Chapter 4:The Game - "Who comes first?"



"It was the first time when I met her." He said.

I asked "Do you fell in love with her at that moment."

He replied "No, that day I never thought that she would be my life."

His mom said "What's next!"

He waited for a minute, he looked outside the window of the train, closed his eyes, feels the air and his hairs dances with the flow of fresh air as if his love is placing her hand gently over his head.


She went back to girls dormitory.

After the school I went back to dorm and sat quietly. Everyboby was nice to me but I show my as usual attitude. I had my lunch and went to girls dorm for submitting my notebook.

I look behind and found that girl whom I called Jasmine.

"Hi, Jasmine. Sorry class prefect." I said.

She said "You are not allowed to enter there." pointing at the dorm.

I said "So sorry, I didn't know that. Actually I came here to give you my notebook." I gave my notebook to her.

She said "Now you leave, if our house mistress see you, you will be in a


I said "Okay, see you." and I went back to my dorm.

Next day, it was second Saturday, the day when parents visit school to see their child. Everyone's parents came except my parents. I thought that they might be still angry at me.

After the parents meet, my class teacher called me and asked that which club I would love to join?

There are 8 clubs - English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Sports, Art, Health and Music. I choose Music. So, I went to the Music room where members of the club were discussing something related to music.

"May I come in sir!" I asked respectfully.

Sir replied "We are having a meeting, so you come afterwards okay."

"Actually sir, I have come here to get enroll in this club."

"Come in, son, let me write your name and class. What's your name and which class?" Sir asked.

"My name is Jack Yelp and I'm studying in class 9." I replied gently.

"She is the head of music club and he is the vice" He said pointing a senior and a boy of my class.

"Which instrument are you interested in?" Sir asked.

"Guitar" I said "I'm really good at playing guitar"

"Now you have to play guitar. It's a kind of audition, you can say. Don't worry! Your name has been enrolled but we want to see how great you play." Head of music club commands.

I played guitar and everyone appreciated me. We then discussed about music and discussed how we can improve our music skills. The day passed.

After 3 months at school, I made lots of friends and juniors boys became very close to me. We used to play a game - Who comes first? On an autumn day, one of my junior, James, made a line in ground and said to me "The first girl who will cross this line, will be your true friend for lifetime." We waited for fives minutes and group of girls where coming towards us. We all became so curious, me too. I really wanted to know who is going to be.

James screamed and said "Look! Portia (a brilliant girl of my class) is coming first. I think she's gonna be your true friend."

I said "That's good, I have heard alot of good things about her."

James said "She is my idol, prefect of my house, House Bear, she inspires me alot, very talented, good at studies, sports, arts, music everything. You know what all boys of your class and even some junior admire her."

"I'm not in the list." I claimed.

Portia was about to cross the line but she stopped and we saw someone has already crossed the line. I saw her face and I was surprised coz the only thing I know about her is that she is our class prefect, Salang.

Few months after, we celebrate Friendship day in our school, we tied bands to friends, teachers and juniors. I had one band left. So James wanted to play that 'Who comes first?' game. He made a line in the ground and said "The one who will cross this line first, you will tie your last band to him or her."

My class teacher called me to the staff room so I went there. After few minutes when I returned to the game place I saw a girl standing near James. She was Salang.

"Once again!" I said on my mind.

I asked to Salang "Hi, Salang. Why are you standing here."

She said "He told me to stay." pointing at James.

James said "Bro, the game."

She asked "Which game?"

"No no, he is just kidding. I told him to stopped you when he see you. Actually to tie friendship band. May I?" I said politely. "Okay!" She said.

I tied band in her hand and she left.

James said "Maybe God wants both of you to be friends forever. Two times. It's can't be a coincidence right?"

"Why she? I mean why always she comes first? I really don't get it, is it just a game or destiny want something?" I thought on my mind.

James yelled and said "What are you thinking? I had said something. Which world you are in?"

I asked "Sorry, I didn't hear you. Can you repeat it?"

James said "I told you that Maybe she will be your true friend forever."

I said "Just shut up it's a game and it's nothing." But different thought on my mind. I was questioning myself and to God that is it going to be?

A year passed, I qualify final exam with very good marks. Me and Salang does not became friends. Maybe it was just a game.


Me and Jack's mom asked "Then how did you both meet?"

With a big smile he said "It's very late, you both need rest. You both go to sleep. Good night."

I said "But wait, me and mom were so excited about your next chapter, now tell us no!"

Her mom said "Amy it's already 11:00pm, you'll be sick if you don't get enough sleep."

"Yes! Now, you go to sleep okay! I'll tell you the story tommorow. Now it's too late."

"So unsatisfied, I really wanted to hear more." I said.

"Amy, wait for the morning, okay!" He said and then he went up to his bed to go to sleep.

" I shall not be able to sleep coz I really wanted to know more. Morning - come fast please" I said to myself.