Song Fei spent the second semester of his sophomore year at home. In addition to responding to the call of the district and city for compulsory labor in urban reconstruction, most of the time, his parents are still not sure to let him go out.

Eight months have passed since the disaster, and everything is recovering at a very fast speed, including people's hearts.

However, the wound healed and the scar remained.

It was not until he received the notice that Song Fei's parents reluctantly let go.

A week before I left, I had been told for seven days.

In the past, Song Fei would have collapsed, but this time he listened very carefully. Even if the wheels were rolling over and over, he assured his family that he would pay attention to safety and take good care of himself.

When he got off the train, the bustling railway station gave him the illusion that he was still the heartless boy who was going to be a sophomore.

But when he got on the bus and went all the way south, he looked at the similar streets and buildings along the way, and saw that there were fewer passers-by and more wasteland, and then his sense of tension and depression came back.

As soon as he passed by the gas station, a staff member was filling up the gas for the customer. The familiar overalls flashed by made him breathe.

Once the tragic fragments, come in droves, stir Song Fei shortness of breath, scalp numbness.

He suddenly found that his parents had protected him so well in the past half year at home, and the TV was full of inspiring things, which made people feel that everything had passed without leaving any scars.

However, it is not.

This kind of contradictory entanglement and depression continued until Song Fei got off at the station.

Then he was surprised by the crowd in front of the school.

Wu Yang Yang's boys and girls, or big boxes and small boxes, or big bags and small bags, or accompanied by their parents, or in groups of three or five, chirping to the campus, the whole school gate is too busy.

Song Fei stood in the same place, did not dare to enter the door, always feel that there is another world, and now he is out of place.

The mobile phone suddenly rings at this time. Song Fei doesn't hear the sound, but he feels the vibration of his pants pocket.

The phone call was from Qi Yan. As soon as he got through, he directly asked, "are you there?"

"Here we are." Song Fei Lengleng ground answers, pause next, just say again, "school gate is full of people."

"Well, they're all freshmen."

Song Fei was stunned, and then slowly reflected that because all the schools were closed and rebuilt after the disaster, this year's college entrance examination was canceled. All the universities were comprehensively recommended by high schools according to the students' intentions and previous scores, and then accepted by universities. Moreover, because of the need to supplement the source of students, almost all the universities expanded their enrollment.

This is probably the most freshman term.

"Song Fei?" Without waiting for a response, Qi Yan called him a little worried.

"Ah, it's OK." Song Fei shakes his head and clenches the box rod. "I'll go back to the dormitory right now."

"I have to welcome the new year. I can't get rid of myself for the moment."

"Well, you're busy."

Song Fei hung up the phone, suddenly fell into a panic.

This has nothing to do with Qi Yan, but everything in front of him makes him have an unreal feeling of stepping on a dream. The red banners for the new year, the young students, the clean campus streets and the clean teaching buildings are no different from the beginning of the new semester every year.

He could not find the slightest trace of the school's experience of such a terrible disaster.

As if the whole world has forgotten that memory, not deleted, empty only his own.

I don't know how to enter the dormitory. When I open the door, there is a faint smell of painting.

Three roommates didn't show up. 440 miles was empty.

Soon after the communication was restored, Song Fei connected with his two lost roommates.

Both of them explained to Song Fei in detail the two months of hiding in the girls' dormitory, full of vivid pictures and tears, and vowed to store grain reserves in the dormitory for at least half a year in the future.

Song Fei is noncommittal and only cares about one thing. After two months, whether Ren zhe takes off the list or not.

As a result, he got a very sad answer - not only did Ren zhe not take off the order, but Xiang Yang also broke up.

At that time, Song Fei comforted his roommates very much, but he calmly analyzed the reason. Even if he didn't let the girls in the dormitory of the outer college be moved after two months together, even if the only one who had a sister was kicked. This kind of failed flower protection messenger absolutely didn't exist. The only possibility is that the two roommates are the flowers protected.

At noon, Ren Zhe and Xiang Yang arrived one after another. The three brothers hugged each other excitedly for a long time.

