Dark stage, dark seat, weak wall light.

This is a space very similar to the projection Hall of a cinema. The only difference is that the screen is in front of the projection hall and it is a stage. Of course, the space is bigger, more spacious and more seats than the projection hall.

The lights were almost out, except for a few dim little lights on the walls on both sides. It's like the first lights that light up when the cinema is about to end.

However, the ending lights will be more and more bright, until people are completely removed from the plot.

Not here.

As if always stop at the moment of not dispersing, the darkness covered with a layer of ambiguous dense fuzzy yellow light, reflecting some standing figures.

Some of them stand in the second row, some in the ninth row, some on the left of the fifth row, and some on the right of the tenth row, without any regularity, just like the sporadic audience standing randomly in the chair.

All of a sudden, a white light came in from the No. 3 gate. The crack of the door was very thin, but the light was too bright, almost dazzling, which broke the peace of the dark venue.

Outside the third gate, the comrades in arms of the wusheng class, who have made a circle around the corridor to confirm their safety, leave four people to watch the wind separately. The remaining ten heads are all crowded together and look into the crack of the door.

Josch: is it a man

Zhou Tongyi: "people will stand calmly in the dark under the siege of zombies?"

Song Fei: "it seems to be six."

Qi Yan: "next to the No.1 gate, there is a wall standing."

Zhao he: "seven, fourteen of us are just two for one."

Li Jingyu: "you still need two dozen one?"

Zhao he: "yes, you're right. You'll come straight as soon as you fight

Li Jingyu: "Xiao He, we can play one out of three."

He Zhi asked: "handsome!"

Zhao he

The idealized "two against one" didn't come true in the end. Because Song Fei, Qi Yan, Zhao he and Fu Xiyuan, Wu Zhou first sneaked into the darkness, quietly came to the back of the three zombies closest to gate 3, and attacked together at the same time. The three zombies did not smell human, heard no sound, and saw no one, so they were unprepared and killed instantly.

The sound of fighting attracted the attention of the remaining four zombies, but their howling was closed in the meeting hall, and their bodies were trapped in the seats. For a moment, they had no choice but to take the wusheng class.

However, two of the four zombies were security guards, as if a glowing walkie talkie was hanging on their waist. The partners could only take the initiative to attack, and finally with the help of ten people - Zhou Tongyi and Qiao Siqi were watching in the corridor, he Zhiwen and Li Jingyu didn't find a chance to get involved in the rolling melee - they knocked down the remaining four zombies.

Seven bodies, in addition to two security guards, three teachers and two classmates.

After taking off the walkie talkie and three pairs of shoes that can be visually tested, the friends immediately left the venue and went back to the corridor - light is always more reassuring than darkness.

The field of vision is very bright. Song Fei fiddles with the walkie talkie for the first time. He turns the knob and presses the button. In the end, he fails. He is so anxious that he can't help patting the body.

Qi Yan couldn't see it, so he took it to protect it in time: "it's not a capital crime if the battery is dead."

Song feiji realized how stupid he was when he thought his walkie talkie was broken.

The walkie talkie may have been hanging on the infected security guard for many days. Just thinking about the charger in the security room, he subconsciously thought that the walkie talkie should be fully charged.

Here he Zhiwen is still hesitating to the three pairs of shoes on the ground, letting the right foot of the Striped sock touch the cold ground.

"What's the matter? Try which pair you can wear." Song Fei urged.

He Zhiwen's hand stretched out and drew back. It seemed to circulate several times. Finally, he shook his head in tears.

Song Fei understood his awkwardness. What he said was not pleasant. After all, it was picked off from the dead, and everyone's heart should be broken.

"Fuck," Song Fei asked, picking up one of the three pairs of shoes on the ground, "here are my shoes for you, I'll wear this!"

He Zhiwen was instantly impressed by Song Fei's lofty figure and wanted to cry with gratitude: "thank you -"

Song Fei came close to his face and repeated again: "here are my shoes, I'll wear this."

He Zhi asked, "yes, thank you."

Song Fei

He Zhi asked: "what's going on?"

Song Fei: "how can you agree? If you don't want to wear it, can you let your comrades in arms wear it? You are too selfish, too cowardly, and let me down. He Zhi asked me that I despise you!"

He Zhi asked: "what's going on?"

Song Fei: "here are my shoes. I'll wear them."

He Zhi asked: "no, I don't need to wear it."

Song Fei: "I'm proud of you."

…… Seinfeld, you devil!!!

One of the three pairs of shoes can be worn. Although it's a little loose, it's definitely better than jumping on one foot.

He Zhiwen, the original shoe, was not willing to throw it away. He put it back in his bag in case he had a chance to pick it up when he left the auditorium.The companions watched him try on his shoes like Cinderella who didn't fall in love with the prince. The sympathy was true, but there was a song's stepmother beside him. The sympathy could only be put into their hearts in silence.

"There's one thing I can't figure out. Those seven people are all infected. Who locked the door of the auditorium from inside?"

