The sudden appearance of sylris and the seventh Ranger team can be said to disrupt the rhythm of the zombie army! Most of the zombie soldiers who had rushed to the fallen Yang muyao turned their heads and began to intercept the elves and Rangers! Even Nie Wuji, who was in charge of the rear command, saw this scene and waved the flag in his hand, so that the troops still in the rear could speed up their pace and rush to the front line to support as soon as possible! For a time, the whole zombie legion, are able to take Yang muyao a person and action! Looking down from high altitude, it's like ants rushing to their food together! That scene is really spectacular!

If the rear army of the zombie Legion catches up, Yang muyao and the seventh Ranger team will fall into the sea of zombie soldiers, let alone escape from the sky. I'm afraid that in a few minutes, they will be gnawed to the bone!

"Pass on my command, heavy cavalry assembly!" Yu Fanhai, who had already stepped on the crenels of the city wall with one foot, yelled at the top of his voice: "be ready to fight at any time. If necessary, rush out of the gate immediately and rescue Miss Yang and general hiris back!"

"Yes The messenger received the order and quickly conveyed it to the troops in tongchuiguan city. The next moment, the "hulangling" of armor friction sounded in tongchuiguan city The sound of the wind!

Looking at the belta, the Dragon King of life, who is about to fly to Balao and other Dragon Kings, Farhan, the water dragon king, hugged Yu Fanhai and said firmly: "deputy commander, please let me lead all the Dragon soldiers out of the pass again! Because now, only our dragon soldiers are most suitable to complete the task of supporting Miss Yang! We... "

Before Farhan finished speaking, Yu Fanhai raised his hand to stop him and said calmly, "don't panic! Don't worry! The Dragon Kings of your dragon clan are all outside except you! In this case, why do you let the Dragon soldiers go out again? The previous situation you did not see, the enemy has a special means to deal with your dragon! Just go out a few Dragon Kings, maybe because the target is rare, the enemy's mucus can't spray on them, but if all the Dragon soldiers go out, the enemy will shoot at random in the battle that can block out the sky? Rescue is a matter of strength, not quantity! No matter how important Miss Yang is, she can't equal the whole coalition! We can't take the whole coalition in just to rescue her! "

Yu Fanhai's words are cold-blooded, but they are absolutely correct! If all the dragon people go out, it's impossible not to have a large area of casualties again under the attack of abhorrent army's death mucus! The dragon can be regarded as one of the most important combat effectiveness of the Allied forces. Yu Fanhai doesn't want them to lose too much. Therefore, Yu Fanhai would rather let the heavy cavalry troops of human beings get ready to go out of the city, and would not let the Dragon go out to risk again!

This is the strategy that a military commander should have! It is precisely because of Yu Fanhai's wrong judgment of Yang muyao's situation that he did not let Xieri ring the call off gong at the right time and recall Yang muyao. Only in this way can Yang muyao and Xieri be in danger now. This is a great shame for Yu Fanhai! Of course, he will not make mistakes in other things! If anything happens to Yang muyao, the important task of commanding the defensive battle of tongchuiguan will fall on his shoulders! Yu Fanhai had to be careful about this!

When he was stopped by Yu Fanhai, the anxiety in Farhan's heart could not be mentioned! It's really regretful. Just now when Yang muyao was in danger, why didn't she rush out with Berta? Now it's all right. I'm only in a hurry at the head of the city.

Baltar, who was admired by Farhan, had already come to the side of kaski, the wind Dragon King. Balao had already turned around and returned to the battlefield before the arrival of Baltar. Now only kaski were left behind, flying in mid air. You look at me, I look at you, and I don't know where to go?

"What are you doing?" Berta stopped and roared angrily: "Miss Yang is in danger for you! Now it's your turn to rescue Miss Yang, but you hesitate? It's a pity that you are still the Dragon King respected by thousands of people! "

With these words, Berta no longer said much, stirred his wings again, and followed Balao to dive on the battlefield! Kaski and several other Dragon Kings were told by Berta that their faces were red (PS: of course, according to their current dragon shape, no one would see that even if they were red, after all, there was such a thick layer of dragon scales...). At the next moment, kaipugar, the Bronze Dragon king, was not angry and said, "what are we waiting for? Do we still want to be ungrateful villains? Come on! Since we have come to the battlefield, we are all here to fight! What's so terrible

Several Dragon Kings almost simultaneously sent out a burst of high pitched dragon chants to boost their morale. Then, they turned their bodies together and flew to the zombie army on the ground!