Song Fei finally found a little sense of reality in this embrace.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Qingyuan still didn't show up. Song Fei was a little worried. He just called to find out that the other party had arrived early. Instead of going back to the dormitory, he went to the college office.

"What are you doing there, and just carry your luggage?" Song Fei subconsciously and make complaints about it.Don't want to Wang light far way: "I didn't take luggage."

Song Fei is stunned. He can't turn his head a little. He doesn't take his luggage at the beginning of school, and his home is not here. Naked school?

Without waiting for him to ask, Wang Qingyuan first reminded: "it's almost time, you go to the track and field."

Song Fei didn't get to the bottom of it, because it was really two o'clock. Although it was not a big deal that he was late for the opening ceremony, he still couldn't fool around like before in the face of such a special semester.

In previous years, the opening ceremony was in the auditorium. Song Fei couldn't understand why he changed the place this year.

Until walking into the track and field, I saw the memorial board standing on the lawn, and the clusters of flowers placed under it, light white and light yellow, as if it could lighten the heavy heart and make the memories float away.

The counselor of History College changed a teacher, and with the help of several students, he arranged for the students to be in place. Several of them arrived late, and the seats in the back were occupied by the students who used to hide behind as soon as the meeting was held. Only some teachers attended the opening ceremony, and all the affairs on campus were still in normal operation.

But what song Fei couldn't understand was why he wanted to keep his student status?

Lenovo said that he didn't bring any luggage, which means that he will leave as soon as he finishes the procedure of retaining his student status? But where are you going after you leave? What are you doing?

Song Fei is totally blind. In an instant, countless questions almost burst his head.

Fortunately, Wang Qingyuan is not a flashy character. He was admitted to the army.

In a flash, the group was swiped by a question mark and shocked expression.

In contrast, Wang Qingyuan is calm. When he asked him why, he didn't say why, so he just wanted to go.

Just as the LORD was so calm, his friends began to give their blessings one by one. What's more and more handsome, eight abdominal muscles, green flowers in the army, beautiful expectations.

Wang Qingyuan only expresses his facial expression, but not his words. He has a kind of elegant demeanor of smiling but not speaking.

At the end of the commendation session, the opening ceremony returned to the retention session.

I don't know what kind of leader started to speak. Compared with the old headmaster, it's obviously more routine and lengthy. Make complaints about

Song Fei, and take out his mobile phone, trying to tuck up the group. But he just ran into a new micro-blog link.

Other small partners are prompted to take out their mobile phones one after another.

Click on the link, we found that it is the school's official micro.

The whole microblog has no words, only one heart and five pictures.

The first one is the letter they left in the broadcasting room, while the last two, three, four and five are all letters, all A4, all beginning with "Dear classmate". But if you click on the big picture, the specific content of the letter will be free and everything will be available. Although the theme is around "you are not alone, the whole school and your heart to heart", the expression is quite different.

For example, Song Fei's reluctance can be regarded as a meager and inspirational group.

The second one is the furious Screamers.

The third one is delicate and sensational.

The fourth letter is about the details of the operation, and even about how to tie a firm military knot, and drew a diagram directly next to it.

The fifth one is abstract. The characters are like fog, rain and wind. It's really unpredictable.

However, just like the beginning of all the letters is "Dear classmate", the signature of all the letters is "survival class". The only difference is that Song Fei is 1 & 2, followed by 3, 4, 5, 6

There are not many people who pay attention to the school official micro blog, but the amount of messages under this micro blog is very considerable, and it is still increasing.

Some speculated on the identity of the writer, some studied the content of the fifth letter, some said that they heard the broadcast in the dormitory at that time, and the female voice in it was very similar to the courtyard flower of xinzhuanyuan. Some even remembered Fu Xiyuan and Ma Weisen who were called by a noisy voice.

Gradually, however, these discussions were drowned out.

A steady stream of new messages began to brush the same sentence, the formation is neat like a parade square, across the screen, you can feel the momentum like a rainbow, the voice is shocking - my classmate, I am proud!