As soon as Song Fei's voice fell, the zombie sitting in the chair moved, and then raised his head slightly. The only clear eyes hidden behind the lens slowly locked he Zhiwen.

It's not the last song Fei to speak.

It's the first question he asked.

He, a student of physics college, was so hairy that he subconsciously wanted to step back. However, before his feet fell to the ground, the zombie on the chair suddenly jumped up and rushed to him!

The zombie moves so fast that it's like being bounced up by a chair. When he asks, the other party has arrived. Close enough, he could even smell the rotting smell of his upper body.

"Ow -" the zombie howled, opened his mouth and bit him on his naked neck.

"Ow -" He Zhi asked back with a wail, and at the same time squatted down with the speed of lightning!

There was no time for the zombie to take it back, and it was empty.

He Zhiwen ran away to the back of a desk, afraid and aggrieved: "I'm kind. I just want to borrow a radio from you!"

"Ouch, ouch --" the zombie was about to go crazy, holding the radio and continuing to go to the office where he asked.

At this time, the fool also understood, and Song Fei quickly warned: "the problem lies in the radio. Don't mention the radio any more. Don't even say three words about the radio. I can't see that it's the baby who borrows it and who's in a hurry!"

The zombie who ran to he Zhiwen suddenly stopped, turned around and slowly locked Song Fei.

Song feiji began to retreat without any trace: "that I'm just explaining to him. I don't want to mention it. I don't want to borrow it from you, really! "

Seeing Song Fei forced to the corner, Qi Yan, who had been brewing for a long time, rushed up from the side and was about to poke the Zombie's temple!

However, the zombie seems to have found him with Yu Guang, and his constant pace suddenly stops. Qi Yan's gun passes through his nose. Just when Qi Yan was annoyed to take back his gun and wanted to make a second attack, a bright metal weight flew in the air, hitting the back of the Zombie's head.

The weight of the weight and the strength of the thrower made the corpse shake. To stand still again, the zombie didn't hesitate, turned around and went straight to He Zhi. There was no possibility of shaking his posture again!

He Zhiwen ran immediately, but he was still knocked down by the zombie after two steps!

He Zhiwen wanted to lift the zombie off his body, but he was not the opponent of the "former teacher" who was riding on his back in terms of physique and weight. In a hurry, he could only transfer his hatred: "Qi Yan gave me the weight, I'm just a porter --"

naturally, the zombie would not listen to his explanation, holding the radio in one hand and pressing the back of he Zhiwen's head in the other He chewed his white neck!

He Zhiwen was so pressed that he could not move, and the shadow became bigger and bigger. He even felt the strange touch of the Zombie's lips on his neck!

However, the expected pain is delayed in the future, which is just pure friction, as if the lips dance the devil's pace on their neck.

He Zhiwen was puzzled. He struggled in the pressing of the zombie. When he looked back, he found that Qi Yan was holding the hair of the zombie tightly in his hand. It was his comrades in arms who prevented the Zombie's teeth from moving forward. He could only stay at a subtle distance.

Qi Yan clenched his teeth and suddenly increased his strength. He finally pulled the head of the zombie away from he Zhiwen's neck.

Because of Qi Yan's dragging, he Zhiwen keenly felt the weight reduction on his body and took the opportunity to struggle to climb forward. When the weight on the body completely disappeared, as soon as he turned his head, he saw that the zombie did not know when he had turned his head and bit Qi Yan's tiger mouth!

He Zhiwen is so frightened that his nerves explode. Just as he wants to rush in, he suddenly finds that it's not right.

It was more like Qi Yan holding the mouth of the zombie with his hand to prevent his head from attacking. And because of wearing leather gloves, zombies can't do anything to him for a moment.

In a flash, he Zhiwen only felt the cold light on the ground. It was Song Fei who picked up Qi Yan's gun!

In the blink of an eye, the point of the gun stabbed the corpse's face Er, or Qi Yan's hand?

In a flash of lightning, Qi Yan suddenly uses his strength to press down the head of the zombie and his hand together, avoiding the fierce mop gun!

"Don't move!" If Song Fei fails to hit the mark, he naturally blames his comrades in arms for their lack of cooperation.

However, the comrades still entangled with zombies could not be more embarrassed: "if I don't move, my hands will be stabbed by you!"

Song Fei was wronged: "I didn't use too long weapons, I can only grope in the actual combat!"

