Tong'er just gazed at her and slowly blessed her with a gift: "thank you very much, Miss Zhao I hope you and I will never see each other again in this life

She resolutely turned and left.

Zhao Jinghong wants to hold on, but tong'er's sleeve angle slips from her palm.

Tong'er walked so fast that her white cloak was hunting in the cold wind in the middle of winter, like a petal that she could not hold in her lifetime.

Zhao Jinghong stood in the same place.

She watched the ships go far away in the night, thinking of their past events over the years, and suddenly went crazy to chase them: "tong'er!"

She was so scared that she would never see her again in this life.

Willows and reeds are rustling.

It was clear that it was going against the current, but the dark boat was running very fast.

The black sail disappeared in the white fog.

There was only a fuzzy moon on the water, laughing at her jealousy and loneliness.

Her apology, after all, did not have time to say.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that the moon shining alone on mountains and rivers

The night of Shangyuan is full of lights.

Zhao Jinghong pillow in Nanbao clothes knee, apricot eyes shed two lines of clear tears: "I see the moon, is still that round of bright moon? But why can I see only the moon, but not the tong'er of that year? "

Tears wet Nanbao Yi in the hands of the dancer mask.

Zhao Jinghong's lips were pale and staring at the moon.

"I'm sorry I once agreed with you that I would be the most important person for each other in my life, but I finally became a snitch and cruelly hurt you Sorry... "

The light in her pupils faded and she lost her breath.

Nan Baoyi looks complicated.

She looked down at the dancer's mask. Because of the tears, the mask was green and rusty. That was because of the poison powder.

Zhao Jinghong danced all the way wearing a mask, and unconsciously inhaled too much toxin. Therefore, he died of poisoning when the murderer did not appear.

And this mask is old.

If she guessed correctly, it should have been the one worn by the emperor's sister-in-law.

Zhao Jinghong loves his sister-in-law, so he chooses this one out of so many masks.

Maybe she knew the mask was poisonous, or she wanted to atone, and she put it on with guilt.

She chose to die on the road her sister-in-law had gone through. It was not the scenery of the whole city, but the bright and lonely moonlight as it was then

She is still in a daze, Shen Yi never knows when to appear, and pulls her up.

His face was very ugly: "out of breath?"

Zhao Jinghong is the eldest daughter of the Zhao family, who was trained by the family to be the future queen.

How can I account to the Zhao family when I die like this

Nan Baoyi holds the dancer mask and shakes her head in a complicated mood.

Shen Yi Jue let go of his hand and was about to order Jin Wuwei to look for the murderer when the procession suddenly burst into a strange scream and roar.

Those actors seemed to have changed their faces, restrained themselves from laughing and scolding, and resolutely pulled out their weapons of hiding. In a heavy and solemn voice, they exclaimed:

"Shen Jiang has no way, he has harmed loyal officials! We will act for heaven and kill the demon

"Brothers, find Shen Jiang's Dragon Boat!"

On the Shangyuan Festival, the emperor and empress enjoyed themselves with the people.

They will take the dragon boat, along the Ba River downstream, enjoy the bustle of the imperial city.

Unexpectedly, the procession of tens of thousands of actors was disguised as assassins!

In addition, the people also wear animal faces and grimaces, so they can't tell who is the assassin and who is the innocent people!

Shen Yi has no time to mobilize Jin Wu Wei to stop the convoy. They have roared towards the direction of Bahe River!

Shen Yijue's face was gloomy as water.

He clenched his long sword and killed an assassin mercilessly. He glared coldly at nanbaoyi: "go to the gate of the city to gather jinwuwei. You must go to Bahe to rescue him!"

Nanbaoyi didn't seem to hear his order, holding a mask and standing still.

Danfeng's dark eyes twinkled with dark light, and she murmured: "the ghost fire and blood book of drunken flowers, the mask of dancing girls in those years, the children of poor families make trouble every year..."

A dark line, quietly connecting all the clues.

The girl raised her curly eyelashes, and a strange smile appeared on her pretty face: "I know who is the murderer behind the scenes!"

Without waiting for Shen Yi to stop scolding, she turned and ran to Bahe River.

Shen Yi's hands trembled with anger.

Nanbao clothes are really unreliable!

Just at this time, the busy and chaotic street, suddenly sounded a strange explosion!

At the end of the street, countless vendors were blown up, and gorgeous fireworks soared into the sky, lighting half of the night sky!

There was a succession of explosions.

Houses were destroyed, teahouses and pubs collapsed one after another, and the original carnival people were killed and injured!

Shen Yi never hesitated. He went straight up to the high-rise building with his lightness skills. He said to the ignorant Shen family, "something happened in the street. Go back to the mansion and take refuge."Wei ChuChu was so flustered that he left the restaurant with Shen taizai and his wife under the escort of the maid.

Shen Yichao puts down his wine cup.

He brushed off his snow-white sleeves and calmly said, "my aunt had expected that this night would not be peaceful. She asked me to make a divination. Today, all the contents of the hexagrams are fulfilled one by one. Brother, I have to go to my aunt. I think the coming confrontation will be very interesting. "

Shen Yi never stopped him.

Shen Yichao got up and went downstairs. He looked back at the cold smoke in his eyes and stopped talking.

After a long time, he asked, "my aunt must be safe. Do you want to come with me? Or return to Shenfu with ChuChu? You have to be careful now that you have no martial arts. "

"Don't worry about it." The cold smoke leaned on Shen Yi Jue's side, like a charming and poisonous poppy, "I just want to stay with the general. The general's Kung Fu is excellent. He can certainly protect me, can't he? "

Shen Yi's face is expressionless, but there is imperceptible tenderness in his eyebrows and eyes.

He said lightly: "my side, nature is the safest."

Cold smoke cool Jiao laugh out voice, charming ground raise a look Shen discuss tide: "little Lang Jun hear?"

Shen Yi's hand in the wide sleeve of the tide cage is tightening unconsciously.

His face was cold and ugly. He didn't say a word. He turned around and left.

The cold smoke sneered bitterly.

Finally, after laughing enough, she said, "general, shall we go downstairs, too? The streets are full of turmoil, and there will be explosions at any time. People are so afraid. "

But he never moved.

The cold smoke slants his head, reaches out to caress his sleeve corner: "general?"

Shen Yijue suddenly clenched her hand.

Beauty's hand, soft and boneless.

Hold it, you don't want to release it.

He turned and held her against the window.

Outside the window is facing the city's fire, the collapse of buildings, the collapse of towers, chaos of people running around screaming, tens of thousands of lanterns turned into black ash.

Shen Yi Jue stares at the cold smoke, and the noise around him seems no longer important.

The girl who is imprisoned in her arms, her apricot eyes are slightly warped and her eyes are amorous.

But her pupils were darker than the ashes, a color he could not read.

The restaurant is crumbling.

He said in a deep voice, "why don't you want to be my concubine?"

you can't guess who the bomb thrower is. The first baby (apprentice or above) guessed by QQ will ask me to get 8 yuan and 8 small red packets

in addition, 20 small red envelopes will be drawn from this chapter , the fastest update of the webnovel!