The comrades at the gate of the unit didn't wait for the signal to attack, but they welcomed back the eight comrades in arms.

The elevator is stuck on the eighth floor. There are only two possibilities. First, the elevator is faulty. Second, there is a situation on the eighth floor. But either way, there's only one choice left for the martial arts class - to climb the stairs.

As a last resort, my friends in wusheng class didn't want to do this.

Josch's house is on the top floor of the ninth floor, which is nothing for them who have been struggling for more than a month. But this kind of small high-rise residential building is different from the campus teaching building. After the elevator of the teaching building goes up, it has to face the room corridor of the whole floor. Who knows what's going on outside the elevator, the corpse mountain and corpse sea are all not in order. So relatively speaking, the stairway with limited space is more controllable.

But the small high-rise buildings are different, especially in josch's place, there are two families on one elevator. That is to say, in the worst case when the elevator door is opened, the two families are all infected, and the number of zombies is extremely limited. As long as they can rush out and lock the door of the fire stairs on the ninth floor, the whole ninth floor is a completely closed battlefield, which will not attract more zombies, If they take the stairs, it means that every floor of the zombie - if there is one - can enter the fire stairs through the fire doors on each floor, and then they can connect the first floor to the ninth floor at random. If not, the whole wusheng class will have to be stuffed with dumplings.

But now there is no choice.

The unit door is blocked by stones and kept open so that the back road is unblocked.

Just as the wusheng class was about to enter the fire stairway, Luo Geng suddenly stopped everyone, and then magically took out a small bottle of six God from his backpack.

This "small" is real. The bottle body has shrunk several times according to the normal appearance of the product. At first glance, it is the kind of special gift. But even so, it made the psychological safety index of the kids rise by several percentage points.

"I can hide it..." Josch teased him in a bad way.

Luo Geng hehe Yile: "not to the last moment, which can pressure the bottom of the box."

The green bottles were passed one by one in the hands of 16 small partners. Although there were not many milliliters, the effect was amazing. After a while, all the comrades in arms completely lost their human taste, but on the other hand, they all had a look of victory.

Sixteen people stand at the stairway.

since ancient times, Song Fei's voice was still very clear as he pushed down the stairs

Qi Yan is ready to take the lead. After all, he has been here all the way, but it's different to be ready and be pushed to the front by his daughter-in-law!




Boo boo.

"Follow me!"

A dart up the stairs, Qi students vigorous back like eating the super Mary invincible!

Looking at the 14 little friends, I really don't know whether to praise the song class cadres' tantalizing skills or mourn the Qi class cadres' love intelligence.

A turn up, Qi Yan first arrived on the second floor. The single open door of the corridor is covered, leaving only a very narrow gap.

Qi Yan came forward silently, holding the doorknob with one hand and holding it still, but secretly storing his strength in case the situation inside the door was not good. He pulled the door at the first time, meanwhile, his upper body leaned forward and his eyes were close to the crack of the door.

Fortunately, the second floor was empty.

The elevator door is well closed, and the security doors of two owners are also well closed. Although one of them can only see the corner of the security door from Qi Yan's point of view, judging from the situation that there is no sound at all, it is more likely that there is no zombie. Even if it is hidden, that location can accommodate at most one or two.

With a very slight "Da", the door was closed quietly by Qi Yan.

In order to ensure the escape, the door is designed to be locked from the outside, so Qi Yan just simply closes the door, which is the kind of state that no matter inside or outside the door, as long as you press the handle, you can open the door.

Qi Yan can also find a way to seal the door from the outside, but considering that in case a resident wants to come out, the sealed fire passage door will be a disaster. For this reason, even the risk of "the zombies that may exist inside open the door and enter the stairway" is worth it.

The situation in the next few floors was basically similar, and Qi Yan followed the same pattern. No matter whether the doors of the building were wide open or open, he eventually took them all. This kind of door can't hinder people. It can be opened at will, no matter inside or outside, but it can prevent some zombies. After all, not every zombie knows how to press the door handle to open the door.

