Qi Yan, Wu Zhou, Fu Xiyuan, Wang Qingyuan, and Luo Geng immediately dropped their weapons while the intruders were shocked by the bomb. He Zhiwen, Li Jingyu, and chemical shishiro reacted a little slower. But when they saw the actions of the five people, they understood them and learned from them.

The intruders' madness seemed to be held in one breath.

In fact, not all of them are armed. A few of them are armed with sharp weapons, but they don't take them in the end. It's hand to hand combat. A few of them don't even have weapons. They are all crazy.

Now I'm out of breath, and most of them are down. It's like a lantern blown out by a gust of wind.

Looking at Song feiran's soldiers, they all came to the corner of the wall.

They're not even desperate.

Want to live but not, just despair, but their eyes even this emotion is not.

Song Fei doesn't know if the fierce battle just now has exhausted their last thought, so there is nothing to support their body, let alone their will.

From the inside out, it collapses completely.

"Ah ah -" the hostage in his arms suddenly broke free and rushed to Wang Shan in a frenzy!

The chemical regiment secretary, who is used to bombing blockhouses, is so scared that he is just like Hao duanduanduan. On his way to school, he suddenly meets a madman. He is scared instinctively and runs away. He even forgets to adjust his posture and holds up the explosive bag while running!

The scene was so strange that all the little friends were forced to do it for a moment.

Song Fei's first reaction came over, so he ran out!

However, after all, it's a step too late. Seeing that the crazy male students are going to catch up with Wang Shan, even the outstretched hand has touched Wang Shan's back!

Pudong -

the chaser lost his balance and fell forward, his face firm and hit the marble floor!

Song Fei quickly arrived, and saw that half of the body had climbed out of the shop, and Josie was holding each other's legs tightly. It's not fun to hold alone. After the other party fell down, he opened his mouth without saying a word and gnawed it hard!

Completely crazy male students do not know the pain, or compared to the face, the leg gnawing can be ignored. But he wanted to get up, so he tried his best to kick away the people who hindered him!

Song Fei crossed the other side's body with one leg, sat down on his back, and pressed his comrade's hand with his face in the direction of josch: "josch!"

Qiao, who has been burning like crazy, is stunned by Lin Deli, who comes here later.

Song Fei immediately turned around 180 degrees with his buttocks as the axis, pulled up each other's hair, lifted his face up, ignored each other's face that had been dyed red by nose blood, and tried his best to yell: "are you crazy enough --"

"enough! I'm going to pull you on the back when I die! " The man spat blood on Song Fei's face.

Song Fei simply wants to dig open the brain circuit of the other party to see what structure: "no one wants you to die! We don't want to die, either! Can you put your IQ on the line and listen to us

"Don't let me die, you take out the food, take it!"

"Luncheon meat or mashed potatoes?"

Huang Mo's ghost usually appears around the boys, with a can open in one hand and a small bowl full of sweet in the other.

No one knows when she came, as if Pangu squatted there when he opened the world, waiting for the call to appear.

She asked very gently, boys listen to very science fiction.

Song Fei recovered, released his hand to collect his hair, took off his backpack, turned out a little and a half of the plastic bottled boiled water and handed it to the boy's face: "would you like to have a drink first?"

Silence, silence.

The preset scene is too different from the actual situation, and the boy with a bloody nose needs to restart the system.

The twenty-eight zombies trapped in the corner of the wall also dissipated the mad buff and returned a trace of red and blue.

"Listen," Song Fei lowered his voice, hard and powerful, not only to the boys lying on the ground, but also to all the unexpected guests in the corner, "we are all classmates in the same school, no, even strangers in the society. When we get together in this kind of environment, what we should think and do is to unite and help each other to survive. We are not prepared to dominate the canteen, but it is impossible for you to smash, smash and rob. If you want to live well, you have to keep the order here, share resources, and share difficulties. We have to deal with those monsters outside, not classmates. If anyone wants to come to Yin, don't blame us for being rude. Friendship tips, we are not people, even we are afraid of ourselves


"Do you hear me, speak!"

"One more bite."