Back in the security room, Zhao he raised the problem that had troubled him for a long time.

"It should still be the security guard," Wang Qingyuan said. "The lock on the door is usually used to lock the door of the auditorium. Normally, it should be placed in the security room, and the front, back, left and right doors are locked in the same way, and there is no sign of damage. It shows that they lock the door calmly, at least for a long time. They are not chased here to temporarily lock the door, but probably to see the outside situation No, it was quickly locked from the inside

"Then why are you still infected?" Like Zhao he, Fu Xiyuan couldn't understand.

Wang Qingyuan said: "the security guard is always in the auditorium, but the five people may not be. They may have run in at the time of the incident, or they came to ask for help after locking the door, and they were put in. Some of them were infected, but they didn't know they were infected, which finally implicated everyone.

Zhao he and Fu Xiyuan are clear and don't talk any more.

The boys were silent, too.

All guesses can only be guesses. No one knows what happened in this auditorium. What they saw was just a remnant of hell.

He Zhiwen said that the walkie talkie usually takes two to three hours to be fully charged, but the wusheng class doesn't have that much time. Finally, I just waited for an hour. It was midnight when I looked at my mobile phone. There was no delay.

Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan put the two charging seats in their bags. Song Fei was the first one to climb back to the roof from the ventilation window with his walkie talkie.

A moment later, the thirteen little friends who were still in the security room heard Song Fei's magical voice in the sound of electric current -

"Hello, Hello, can you hear me? Am I handsome?"

The twelve little friends spewed to Qi Yan's walkie talkie with one voice: "get out of here -"

Qi Yan " Do you still need to ask such questions as eggs? Of course, they are handsome. "

All comrades in arms: "your bottom line!"

Although a mouthful of inferior dog food was crammed, the walkie talkie was easy to use, which was enough to make up for the trauma of the friends.

Carefully put away the walkie talkie, Qi Yan and the rest of his comrades fish out and turn over to the room.

To their surprise, the zombies around the auditorium didn't leave. Although they didn't gather and scatter, they were in front of and behind the house, and they didn't mean to be far away. It seems to know that there are prey in it, even if there is no movement, it is not easy to give up.

"It's unscientific." anyway, the zombies don't disperse, so Song Fei is not afraid to speak out. "If the zombies in the dormitory and canteen can't see the living people, and can't hear the voice, they disperse in a moment. Why are they so persistent here?"

You look at me, I look at you, all at a loss.

Huang Mo gave an idea: "most of these zombies are the ones blocking us on the students' road. If, as we suspect, they were taken to Xuezi Avenue by the students of the Institute of physical education who were originally in the track and field when they fled, then they must have experienced more battles than the zombies elsewhere and escaped from death. "

Song Fei: "do you mean that those students in the Institute of physical education have improved their fighting literacy?"

Huang Mo: "do not rule out this possibility, after all, confrontation is mutual."

All the little friends frowned at Zhao he.

The latter's eyes are wide open. It's really a person sitting at home, flying to the pot.

The joke belongs to the joke. After further analysis, it is clear whether the zombies will not leave or not. Even he Zhiwen tried again with a flying machine, but it still didn't work, because from the moment they climbed the roof, many of the zombies below re locked them.

At midnight, the wind was cold.

The heat of my friends' coming back began to fade again.

You can't go back to the security room, or you can't stay on the roof. But it's only zero now, and we don't want to give up so soon. Even if we can't rush to the underground garage overnight, we always hope to use the night as much as possible to get close to the garage and the school gate, so we can only get so close.

"Is this OK?" Song Fei thought aloud. In fact, the idea came into being when he decided to go to the cultural and sports activities area after tossing a coin. But until now, he just thought about it. "Let's divide the road from here to the underground garage into several sections. Don't think about going to the garage as soon as we start, but take the end of each section as the end point, complete this section, and then consider the next section If you can, go on. If you can't, fix it in place. "

Luo Geng instantly understood: "do you mean to divide a big task into several small tasks?"

"Absolutely right!" Song Fei's eyes lit up. "It's hard to be fat with one bite, but you can be fat with one bite."

Round he Zhi asked: "I can prove this."

Song Fei smiles and his hands itch. He finally rubs his face.

Qi Yanbai looked at him and asked the key question directly: "how are you going to segment?"

"It's architecture." Song Fei uses metal chopsticks to draw a broken line on the dusty roof floor. Starting from the auditorium and ending at the garage entrance on the back of Houde building, each turning point in the middle is a building. "The nearest to the auditorium is the swimming pool, followed by the basketball hall. Behind the basketball hall is Mingfeng lake. After Mingfeng lake, you can go directly to the academic activity center. Further south of the center is the row of public teaching buildings where Houde building is located. We follow this route. Every time we set our goal on the next building, we will win when we reach the target building, and then we will consider whether to continue or rest. "Qi Yan frowned: "it seems very easy to say one by one, but can you guarantee that you can rest at every building point?"