But on the fifth floor, things changed.

In the semi open door, there was a zombie obviously shaking in front of the owner's security door. He was about thirty-four or fifteen years old and dressed in business clothes. He looked very much like the "runaway owners" in the young people's mouth before. The only exception was that he was badly bitten on his face.

Song Fei, who follows behind Qi Yan, also sees it. He purses his eyes, but instinctively closes his mouth and doesn't make a sound.

The previous several floors climbed so smoothly, and the same smooth crossing of the park made him almost think that he would go all the way to the top floor, so suddenly a zombie jumped into sight, which made him instinctively excited.Qi Yan turned around and made a "shush" gesture to all the little friends who lined up to the corner of the fourth floor.

The long line of comrades in arms understand, quietly breathing, all alert.

Qi Yan narrowed his eyes, while the zombie swayed to the door of the house which could not see the whole picture, and turned his back to the staircase door, he tiptoed to the three terraces quickly! Like lightning, he pulled the half open door until there was only one crack left. At last, he gently pressed down the handle of the door. With a few inaudible "Da", the door was brought up unconsciously.

After that, Qi Yan quickly went down the steps and quietly returned to the team.

All the little friends were staring at the perfect door.

For a long time.

There was no movement in the door.

At last, all the comrades in arms put down their hearts and silently praised Qi ban cadres for their hard work.

Maybe the zombie in the door would hear the slight sound of closing the door, but when he looked back, the door had not moved. As long as it's not a wizard in the corpse world, it's impossible to analyze all kinds of reasons, even go to the door, press down the handle, open the door and check the corridor.

Of course, the theory is such a theory, but it's really capable. Qi Yan has to be so bold and careful, his actions can keep up with his IQ, and his IQ is online all the time.

The next thing the guys have to do is to make the team become "air" and float quietly across the fifth floor.

But before he started, Qi Yan compared three gestures to everyone with a dignified look. They were numbers six, seven and eight.

I didn't try to cultivate tacit understanding, but my friends just magically understood that there was a zombie on the fifth floor, and the elevator was stuck on the eighth floor, so it is likely that the eighth floor is the hardest hit area, and the fifth floor may be the one who came down from the eighth floor. If so, from now on, the closer each floor is to the eighth floor, the worse the situation may be.

Qi Yan changed his "OK" gesture to make the interrogation more obvious.

All of the 14 comrades in arms raised their hands.

Song Fei also raised his hand, but did not draw, but returned a kiss.

Qi Yan held back his desire to rise, took a deep breath and stepped up the steps again.

Soon, the doors on the sixth floor came into view.

Different from the fifth floor, the doors of this floor are almost completely hidden, and the door leaves and frames are almost built together. Only one last time can the lock tongue be taken.

But Qi Yan didn't do it.

He can't see the zombies, which means the zombies inside can't see them. There's no need to close the door and make a noise.

Under his leadership, the team passed the sixth floor safely.

Compared with the steps of those zombies who were not masked, the wusheng class walked quietly, almost like flying in the clouds. Even the careless Zhao he, after feeling wrong, picked out the small stones stuck in the sole pattern for the first time, so that he could come and go gently, waved his sleeves, and did not let the zombie see any bald head.

Half of the sixth floor, the seventh floor did not reach, Qi Yan stopped at the corner of the staircase platform.

The door of the seventh floor was wide open, and a zombie was swinging back and forth. It seems that it has been shaking here for a long time, forming some kind of mechanical movement. Its eyes are staring at its feet, not looking at the front, not looking at the back, not looking at the wusheng class under the stairs.

Qi Yan retreats slowly and presses all his friends back down the stairs from the corner platform. He hides himself at the edge of the platform, where he can't see upstairs.

Then the next second, turned around, patted the trouser pockets and frowned.

The comrades in arms looked confused.

