She held out her hand to the bright moon -

the moon of that year was as perfect and bright as tonight.

At that time, she was still a child. She learned dancing from jinniangzi in the mirror garden. She was a favorite student of jinniangzi.

Later, Wen Tong was sent in to learn dance.

Wen Tong is very talented, often praised by the golden lady, and even replaced her position. She is recommended by the golden lady to be the leading dancer on the flower festival.

Unconvinced, she redoubled her efforts behind her back, hoping to regain her leading position before the Huachao Festival.

She finally took that white dance to the extreme.

Taking advantage of the golden lady sleeping, she privately challenges Wen Tong.

The little girls of the aristocratic families living in the garden were very interested in playing for them with pipa, chime bell, Clarinet and so on.

She took the lead in the white dance.

She ended the dance in warm applause, waiting for Wen Tong to make a fool of herself.

The moon was like water that night.

The little Wenjia girl, wearing a white dance skirt, dances in the dew covered flowers. Her long sleeves are like practice, and her dancing posture is magnificent. She looks back on her round face with a smile. She is more tender and affectionate than the bright moon

She looked silly.

When the golden lady appeared, she put her hand on her shoulder and said in a soft voice, "it's like asking Mingyue to borrow half a wisp of soul. Tong'er's dance is full of emotion and nature, and it has life. I'm afraid that she will be tired of love and lose her life in the future

"As for Jinghong, you are too angry as a dancer. Jinghong, everything might as well be magnanimous, so as not to do in the future, to make their own hatred for life

Jinniangzi was the most brilliant dancer in those years. She was a guest of the royal family and aristocratic family.

Unfortunately, when she was young at that time, she could not understand the words of the golden lady.

What's more, it will be a prophecy.

She left the scene crying.

After that night, she still tried her best to practice dancing.

She was so competitive that she practiced from morning to dusk, and when other little girls were sleeping, she was alone in the garden, facing the calm water to practice her posture and demeanor.

Until the feet grinding blood blisters, fell in confusion on the water.

She cried with her knees in her arms, crying that she could not be the first and that she was better than Wen Tong.

Just as she was heartbroken, a little girl burst out of the flowers.

It's Wen Tong.

She was wearing rose petals, and her dress and cuffs were wet with dew, and she looked very funny.

She walked awkwardly to the water's edge: "I've been following you for a long time, but it's just a dance? You're all hurt. Don't jump. Can I take care of your wound

The little girl is warm and soft.

Zhao Jinghong did not speak, but looked at her hesitantly.

Wen Tong took a handful of water, carefully cleaned up the blood blisters for her, and then took out an embroidery needle from the purse and carefully picked out the blood bubbles.

She hung her head, and a few wisps of sideburns fell beside her white and tender face. Her eyes were very serious: "my aunt has learned medical skills, so I know a little bit about it..."

She wrapped the wound in a clean handkerchief.

He puffed his cheek again, blowing gently at her wound.

She raised her head and bent her eyebrows and eyes: "it doesn't hurt at all, does it?"

Zhao Jinghong has never seen such a pure and kind smile.

She was competitive and aloof since she was young. She had no friends around her.

Wen Tong is the only girl of the same age who laughs at her.

She wanted to say thank you, but she couldn't pull her face down. She stood up without any expression, and said coldly, "I'll give you money."

With that, she fled with shame in an almost embarrassed gesture.

Later, she began to pay attention to Wen Tong.

She hid in the flowers, behind the door, in the corner of the veranda, watching her and other little girls talking, laughing and playing games, she was very envious.

Soon it was Huachao Festival.

She sat in her boudoir gloomily, and said that at this time, Wen Tong must have become a leading girl, and she was about to shine in front of civil and military officials.

She told the maid to pack up her bags and was about to return home when the girls who were learning to dance burst in and urged her to change into dancing skirts.

"Tong'er suddenly fell ill and said that she couldn't lead the dance. Jinghong, you should dress up quickly. The golden lady wants you to appear for her

Zhao Jinghong was stunned.

Great joy arises spontaneously, she does not care to think too much, hastily and excitedly dressing and dressing.

That year's Huachao festival was very successful.

She was brilliant on the stage, and everyone praised the Zhao family for her exquisite beauty.

But only she saw that Wen Tong stood alone outside the crowd, holding a bunch of sugar gourd, nodded to her with a smile, gentle like a flower moon night across the river.

It turned out that she was not ill at all

She deliberately gave her the chance to lead the dance.

At that moment, Zhao Jinghong had mixed feelings.Since then, she and tong'er have become the best handkerchief.

They eat and sleep together, learn dance together, learn music, chess, calligraphy and painting together. No matter which one is mentioned, the people in Chang'an city will bring another name.

They agreed in the moonlight that they would be the most important people for each other in their life.

But such a beautiful agreement, but because of the emergence of Prince Xiao Ning and was destroyed.

At that time, they were twelve years old and knew a little about love.

Her tong'er, and Xiao Ning fell in love at first sight.

Since then, every banquet, tong'er's eyes are only Xiao Ning. As long as you see him, her eyes are as bright as the sun, moon and stars.

The topics they talked about were no longer the interesting stories of ancient literature, history and Chang'an city.

Tong'er always likes to mention Xiao Ning, even every new year and festival will be with that man.

Xiao Ning, gradually occupied her all.

Later, tong'er and Xiao Ning have an engagement.

She clearly remembered that on the eve of her wedding, tong'er leaned on her shoulder, and her face was filled with happiness: "Jinghong, I'm going to marry him finally In my life, he will be the most important person to me, right? Jinghong, I also hope you can marry a good man and find your most important one

At that moment, she was jealous.

What's the most important person

Her most important person is Wen Tong!

Why should her little sister be taken away by a smelly man?

Clearly agreed that they are the most important people to each other. What is Xiao Ning?

But she can't stop Tong er from marrying Xiao Ning.

After tong'er became a princess, they spent less and less time together.

Every banquet, she deliberately pick the crown prince's thorn son, Tong Er is always angry with her.

Jealousy grows like weeds.

Wentong has so many people to accompany and love, but she has only one Wentong, and now she has been taken away by the prince!

She believes that Wen Tong betrayed their agreement.

She decided that Xiao Ning should not exist.

So after learning that the crown prince conspired to rebel, she impulsively went into the palace all night to see empress Shen, and told her the plan of the rebellion word by word.


After the palace change, the crown prince's cronies were slaughtered.

Wen's family was copied all over the house.

She began to panic.

She regretted it.

She secretly plans to use the power of the Zhao family to secretly prepare a boat for tong'er and the crown prince to flee northward.

That night, she said goodbye to tong'er on the Bank of willows.

Tong'er guessed that it was she who told the secret, but there was no harsh criticism. , the fastest update of the webnovel!