Because Yang muyao's location is not too far away from tongchui pass, and the appearance of hiris and Rangers is too sudden, hiris and Rangers don't have much effort to kill Yang muyao. All the Rangers stand in a circle around Yang muyao, fighting against the tide of zombies. Hiris quickly bent down and held Yang muyao in his arms. He looked up and down at Yang muyao's situation.

Yang muyao closed her eyes and turned pale. She seemed to have lost her consciousness! There are more than ten cuts on the back, some of which can even see the white bones and blood flowing like a stream! It's obvious that when Yang muyao just fell down, many zombie soldiers attacked her. The arrow rain of Hillis and ranger troops arrived a moment later... According to Hillis' preliminary judgment, Yang muyao should have been in a coma temporarily because she lost too much blood. In a short time, it should not be too dangerous for her life, After all, her injured parts are concentrated in the back, and did not really hurt to the point, which can be regarded as a blessing in the misfortune!

He raised his head and looked in the direction of tongchui pass. Hiris found that several Dragon Kings headed by Ba Lao began to rush back to his side. He couldn't help but shout to the elves and rangers who were fighting all around: "hold on for a while! The Dragon Kings are coming! As long as they take Miss Yang away, we can break through the barrier! "

After pacifying the Elven Rangers, hiris still guarding Yang muyao, picking up his bow and arrow and killing the zombie soldiers through the gap between the Elven Rangers. As long as the zombie soldiers are targeted by hiris, they will be killed by one of his arrows! In this way, the seventh group of sherris and ranger spirit, with only 200 people, has resisted tens of thousands of former soldiers of the zombie army! In order to rescue Yang muyao, we have won the most critical time!

"Capgar!" Ba Lao, who was getting closer to Yang muyao, naturally saw the situation here, and quickly cried out: "you have the strongest defense. You should fly to general hiris against the enemy's attack immediately! Don't worry about anything. Save Miss Yang and general hiris first! Do you understand? "

"I understand!" Kepgal took the command, instantly lifted all his source power, and blessed it to his wings. His wings sparkled a light golden light, and kepgal's flying speed also improved instantly, like a thunder and lightning falling from the sky, rushing to Yang muyao and hiris!

"The rest of the Dragon King, spread out, support the elves Rangers, try to prevent the zombie Legion from approaching Miss Yang!" After sending kepgal away, Ba Lao then gave an order to the rest of the Dragon Kings: "you must remember that once kepgal gets out of danger with Miss Yang and general hiris, you must not fall in love with war, retreat immediately, and never let the enemy entangle you again! Especially you, Berta, you drag me to the last side of everyone, ready to support capgar all the time! Once it is found that kepgal's injury is too serious, treat it immediately! As for the others... You can totally ignore them! "

"Yes Several Dragon Kings didn't hesitate half a minute. They immediately dispersed as Ba Lao ordered and put into the dense battle of zombie Legion! Instant to the zombie Legion brought huge damage, for the elves rangers to reduce a lot of pressure!

This kind of situation, can't help but let the rear commander Nie Wuji jump! Shrieked: "you stupid zombies, what do you care about those dragons? All gather forces for me to kill the dead girl with the most powerful cultivation! Just a few hundred elves are blocking your progress? What a bunch of rubbish! A bunch of crap And what are your abominations doing? What about the fun? Don't you see a dragon running towards the dead girl? Shoot me death mucus! Don't have any reservation! Stop it when you die

Maybe he was too excited, maybe he was so angry that his head overheated. Nie Wuji yelled for a long time before he realized that his cry had no effect on the noisy battlefield! Hard son patted his head, Nie Wuji this just quickly waved the flag in the hand. However, with the addition of several Dragon Kings, both zombie legions and hate troops are a little confused. They really don't know whether they should kill Yang muyao or surround the Dragon Kings! Nie Wuji's rapid transformation of attack targets makes the zombie Legion full of confusion and entanglement. How many people will pay attention to the flag language?

So when the abominators finally determined Nie Wuji's real intention, saw the flag language, and raised the muzzle of the gun that sprayed death mucus on their stomachs one after another, kaipugar's side had turned into a figure, and Shi ran stood beside hiris and Yang muyao