Dong -

the weight flying across the sky is right in the temple of the zombie, and the heavy impact makes its skin open, emitting dark red slurry.

"Yes, yes?" A few meters away from the long-range attack of he classmate, a face of disbelief.

"Go on!" Qi Yan is not stingy to give affirmation to his comrades in arms, but also continues to urge another comrades in arms, "you don't know how to ask!"

“……” In fact, he does not like this statement.Song Fei didn't like it either, and didn't he hate him just after he finished speaking! liar!

"I don't know how to ask? You have the ability. You haven't lost it for a long time! And they gave you a hand! "

"I don't know why the teachers in the computer institute are so vigorous!"

He Zhi asked the weak and weak: "he may also like to play table tennis at ordinary times..."

"Damn it Song Fei a ruthless, simply drop the mop gun, holding his familiar metal chopsticks rushed to help Qi Yan fight together.

For a moment, the three wrestled together. The zombie didn't know if he felt that Song Fei was not good at it. While protecting the radio, he wiggled his head wildly to avoid the attack of Qi Yan's knife and Song Fei's chopsticks.

He Zhiwen, who didn't dare to join the battlefield, continued to throw weights obediently. However, the chaotic fighting scene made his long-range attack inaccurate. Especially when the last weight was thrown out, the three men just entangled in front of the window. The weight was thrown higher and directly over the top of their heads and hit the glass!

With a thump, the glass broke completely in an instant, centered on the place hit by the weight. But it didn't fall apart. Instead, it was still fixed there in the form of a whole piece. It looked like the transparent glass suddenly turned into a frosted one.

Sudden accident let Song Fei and Qi Yan reflexively a Leng.

But the zombie didn't. instead, he took this opportunity to break them apart and go straight to He Zhi!

"Be careful!"


Qi Yan and Song Fei almost spoke in unison, but it was too late to ask. His body is slower than his brain, and his legs are too short to make things worse. The weights in my pocket have been thrown out, so it's too late to draw a knife!

At the critical moment, he Zhiwen was quick witted and stood still. When the zombie came to him, he raised his hand and directly attacked his opponent's glasses!

The fierce battle just now didn't make his glasses skew or fall, so he, who also wore glasses, understood that it meant that his glasses legs were tight, so instead of fighting, he took them off, which was equivalent to grabbing each other's glasses directly!

Song Fei and Qi Yan are stunned. They don't understand what this is.

Zombie also Leng next, it seems to lose glasses for it is a very need time to adapt to the event.

He Zhiwen crushed his glasses as soon as they fell to the ground. At the same time, he explained to his comrades in arms: "it's short-sighted at 900 degrees!"

Song Fei and Qi Yan look at each other face to face and know each other. They are invincible in a hundred battles. Therefore, we should listen carefully to the elective courses!

He Zhiwen, who broke his glasses, took out his waist knife. But I don't know if the knife light made the zombie come to life. Just after taking out the knife, he didn't hold it tightly. Suddenly, the zombie grabbed he Zhiwen's shoulder with the hand that didn't hold the radio!

It's deceiving to say not to be afraid. He Zhiwen jumped away almost reflexively and hid under the table the next second.

Song Fei knew he Zhiwen was not good at fighting, but he didn't think he would be so timid. Moreover, if he was really so afraid, he could hide at the beginning. Why did he hide when he knocked out his zombie glasses now.

He was puzzled, and his hand was suddenly held by Qi Yan. The next second, he was stuffed under another table by Qi Yan. After he was stuffed, Qi Yan hid in the dark corner of the wall where the moon could hardly shine.

Qi Yan did it very quickly, but his movements and steps were so light that Song Fei was so puzzled that he didn't open his mouth. He even held his breath subconsciously after hiding under the table.

Qi Yan's hiding place is very dark. From Song Fei's point of view, he can only see one side of his body. But the next moment, his arm with a bare side suddenly raised, and he made a "shush" action.

Song Fei suddenly realized.

He Zhiwen, the reason why he took off his glasses is to weaken the combat effectiveness of the zombie. Without his glasses, even if his eyesight is still good, he may not be able to see clearly. Basically, his eyesight is destroyed. And then hide into the table, is to completely disappear in the sight of the zombie. Similarly, Qi Yan put him in the table and hid himself in the dark corner for the same purpose.

