Seeing that kaipugar, the Bronze Dragon King, finally arrived, hiris could not help but take a long breath. He quickly picked up Yang muyao, who was in a coma, and said to kaipugar, "Bronze Dragon King, next, the safety of Miss Yang will be taken care of by you! You also know how important Miss Yang is to Mr. Cao Ke, so please be careful and never let her get hurt again! She's in a very bad state now. She can't stand the continuous tossing! "

Kaipugar took Yang muyao from xieresi, nodded heavily and said: "don't worry, general. Even if I fight for my own life, I will protect Miss Yang! But it's you, general. You're in a tight encirclement. It's not easy to get out. Take care of yourself

With these words, kaipugar didn't hesitate any more. He threw Yang muyao up in the air with his feet and his arms spread out to show the shape of a dragon. Then he caught Yang muyao and flew to the city without looking back!

"Attention, all Rangers!" He called out in elvish voice: "cover the Bronze Dragon King and Miss Yang at all costs! In particular, to resist those hateful stomach artillery! Success or failure depends on this! If anyone humiliates us elves, they will stop calling themselves elves! Do you understand? "

"Yes The soldiers of the seventh group of Rangers were ordered to show a kind of resolute and sacred brilliance in their eyes! Some people who can get away from their bodies for the time being, even with a bow in one hand and a knife in the other hand, rush towards the hatred nearest to them!

This side has begun to re extend the cannon in the stomach, ready to intercept Yang muyao and kaipugar's detestations. Seeing kaipugar take Yang muyao off quickly, they begin to adjust their body angle to aim. However, the sky fails. Before they aim well, the Elven Rangers over there have killed dozens of people!

"Bang!"“ Bang In order not to let the spirit Ranger stop him from launching death mucus, two of them started shooting before the spirit Ranger attacked him! No matter whether these two cannons can hit kepgal, who is flying at high speed in the air, we always have to do such an attempt! After all, Yang muyao is the first target Nie Wuji wants to kill. The detestable people understand that if they are entangled by the swift spirit Rangers, they can only watch Yang muyao escape to the bronze hammer pass alive! Now, if you can grab one shot, it's one shot. In case that one shot will be hit!

Fortunately, kaipugar and Yang muyao had good luck. These two cannons could only hit the remnants left by them when they flew by, and did not cause any substantial damage to them! But, this kind of situation still lets the heart of hill Ruisi tremble for it, immediately then shout: "can't continue to let disgust carry on shooting! Stop it! Be sure to stop them

Seeing that their companions were almost successful, the rest of the abominations learned from it and aimed at them again quickly with the bows, arrows and sabres of the Elven Rangers. If these abominations could shoot out the dead mucus again, the kepgal who had not yet flown out of range would be really dangerous!

When they found that their weapons were cut on the abominators, they could only bring small wounds to the abominators, which could not pose a great threat to the abominators. In a hurry, the elves simply turned to the front of the abominators, jumped to their huge belly, and blocked the muzzle of the abominators' cannons with their own bodies! Then, a shocking scene appeared

"Bang bang!" A burst of gunfire, dense and short! However, there are few people who can launch the death mucus to kaipugar and Yang muyao! Because most of the death mucus from the cannon is stopped by the elves who block the muzzle of the cannon! Just in an instant, more than a dozen Elven Rangers were wrapped in dead mucus and shocked by the huge power of cannons!

Everyone knows the power of death mucus! Even the dragon people with thick scales are hard to resist the corrosion from the death mucus, not to mention these are just elves and Rangers wearing simple leather armor! Clothes and skin melt rapidly under the action of dead mucus, especially in the face, where there is less skin and flesh, the white bones have been exposed! It can be said that these rangers are suffering a great pain! That is a kind of pain that makes people feel extremely desperate!

However, from the eyes of these elves and Rangers, there is no fear and fear at all! Body in the air, they did not give up everything, waiting for the arrival of death, but began to try to adjust their body angle, trying to control the direction and trajectory of their fall! Their idea is actually very simple, that is to take advantage of the last moment of their lives, and then give the enemy the most lethal blow!

