yanjing to Tokyo. There was still a flight to Fukushima. The tsunami caused by the earthquake caused heavy losses there. Rescue teams from many countries rushed there.

According to the original plan, the medical team rushed there from the plane. The feedback from the front is not ideal. With the chaos of the island, road damage and traffic nearly paralyzed, it's a dream to rush there at the first time.

After discussing with LAN Zhenghao, Lin Tian decides to find a place to live and wait for the situation to get better before catching the plane. Qin Xueqing, through her friends in Tokyo, finds a cherry blossom entertainment place nearest to the downtown and arranges them to live.

Qin Xueqing is carefully taking out Lin Tian's luggage from the trunk and hanging it in the wardrobe. Lin Tian looks at her wife and mother with a smile.

Silent cooperation and quite tacit understanding, Lin Tian immersed in happiness surrounded by a little excited, just want to go before pinching Qin Xueqing plump tight hips, Yan Dongyang from the outside to push the door in.

As soon as I saw them, I was a little embarrassed. I scratched my scalp and said, "I came in without knocking. I'm sorry."

Lin Tian is very thick skinned and has excellent psychological quality. He smiles and waves to Yan Dongyang and says, "brother Dongyang, it's OK. Come in!"

Qin Xueqing is also pretty and slightly red. After finishing the rest of her clothes, she smiles at Yan Dongyang and walks out of Lin Tian's room quickly. Her way of covering up makes Yan Dongyang have many associations.

Lin Tian speechless staring at Yan Dongyang, Yan Dongyang also quickly realized that something was wrong, put away the wretched smile, Lin Tian asked: "brother Dongyang, what's the matter?"

Yan Dongyang thought of looking for Lin Tian, and said in a hurry, "something happened."

"What?" Lin Tian's heart clapped for a moment. He was really afraid of what he wanted.

Lin Tian pulls Yan Dongyang out of the door without saying a word. Yan Dongyang also talks to Lin Tian while he is walking. From Yan Dongyang's description, Lin Tian roughly understands that there is a guy Li Feng in the medical team who is going out to eat with his friends. An old lady beat them. To their surprise, the old man fainted and fell to the ground.

Li Feng is an excellent doctor. Seeing this scene, of course, he won't sit back and ignore it. He immediately rescued the old man. Unexpectedly, although he did his best, he still couldn't recover. The old man died quietly.

When Li Feng was sad, he wanted to be informed of his family. Unexpectedly, a group of people came from outside, speaking fluent Japanese, and grabbed Li Feng. They kept saying that he was a murderer and wanted to catch him at the police station.

Although the language doesn't make sense, a group of people who are not good at it soon made Li Feng realize that the situation is not good. Just as he wanted to explain, he was slapped in the face by a dark man.

Li Feng suffered a dumb loss, but it was not over. A group of people quarreled in the hall, which soon attracted the attention of the hotel staff. The lobby manager who went out to mediate quickly understood the whole process of the matter, and in order to get rid of the trouble as soon as possible, he called the police.

Yan Donglu, who happened to pass by, saw this scene and went to find Lin Tianlai. In his subconscious, he thought that Lin Tian would have some unexpected ways to deal with difficult things.

As they walked, they said that they got off the elevator and came to the hall. The hall had already been surrounded by a large group of people. Two men in police uniforms stood in the middle of the crowd. Lin Tian could not understand what they were saying, but roughly guessed that they should be understanding the situation.

In the middle of the crowd, the dead old man was covered with a piece of white cloth. Li Feng squatted on the ground with a dejected look and supported his head with his hands. He was very regretful. His mind was constantly filled with Chinese jokes. If the old man fell down, he must not help him.

What he didn't expect was that he came across the sea to the island, and there was such a group of people with low quality. He was very sorry, but he knew he was innocent, and saving people was also due to the professional ethics of doctors.

He is not afraid of gossip and believes in justice, but

Li Feng raised his head and looked blankly at the chaotic scene, which made him see no hope. Lin Tian and Yan Dongyang rushed over, and the island police were investigating the reason.

Yan Dongyang can speak some Japanese. Although he can't speak it well, he can communicate with others reluctantly. He can express his meaning. He goes forward to negotiate with the police in a hurry, hoping that the police can find out the truth.

Through Yan Dongyang's introduction, Lin Tian noticed something wrong in it. He circled around the white cloth. When he opened the white cloth, he saw that the old man's eyes were closed and he had no life at all.

Breathing, pulse has stopped, Lin Tian carefully found that the old man has a faint breath.

"Feign death?" Lin Tian's brain came up with a bold idea, which was also driven by this bold idea. He hastened to speed up his action and began a new round of rescue for the old man.

Doctors all know that life is the first, and nothing can be above life. That's why Lin Tianzhi was worried.

Feign death means that some people's vital characteristics (breathing, heart beat, blood pressure, pulse, etc.) are extremely weak, and they seem to have died, but they are still alive.

The occurrence of the situation is the result of cerebral blood hypoxia, through the examination of the old man's body, Lin Tian found that she had a very serious diabetes, which confirmed this judgment.

As if there was no one else to rescue the old man, the man in his thirties, who was the most noisy among the family members of the dead, thought that he was disrespectful to the dead and yelled to stop him.

Lin Tian concentrates on rescuing the old man, and has no time to pay attention to the man who screams fiercely. The man screams for a long time, but doesn't see any reaction from him. He rushes up to beat him without saying a word. Yan Dongyang is not happy, and of course he won't stand by.

"What do you want to do?" he asked in Japanese

The man of the island country was stunned at first. He didn't expect that Yan Dongyang could speak Japanese. When he reacted, he scolded Yan Dongyang impolitely: "go away, or I'll beat you to death."

Yan Dongyang also learned some martial arts. He would not be afraid to see the villains. With a smile, he rolled up his sleeve, waved to Han and said, "come here, you have seed."

"Bageya road." The man scolded a dirty word and hit him with his fist. Unexpectedly, Yan Dongyang didn't even block it. He was slightly deviated. Before the man could recover, Yan Dongyang punched the man in the face with his fist.

This punch down, the man's face wonderful up, red, white everywhere.

As soon as the police, who are making investigation notes, see the fight here, they quickly come forward to stop it. Yan Dongyang retreats to one side with restraint and no longer cares about Zhuang. The strong man is very angry but helpless.

Lin Tian is still focusing on rescuing the dead old man. After others have made the conclusion that the old man is dead, he is still making unremitting efforts. Many people look at him with strange eyes.

Only Yan Dongyang who knows him can truly believe that he can create a miracle. Yan Dongyang doesn't want to help, thus disturbing his normal rhythm. Yan Dongyang knows very well that what he has to do is to stand aside silently and help Lin Tian not to be disturbed. That's enough.

Lin Tian's needling method of burning mountain fire makes the old man's body start to heat up gradually. He inputs internal force through the silver needle to stimulate the old man's weak heart.

No one believes that the old man can be saved by Lin Tian. However, seeing that he is so focused on saving people, even depressed Li Feng gradually turns his eyes on him.

"Can't..." Li Feng can't believe it. He almost believes his own judgment, because in his opinion, it's too crazy to do so. After all, the old man has been sentenced to death. Can he take back a life from the hand of King Yan?