“…… Mr. Huang, can you wait for me to finish speaking before feeding him! "


Katz, Katz.

Huang Mo didn't give a second bite. The uninvited guests in the corner were still digesting Song Fei's declaration of order. The whole kitchen was in a kind of ashen silence, so the crisp sound was even more shocking.Li Jingyu, standing next to the case, always feels that his voice is close at hand. After looking around, he suddenly bends down and looks at the bottom of the case.

A thin and weak male classmate was holding a huge white radish, nibbling it in the dark, swallowing too much, chewing the skin together.

Judging from the leftover radish, he may have been hiding here since he entered the house and started to nibble. It's just that there was a fierce battle just now, and no one noticed the sound here.

"Ding Shiyuan?" Little whale recognized the student of a club.

The boy was stunned. The radish dropped to the ground and rolled out several times. He didn't notice it at all. He just stared at the familiar face that suddenly appeared in front of him, as if he saw a miracle: "Li Jingyu?"

Eyes suddenly Red: "Xiaoding!"

With a choking voice, the boy cried out: "Lao Li --"

maybe the writer is naturally sentimental and romantic, so a surprise reunion of his classmates, which is a tearful scene of my underground party finally taking over after all the hardships.

Wusheng class and chemical shishiro let them cry under the stage, because they have a more important thing - to distribute food to the uninvited guests.

Twenty nine students were obviously very hungry. After they got the food, no matter what else, they just gobbled it up. What enemies and friends, good and evil, past and future, survival and destruction, to hell.

Some students with long reflex arc have not adapted to this kind of plot, so they stay there and dare not reach for food. In their habitual thinking, if they want to get food, they have to kill themselves. Now that they are defeated, they should die. The most merciful thing is to let them live and die there. How can they be given food after being subdued by force.

That's food. It's a non renewable resource that can't be shared with others until you're crazy?!

Wu Sheng class and chemical thirteen Lang see in the eye, especially uncomfortable. The hatred brought down by the fierce battle just now can't be dissipated in an instant, but it can't be connected with these people like refugees in front of us.

Their behavior seems to be too different, but when people's spirit is tortured to the limit, driven to madness by hunger, it seems that it's not strange to do anything.

Cry in the last second, laugh in the next, be as evil as a ghost in the last second, be as weak as a mole ant in the next second.

People's willpower is as fragile as a piece of paper in the face of disaster.

Qi Yan goes to the three patients and gives the medicine to Lin Dilei, who takes warm water and feeds them to take the medicine. Zhao he had swallowed anti-inflammatory drugs for the first time, and now he was with Wu Zhou and Fu Xiyuan, who were devouring uninvited guests.

Song Fei was able to take a breath, but suddenly he thought of something. He quickly caught Wang Shan in a quiet corner and solemnly asked, "is it safe for you to put that bomb here? Try to install so fierce, the official version to blow up, we can't follow the canteen to fly together? "

"There's no official version." Wang Shan gave him a "young man, you are still too young" mature eyes, "that is my model made of clay, if it is filled with flammable and explosive materials, I will not live, a Mars can go to heaven."

"The bomb you said..."

"It's all the mini guns that Hao bin threw. It's not what you said. The most important thing is to threaten, not to go back to the West. "

"But you can't have a weapon of mass destruction, in case you meet..."

"In case of meeting a place that needs a big explosion, take apart the trial assembly completely, pour the contents together, perfect fit, and blow it up everywhere."


"How's it going?" Wang Shan's eyes twinkled with expectation.

"Enter can attack, retreat can defend," Song Fei happily patted his shoulder, "you grow up."

"Song Fei." Huang Mo didn't know when he was coming.

Finally, he asked the question that bothered him for a long time: "are you silent when you walk?"

Huang Mo smiles: "no, actually I have no feet at all."

Song Fei swallowed his saliva and corrected his attitude: "Mr. Huang, if you have something to say."

"Go and see if the two under the desk have finished crying. If they have finished crying, ask Ding Shiyuan what happened to them, where they came from and what they have experienced."

"What if it's not over?"