But Wang Qingyuan suddenly quietly handed over a dime.

Qi Yan nodded with satisfaction, took the coin, hid in the corner, swept the zombie with the remaining light, and was walking out of the corridor door. He did not hesitate to toss the coin up the stairs!

Then step back and go back to the team.

A light dime fell on the steps in the middle of the stairs, and the sound was so small that it was easy to ignore.

But enough to attract the attention of zombies a few paces away.

Staring for a moment, the zombie finally followed the sound.

But its movement is very slow, and memory seems to be very short, only down two steps, did not wait for the coins, it would not move, it seems to have forgotten why he came.

Hiding on the stairs below the corner as much as possible to avoid being found by the zombie, Qi Yan didn't wait for the zombie to come, and because he wanted to lure the enemy to go deep, he was already at an angle where he couldn't see the situation of the stairs above, so he was a little worried. He was puzzled whether to probe to see what the situation was and why there was no footstep.

But in the next second, I heard the sound of Zombie's footsteps approaching here again!

We can't see the zombies in the wusheng class, but we can hear the zombies. All of you are on high alert!

Qi Yan held his breath and did not move. He just listened to the step getting closer and faster All of a sudden, I burst out!

The unprepared zombie didn't see anything clearly, and his mouth was covered by the palm of his hand with black gloves!

Qi Yan didn't even give the zombie a chance to struggle. He took the zombie into his arms as soon as he covered his mouth. The palm of his hand pressed the head firmly on his chest. For a moment, the other hand was holding a fruit knife and quickly inserted it into the Zombie's temple!The fruit knife is pulled out and the zombie is paralyzed.

Qi Yan gently put it on the steps, and the whole process was so fast that it was easy to miss it in the blink of an eye.

What's more, the whole process is almost quiet except the sound of clothes rubbing when the zombie is clamped!

It's not the first time for the martial arts class to watch Qi Yan's skills, but every time they watch, they have a new experience. I don't know whether Qi Yan has reservation every time, or whether the value of force goes up at rocket speed with the actual training.

There was a zombie on the seventh floor. The open door was empty at a glance.

Qi Yan sighs, picks up the coin and returns it to Wang Qingyuan.

The latter came back naturally, as if they had reached a tacit understanding.

Thirteen little friends are staring at him, and suddenly they all look at Song Fei.

Song Fei is also muddled. He feels that he is surrounded by the green prairie. He doesn't know why.

Anyway When did you two become so tacit, with my permission!!!

Song Fei is depressed, and his friends are also very hard. So it's really troublesome to say that you can't make a sound, which affects team communication! In the scene just now, they could express their own opinions, and the group mocked down the well 100 times!

The sixth floor is hidden from the world, the seventh floor is dangerous, and the next is the eighth floor.

All the people are in a good mood. They don't dare to joke any more. They hold on to their weapons and concentrate.

This time, Qi Yan didn't let everyone get to the corner platform. Instead, he asked everyone to stop halfway up. Then he bent down and touched the ground with his hands, almost sticking to the stairs and climbing up with his hands and feet.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether the posture is good or not. The tactics don't need to be fancy, but they should be useful.

In this way, he arrived at the corner platform in the lowest and most inconspicuous form. Qi Yan was obviously more cluttered than on the sixth floor. His body was on the ground and his head was quietly raised to look up.

At least four zombies are dangling in the corridor outside the corridor. Because they are blocking, we can't see how many zombies are in the corridor for the time being, but we can't hear too few steps.

The elevator door makes a strange mechanical sound, like opening and closing, closing and opening.

Qi Yan turned around and gave his friends a look of "calm down".

My comrades in arms are impatient and patient.

Qi Yan did not blink, peeping ahead, his eyes firmly locked on the feet of the zombies outside the door.

Just like downstairs, these zombies are also sloshing inside and outside, but there may be a large number of them. It's hard to avoid crowding and bumping when they slosh, and sometimes they will be heard staggering.

