Chapter 3:First Encounter

"As you know my name is Jack, Jack Yelp. I'm now 25 years old, this year 2027 I'll turn 26, and I have completed my graduation and internship. I was born in 28 April 2001 and I..."

His mom interrupt and claim "Son, come to main point, we want to listen to your love story, love story, by the way I know your past, c'mon straight to the point."

"Mom, you know my history, but she doesn't know who I was, what I was, I'm letting her know, so that, she can compare between the two phases of mine." Jack explained calmly.

Mom said with a rush "Okay okay, tell us.."


J.M.G - the famous gang of my school, Jack, Mathew and George. We are the stud of school Narmi International School. My father has donated Million dollars in this school. We were born to destroy the life of others, so horrible that even teachers and school principal doesn't want to encounter us. Motto of J.M.G - "Make others life horrible."

What the girls in our school says about us -

"Jack - Leader of J.M.G, millionaire's son, handsome with perfect body shape, full of attitude, doesn't smile at all, crush of every girl in the town and social networking sites, loves to play guitar, never in life make anyone smile but really good at studies.

Mathew - Member of J.G.M, son of B8-Night club - famous club in the city. His target is to make every girl in the school fell in love with him. He is good looking, but not perfect as Jack.

George - Member of J.G.M, son of the Mayor. From all the three of them he is the notorious one and the cutest one."

I'm a person with two personalities, stud in school and sincere, kind, helping nature, a good son in my house. The reason behind this is I'm afraid of my dad. He is very caring, understanding but he'll be angry at me when knows about my character. He can throw me out of my luxurious house. I really won't be able to live outside my house.

The year was going well but a girl of my class upload a video of mine talking rudely to one of my teacher without any respect. The video became very viral, my dad and mom found out every details of me and my gang, how we behave, how we are. Everyone in the school doesn't say any words all these years but I don't know how they got the courage to speak against me.

I pack my stuff and went to my new co- educational school, Majestic Memorial Institution. I went to school by bus for the first time. It was raining and very suffocating for me coz I don't like nature, I hate trees, mountains, flowers, rain etc. The school is surrounded by nature all the direction we see everything, everywhere is nature. My first impression - I hate this school.

I went to boys dorm, there I got my house, Eagles. The house master, seniors and juniors welcomed me and I show my as usual attitude. House master explained rules and regulations which I need to follow. I must follow coz I don't want to make my parents shame on me. So, I decided to giveaway my past and look forward to change myself.

Today is my first day of my school. My class teacher introduce me to other classmates. I sat on the first seat. During the class, science ma'am asked difference between distance and displacement. I stood up and said "Distance is the total path travelled, it's a scaler quantity and displacement is the shortest distance from initial to final position, it's a vector quantity." Everyone in the class shocked. I said to myself "Am I that great?"

Teacher encourage me and said "Great, have you studied this chapter?"

I replied "No, once I read this in the resource lab of this school."

Teacher said "Look, a new boy came to crush you all. You have a great resource lab where there are lots of books and information but never used it. Everyone should used time in learning new things."

My nose raised up a centimeter.

Teacher said "Everybody listen, submit your class notebook to your class prefect, Salang. By the way where is she?"

A girl student from back said "Ma'am she is in leave."

Walking back to the dorm, I saw a girl with blue house shirt (House - Bear), she seems to look like my old classmate.

I stopped her and asked "You are Jasmine, right? Do you know me? We were classmates."

She replied politely "I'm sorry, I'm not Jasmine. My name is Salang. Please move, I need to rest."

I asked her again "Are you serious? You are not kidding, right?"

She replied "I'm not her, you may be mistaken. I'm Salang."

I said "Oh, the class prefect. May I help you."

She replied "No, I'm fine. Thank you."

One of her friend came and took her to the Medical room.