"When it comes to architecture, I can't be as quiet as a chicken." Zhou Junyi shook his hair and stepped forward. He pointed his gun to the inflection point on Song Fei's broken line chart in turn. "The swimming pool and basketball hall are not high, and they are all external thick diameter downpipes, which can directly climb up to the roof; there are trees beside Mingfeng lake, which can directly climb up in case of danger; the learning activity center has three floors, which can't be climbed directly, but there are awnings on all the doors on the first floor, and they are not So it's so easy to step on the window sill and jump in an oblique direction. The public teaching buildings are side by side. I think we can wind through the row of buildings and go straight to the entrance of the garage sunshine room. If we have to stop, we can continue to climb the tree. Our school is green, regardless of the land shortage. "

Zhou Junyi finished in one breath, and his throat almost smoked.

As a result, I saw that all my friends looked at him without blinking, and there was no reaction at all.

Zhou Tongyi called this a heart plug: "what I said is not feasible?"

All comrades in arms: "very good."

Zhou Tongyi: "what's your expression?"

Song Fei: "they regret that they didn't choose our major."

Who's the best to get out of danger? Song Xiaocao is in charge of tourism management. Who's the best in escape technology? Zhou Lang is in charge of architectural design.

Two minutes later.

Fourteen figures gathered in a corner of the roof above the back of the auditorium, singing together, and all of a sudden resounded through the universe -

"the wind is roaring ~ ~ the horse is barking ~ ~ the Yellow River is roaring ~ ~ the Yellow River is roaring! The mountains in Hexi are so high ~ ~ the sorghum in Hedong is so familiar ~ ~ there are so many anti Japanese heroes in the mountains ~ the guerrilla heroes in qingshazhang are brave.... "

It's extremely difficult to choose a song that everyone knows and has great momentum. Fortunately, our predecessors left a lot of treasures.

The mighty wusheng tiantuan chorus instantly attracted all the zombies in all directions. Some of them could not help their inner agitation, so they stretched out their arms and jumped up, trying to hold their mother's water.

At last, the other two were locked in the front of the funeral hall, and then the other two were locked in the front.

Qi Yan and Song Fei howled for ten minutes before the walkie talkie rang.

It's Wang Qingyuan's voice: "arrive at the roof of the natatorium safely. The situation in the natatorium is unknown. Come here quickly."

Song Fei is powerless: "good."

Wang Qingyuan hesitated: "what's wrong with the voice?"

Song Fei: "you can howl for ten minutes against seven people! It's only three or four hundred meters. You've walked for ten minutes! "

Wang Qingyuan: "it's your turn. We've cleaned up the road."

Song Fei: "good brother, I know you are reliable."

Josch: "Song Fei, you are too..."


Close knob, Song Fei Chong Qi Yan very natural way: "can withdraw."

With Song Fei's last word, they quickly turned around and rushed to the other end of the roof without rope, jumping directly to the canopy above the main door, and then from the canopy to the ground.

As soon as their feet touched the ground, they would be like arrows leaving the string. They would plunge into the vast night without looking back!

Two people rush all the way, the destination is very clear - swimming pool!

But without the roof of the mother river, the zombies could not be attracted any more. In addition, when the two people jumped down, they made two thumps and ran wildly, and their steps were like the wind. Soon, the zombies responded and chased after them!

As Song Fei said, the straight-line distance between the natatorium and the auditorium is only three or four hundred meters.

It's just that this "straight line" goes through the woods.

Wang Qingyuan didn't tell a lie. There were several zombies in the forest, but Song Fei and Qi Yan who stepped on them never met any obstacles.

But the zombies are getting closer!

They ran all the way to the natatorium, fixed their eyes, and quickly locked the downpipe at the corner!

The thick downpipe reflected the dark light in the moonlight.

Qi Yan Ran to the downpipe one step ahead of Song Fei. He was pressed for time and could not tolerate any delay. Anyway, he had to go up. So he did not hesitate to hold the pipe and took out the technique of climbing the tree.

Song Fei followed him closely. As soon as Qi Yan went up two meters, he also ran up. The top of his head was almost pasted with Qi Yan's feet.

The downspout is much smoother than the tree trunk, and it's particularly hard to get up. What's more, Song Fei didn't run completely on the gravel road when he crossed the woods. He stepped directly into the mud several times. Now the soles of his shoes are slippery like loach, and he can't help slipping. If his arms were not tightly tied, he would have fallen to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Yan had already been on the roof, but he was only half up.

Song Fei clenched his teeth and had sweat on his forehead.

Behind the zombie has been chasing out of the woods, approaching step by step!

"Grab the rope --"I don't know who's shouting over my head. Song Fei can't tell.

But in a trance, something was moving. Song Fei shook his head and finally saw that it was the rope put down by his comrades in arms!

Song Fei was overjoyed and reached for the rope.

He was so careful that he only used one hand to hold the rope, and the other hand was still clinging to the downpipe.

However, he overestimated himself.

At the moment of releasing one arm, the body fell down rapidly, and the palm with the hose was almost worn off a layer of skin. But without waiting for him to feel the hot pain, he fell to the ground!