All the voices are focused on the eighth floor.

Qi Yan tried very hard to distinguish whether there were distant sounds mixed together, such as the ninth floor, but so far, nothing has been found.

At worst, there are zombies on the ninth floor, but the number is far less than that on the eighth floor.

At best, all the zombies are stuck on the eighth floor and below, and the ninth floor is safe.

Qi Yan hopes for the best, but the worst is not that he can't deal with it. It's just that all his comrades in arms must work together, and no link can go wrong.

Quietly back to the team, Qi Yan repeated his analysis and tactics over and over again.

Some of them understand first and others understand later. Those who understand first can talk with Qi Yan, while those who understand later only need to know the final result of the discussion.

Except for Zhao he and Qiao Siqi.

The two men's eyes followed the discussion of their comrades in arms, spinning and jumping nonstop for countless times. Finally, they were dazed in the confusion, with a confused force in the depth.

Qi Yan repeatedly added gestures to his mouth, and his body language was so rich that he could not even use his feet, but he failed.

Song Fei fondly touches BF's head, pulls people back to him, and then shakes his head at him.

Qi Yan was stunned and asked in an uncertain voice - needless to say?

Song Fei nodded.

Qi Yan asked again what to do next?

Song Fei pointed to himself.

Qi Yan is clear, which means to take care of him.

Although I don't know what song Fei can do to enlighten these two elm heads, Qi Yan believes that this guy who makes himself crazy has the ability to turn decay into magic.

Sixteen hands folded together, up and down a bump, in silent momentum like rainbow to spread!

If brothers are united, their benefits will be lost!

Sixteen people quickly change in the corridor, and finally stand 5-5-2-4!

Song Fei pulls Qiao Siqi and Zhao he back to the last row, along with Fu Xiyuan and Wu Zhou, who come here. Kuang ye, Wang Qingyuan, Ma Weisen, Feng Qibai and Lin Dilei stand in front of them on the first step, that is, the penultimate row. Zhou tongqi Yan is in front of these five people, which is both the penultimate row and the positive second row, Luo Geng, he Zhiwen, Huang Mo and Li Jingyu are the first line soldiers to lead the battle And the suitcase they snatched from the confused Zhao he.

At this time, the four comrades in arms with the lowest average altitude form a close horizontal row, as if they were alone. They put out their arms together and hold the suitcase from below. The huge suitcase is almost as wide as the corridor!As time goes by, our friends can even hear each other's heartbeat.

Finally, the four little friends in the first row exchanged eyes with Qi Yanzhou behind them - three, two, one!

Four people rush up together, holding the trunk in front of them, five in one, like a heavy bulldozer!

Qi Yan and Zhou Tongyi almost started with them at the same time!

This bulldozer has stepped up the last step, and it doesn't see how many zombies are outside the corridor. In a word, it turns left suddenly, one is one, two is a pair, pushing all the zombies outside the corridor onto the left wall!

Qi Yan and Zhou Tongyi, who were behind the four in the first row, didn't mean to turn around with their comrades in arms. They still went straight ahead and rushed to the open corridor door!

The obstacles outside the corridor door have been pushed to the left wall by the first row of partners, and the corridor door is full of zombies who have not recovered!

Zhou Tongyi and Qi Yan seem to rush into the door, but they finally brake in front of the threshold!

Just listen to "pa", and together of the mop gun and sushi gun barrel like parking pole, was across the top of the corridor door, just about the height of the chest, the end of the gun barrel was all week dead pressed on the wall, two gun head that end had been wrapped with clothes, now is all week hard pressed, dead pressed on the open door leaf!

At the same moment, they also saw the situation on the eighth floor - except for the zombies pushed away by their comrades in arms in the front row, there were at least six or seven zombies shaking in the corridor door, and a corpse with a broken head fell between the door leaves, which was also the reason why the elevator door could not be closed. Two of the zombies were wearing express uniforms, and the rest were business or casual.