"Then interrupt them and ask Ding Shiyuan what happened to them, where they came from and what they have experienced."


Mingming just said the same words twice with the same kind tone, why let him have a kind of fear that if he doesn't do it, he will be stabbed to death!!!

Under the desk, Lao Li and Xiao Ding cry like rabbits.

When Song Fei comes in with a can of luncheon meat, the two of them are still chatting and reminiscing about the past.

With meat, everything is easy to say. Ding Zhiyuan knows everything about Song Fei's questions, and he says everything he can. Even what song Fei didn't ask is poured out.

Ding Shiyuan is a junior of Li Jingyu for one year. However, because he studied one year earlier, he jumped a grade in primary school and was three years younger than Li Jingyu, so he looks like a high school student.According to him, they came out of the dormitory. The 30 people, including him, are actually divided into two groups, one from No. 5 boys' dormitory building and the other from No. 6. Among them, the school of economics and management and the school of computer science account for the majority, and there are some other colleges.

After a month of suffering, almost all the people in the dormitory are crazy, and those who are not crazy will be forced to die.

The long-term closed extreme environment makes them dissimilate from physiology to psychology. Every day they jump from a building, or simply open the door for monsters to bite themselves, but most of them are still robbing things. When someone robs, someone resists, so it's no longer the people who are robbed, and the people who are robbed are forced up to Liangshan.

Later, they, who were driven to the end, had to negotiate to flee.

In fact, no one knows how to escape, but to stay is to die, so even if it is a straw, even if the end is still to sink to the bottom, they also want to seize it and fight for it.

Ding Shiyuan doesn't know the situation of building 6, but from the two buildings that hit it off, the encounter should be pretty good.

There were more than 50 people who broke through the siege, but only 30 of them really entered the canteen. Many people were knocked down on the way, but Ding could not tell who it was.

In the final analysis, they are just a group of strangers who are temporarily assembled to survive. They are not even familiar with each other, let alone friendly and tacit understanding.

If it wasn't for Luo Geng's call to Lin Deli, they would have rushed into the main door of the dining hall.

If so, it may be a different end.

"I don't know how these days come," Ding Shiyuan's face flashed a few trances, as if remembering the hell in the dormitory, "like a dream."

When Song Fei crawled out from under the table, the back kitchen was noisy again.

Lin Di Lei is being pulled by Luo Geng to check the blue and purple on her arm. Qi Yan is guarding the three patients who are obviously more stable.

It may be that the effect of the medicine is quick, or it may be that taking the medicine itself gives some psychological hints to the comrades in arms, but no matter which one - Song Fei sucks his nose and suppresses the heat of his eyes - it's worth the whole night.

"Jilin, Liaoning and other places have gradually restored heating, Heilongjiang..."

The melodious broadcasting cavity is full of penetrating power even in the noise of No. 50 people.

It's only a few hours since the last time they listened to the radio. Just before they set out for the hospital, they listened to the radio and cheered up their morale. But now they still feel that they haven't seen each other for a long time.

The news content is not much different from a few hours ago, and of course it's not for him.

The tape recorder is standing in front of 29 people, and I don't know how long it has been playing. The news is the car wheel talk back and forth, 29 people are the car wheel talk back and forth. This kind of wheel is like a hypnotic artifact of a psychotherapist. It swings back and forth and starts over and over again. As a result, the anxious nerves of the patients also slowly relax and stabilize in this mechanical movement.

Huang Mo sits next to the tape recorder. He is not only the hope of guarding the students, but also the company of the new students. From time to time, he inserts two plain words between the news, which are not sensational and indifferent. It's just natural, but inexplicably soothing.

Hunger goes away and reason comes back.

A few students have cried, with unbelievable surprise, with the fear of survival, or, there are those who can not say unbearable.

Song Fei didn't know how many times he was glad to leave the dormitory early.

If he is still stuck in 440, is he driven crazy like these people.

Ding Shiyuan said it was like a dream.

Song Fei hoped that these people would take it as a dream.

No matter how painful and dark the dream is, I wake up now. When I open my eyes, I can see the light sneaking in from behind the curtain.