Those abominations who fired the death mucus, how could they think that the fairy Rangers would use their own bodies to intercept the shells one by one? In a daze, the elves and rangers who fell from the sky and were wrapped in the dead mucus jumped on them in a free fall! In this way, the death mucus that sticks to the elves and Rangers instantly climbs onto their bodies! Disgust people were unprepared for this, in a howling sound, more than a dozen disgust, with the spirit Ranger together, violently struggling to fall to the ground!

Although death mucus is emitted by abominators, it does not mean that the strong corrosiveness of death mucus has no effect on abominators! When he installed death mucus and cannons on the abominators, Nie Wuji used some special means to wrap the death mucus, so that the death mucus could be stored in the abominators' stomachs. Now, the Elven Rangers stick their own death mucus directly on their bodies, and lose the protection of that special means. They are also instantly corroded by the death mucus. Compared with the Elven Rangers, there is no difference!

Different from abominations, the Rangers don't struggle in the pain brought by death mucus. Instead, they open their arms and embrace the huge bodies of abominations! At the same time also issued a "ha ha ha!" Laughter, look at the posture, as if they can die with a hatred, is their great glory in general!

Seeing the soldiers who have been fighting with him for many years, they have been corroded into bones one by one. His heart is like being cut with a knife. The pain and powerlessness almost made him collapse on the spot! But Hillis knows that this is not the time to collapse! So while directing the rest of the elves to continue to siege and hate, she poured source power into her voice and yelled to the Dragon Kings such as Ba Lao in the distance: "big dragon king, take all the Dragon Kings to retreat! Here, we can support it! "

Ba Lao, of course, also saw the scene that the Rangers of the elves had sacrificed their lives to block the muzzle of the gun before. Now he heard that Hillis asked him and others (Dragons) to withdraw first. Ba Lao's heart couldn't help being moved for a while, and immediately replied: "we're OK! It's better for you to take your men with you, general

The hero cherishes the hero. The fierce fighting style of the spirit Rangers makes Ba Lao revere. Of course, he doesn't want these brave spirit soldiers to sacrifice for himself and others, so Ba Lao will let them withdraw first! In fact, Ba Lao also knows that once the elves and Rangers withdraw first, they will casually shoot death mucus at their Dragon Kings. At that time, maybe someone will stay in this battlefield forever, but Ba Lao thinks it's absolutely worth it! Because in Ba Lao's opinion, only by doing this, can they be worthy of those spirit rangers who died heroically! After all, all the dangers in front of us are caused by the Dragon tribe! It must pay the most important responsibility for this!

How do you know that Ba Lao's proposal was "mercilessly" rejected by Hillis! You are closer to the bronze hammer pass, stronger and easier to retreat than us! Please don't hesitate, don't miss the best opportunity to retreat! We won't last long

There's not a bit of alarmism in what Hillis said! Although the Elven Rangers put their own life and death aside and fought hard, the rear army of the zombie army had surrounded them from the rear by this time! Only a few hundred Elven Rangers can hardly resist the attack of the zombie Legion! In particular, the Elven Rangers should always pay attention not to let abhorrence casually launch death mucus. Under such a huge task and pressure, the Elven Rangers team completely collapsed. It's really only a short time!

It's obvious that Hillis didn't want to go back alive when he came out this time! She and her team rushed into the battlefield with the determination to die! It is for this reason that hiris doesn't want them to stay and help himself. In that way, at most, he will only bring them in, but it won't help the final result at all!

Ba Lao suddenly understood his idea of sacrificing his life for righteousness, and sighed helplessly. Finally, he raised his head to heaven and sent out a loud dragon chant, informing kaski and other Dragon Kings not to continue fighting. He quickly withdrew and escorted kepugar and Yang muyao back to tongchuguan!

In fact, from kaipugar Taking Yang muyao to Balao and other Dragon Kings retreating, although we have a long story to tell, the real time consumed is only about 10 minutes! In just ten minutes, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically. Even Nie Wuji, who always regarded himself as a military God, was shocked and at a loss! He didn't expect that Yang muyao could be successfully rescued from the battlefield after she got her own Dementor. He didn't expect that the Elven Ranger team would show such indomitable fighting spirit and combat effectiveness in front of the fierce zombie Corps