The sight is opposite, the zombies finally react to come over, toward the direction of Qi Yan and Zhou Yi rush to!

In fact, there were five zombies who were pushed by four people in the front row, but they could only stagger back suddenly without any precaution!

When they hit the wall and finally stabilized, they howled instinctively, hoping that they could immediately pull up an uninvited guest to share and eat!

However, Luo Geng, he Zhiwen, Huang Mo and Li Jingyu pressed down the height of the five zombies, and pressed the suitcase tightly on the upper part of the five zombies. Through the thickness of the trunk, the mouth of the zombies could not bite them at all, and most of the zombies could not even pull out their hands!

Without exception, all the zombies who wanted to rush out of the door hit the crossbar. Qi Yan and Zhou Junyi didn't give them the chance to bend down again and come out from below. They kicked the zombies backward and even knocked down the zombies who wanted to rush up behind them!

Kuang ye, Wang Qingyuan, Ma Weisen, Feng Qibai and Lin Dilei started to accelerate when the bulldozer group of four and the parking pole group of two were separated!

Like his predecessors, Kuang ye went his separate ways at the end of the stairs. Kuang Ye rushed directly to the open door of the corridor and held the side of the door for the first time. Wang, Ma, Feng and Lin also turned left and rushed to the battlefield where the bulldozer group of four and the five Zombies were deadlocked!

Qi Yan and Zhou all saw Kuang Ye clasping the door leaf, then raised his leg to kick the most fiercely in history, and drew back quickly at the same time!

Before the zombie could react, the door had been closed tightly by Kuang Ye!

At the same time, Qi Yan and Zhou all came forward like lightning, and together with Kuang ye, they squeezed the door. No matter how loud the noise inside you was, smashing the door, I was still!

Three of the five zombies crushed by bulldozers in the wing have been solved. Wang Qingyuan, Ma Weisen, Feng Qibai and Xiaolei are attacking the last two!

At the back of the hall, Song Fei makes a quick decision to take the three swordsmen and Qiao Siqi to the ninth floor!

Qi Yan has no way to let Qiao Siqi and Zhao understand it. In fact, BF makes it simple and complicated. At present, this kind of overturning the table is a dry situation, what else is silent -

"Josie takes the key to open the door, Zhao he helps to guard the corridor door!"

Zhao he and Qiao Siqi just want to cry: "it's OK to shout like this earlier!"

The five comrades in arms rushed up quickly. The worst plan Song Fei made was that there were still several zombies on the ninth floor, but fortunately, they didn't!

In addition to the door, all the keys are found by Fu Xi and Zhao he!

Song Fei didn't dare to delay at all, so he yelled to his comrades in arms: "go upstairs -"

this was mainly for Qi Yan, Zhou Tongyi and Kuang Ye. Because the bulldozer group of four over there rushed up and killed the five zombies. The group of four has worked together to kill the five zombies, which is as efficient as the classic arrangement of Plants vs. Zombies - the cannibal flower of nut wall!

Sure enough, within seconds of Song Fei's voice, eight members of the bulldozing and cutting group had already jumped up to the ninth floor!

When he welcomed his eight comrades in arms into the door, song Feiyu was worried, but he didn't say anything superfluous. He just called out his name: "Qi Yan --"

finally, before the final sound disappeared, Qi Yan, Kuang ye and Zhou Tongyi appeared at the corner of the stairs.

But with a bang, there were more heavy and disordered footsteps behind them. It was obvious that without their three obstacles, the zombie on the eighth floor ran into the door and came after them!Fortunately, the three partners finally took a step faster, and all entered the building safely. Zhao he long arm a fishing, the corridor door closed!

Song Fei immediately turned the knob to lock it, but he couldn't hear the sound of "Da". His hands felt as if he could turn it to the end of his life!

"What are you doing?" Zhao he couldn't see it. He thought Song Fei couldn't screw a simple lock for a long time.

"The lock is broken --" Song Fei almost roared out, and the approaching footsteps were going to torture him crazy.

All the little friends were shocked, and Jorge dropped the key to the ground with a clang!

Fu Xiyuan and Wu Zhou were the first to react and immediately held the door handle together.

Although it's not sure whether the zombie will press the doorknob to open the door, if it will, it will be lively.

Zhao he finally understood that he didn't know how to describe his melancholy death. He said that if he died in front of Qiao Siqi's burglar proof door, it would be an eternal injustice!

Thinking of this, he yelled at Qiao Siqi angrily: "why the hell are you so slow to open the door --"

Qi Yan rushed over here, grabbed Zhao he by the shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "it's OK, the number of zombies will not be more than us, even if we really rush in, we are not afraid."

Qi Yan was calm and powerful in every word. He not only comforted Zhao he, but also told all his comrades in arms.

I don't know whether Qi Yan's intonation has some magic, or because what he said really conforms to the facts, all his comrades in arms feel that they are settled for a moment.

…… There is only one exception.

Josch pulled out the key that had been inserted into the keyhole, and looked at his comrades with trembling eyes. His face turned pale: "it seems that something is wrong..."

The zombies have already started to hit the door. The madness of the collision makes the three musketeers of the sports academy scared.

Now the only thing to be thankful for is that the door leaves open outwards, and the Zombie's collision helps them close the door instead.

But the ghost knows how long the rickety door frame can support. If it is broken together, no matter how far away you are, it's floating clouds!

Therefore, although the width of the door is limited and other small partners can't help, they all gather in front of the door to prevent accidents.

In this case, josch's weak call was almost negligible.

Fortunately, there is still a moment to think about him --

"what's wrong, just let you open the door, how hard it is!"

Qiao Siqi is a combat player. Just now, he was in a cold sweat. He was yelled and said: "I told you that the door is not in the right situation, there is no anti lock -"

MA Weisen: "it's not better to open the door without anti lock, just half a circle!"

Josch: but I locked it when I left home

Ma Weisen: "didn't you invite the cleaner to come here every week? She must have forgotten when she left -"

josch " That's right

Davidson: shit

Josh reinserts the key, opens the door with his body, and decisively unlocks the lock - which is why he realizes that there is no reverse lock. His father changed the lock for him. He was cheated when he bought it. Not long after he used it, the anti-theft lock was still normal, but the main lock tongue was a little stuck. So if he reversed the lock, it would be normal and smooth in the first turn. Then in the last half of the turn, he had to hold the door hard to turn the key. But just now, he found that it couldn't be turned.

I think I have to tell Aunt cleaner next time that I must remember to turn the lock back when I leave, and open the security door at the same time


Almost without thinking, josch closed the door again. His strength was so strong that the sound of slamming the door even outweighed the sound of clapping the door outside the corridor!

"What's the matter?" Seeing that he couldn't get involved, Ma Weisen ran over to see for himself what his classmate was up to.

Josch saw him as if he saw a straw, and the whole spirit seemed to rush to stab him in the arms, but his body still held on to the last bit of responsibility, tightly against the security door: "Baobao --"

maweisen narrowed his eyes, peeped at the truth from his comrades' faces, and immediately rushed to the door with josch: "is it really your cleaning aunt? Infected? "

Josch nodded first, then shook his head violently!

Maveisen collapsed: "what's going on?"

Qiao Siqi finally yelled out to his comrades in arms: "listen to me, there are more than a dozen infected cleaning aunts in the room. Don't ask me why, I don't know. What should I do now --"

the little friend blocking the door of the building finally faced up to Qiao Tongxue's problem for the first time. For a moment, he felt that his scalp was numb. It wasn't a gourd, it was a gourd Lu has already gone to heaven without pressing the ladle!

Huang Mo is the only one who can get to the essence without emotion.

This is also the first time that many comrades in arms have heard her roar like a storm girl like a small mine: "then lock the door again -"