Let the zombie completely into a daze, they, or Qi Yan, can wait for an opportunity to kill.

Quiet night, empty office, zombies at a loss around, temporarily dull.

Qi Yan slowly drew out his knife without making a sound.

The zombie still held its radio, lost his sight, and began to sniff hard with his nose.

Qi Yan took the first step, very slow, very light.

The zombie didn't respond.

Step two.

The corpse remained motionless, only slightly shaking his head, sniffing as much as possible at the smell of living people in the air.

Step three.

Qi Yan's stride is very big, and he has reached the back of the zombie. Without hesitation, Qi Yan stabbed the zombie in the back of the head!

Daddada -

it was supposed to be a safe attack. However, I don't know whether the zombie was blessed with his soul or a pair of eyes behind him. He ran away at the last moment, and even the listener could feel his happy mood.Qi Yan watched the cooked ducks flutter away and fly to He Zhiwen.

"Why are you staring at me?" he Zhiwen opened his desk and ran away again!

Song Fei hated iron but not steel: "let you not spray dew!"

He Zhi asked: "I sprayed --"

"not enough!"

"I spray so much that Luo Geng stares at me!"

"That's the smell of meat!"


If it's also a mistake to have a good body, then he Zhiwen should be cut to pieces.

During the conversation, Song Fei has come out from the bottom of the table. At this moment, it's useless to hide again. Although the zombie can't see, he Zhiwen's smell can also accurately capture the direction of the prey, and he is now in hot pursuit.

Song Fei goes after the zombie and stabs him in the back of the head!

The zombie was aware of it. He quickly turned around, and the tip of the knife rubbed the Zombie's chin and poked it in the neck!

Song Fei immediately draws his sword, and his blood splashes out. Some of it gets on his goggles, which suddenly makes his vision more red.

Song Fei subconsciously raises his sleeve to wipe it, but the zombie suddenly pounces on him!

Song Fei immediately retreated to escape, and the zombie pursued him until he retreated to the windowsill, and his back reached the edge of the windowsill!

There was no way to retreat. The zombie came up directly. Song Fei's upper body heavily bumps into the broken glass. In an instant, there is a crash. The glass completely disintegrates, leaving only the empty window frame and the debris left at the edge.

The cold wind blew into Song Fei's neck and made him fight a cold war.

But the zombie didn't feel it. He continued to attack. The target was very clear, which was the neck of Song Fei!

Song Fei couldn't turn it over for a moment. Seeing that he was about to kiss his neck, he suddenly raised his head and hit each other's face with his goggles!

However, Song Fei underestimated the combat effectiveness of the zombie. This collision did not make the zombie retreat, but let it rub down the goggles and run all the way to his throat!

Life and death are in a flash.

There is nothing Song Fei can do.

Fortunately, with only half of Qingming's sight left, Qi Yan had already reached the back of the zombie. This time, he didn't give the other party another chance. He stabbed him from the place where the neck of the zombie was connected with the back of the head, from bottom to top, straight into the back of the head.

The zombie stopped and did not move again.

Song Fei stares at the Zombie's eyeball tightly. After confirming that there is no fluctuation, he is relieved. But there was still a trace of vigilance, so I didn't dare to relax completely. I only looked at the radio which was still pressed on my chest by the zombie, and carefully stretched out my hand to get it.

Just as Song Fei's finger touched the radio, the Zombie's body suddenly shook.

That is so clear, let Song Fei's action suddenly froze.

Song Fei's first reaction is to push the other side away. Unexpectedly, the Zombie's action is faster than him, and he pulls out the radio from his hand!

Song Fei didn't react as well. He only saw the Zombie's arm rise uncontrollably because of its violent action, but the radio didn't reach the highest point with its action. Instead, on the way up, it slipped with the inertia and flew out of the window!

After all, it was too late for Song Fei to reach for it. He could only watch the radio fly to the night sky along the empty window sash. Before long, I heard a sound that was not deafening, but absolutely hopeless.

On the 12th floor, you don't need to watch it. The radio must be rotten.

All three of them were at a loss for a moment, as if they had been struggling hard for many years. In the end, they were nothing.

"Ouch, ouch -" the zombie pulls away Song Fei and climbs out of the window sill.

There is no balcony outside, only towering building, nihilistic night.


The sound of skin and bone breaking is always so crisp and tragic.

No matter how many times I have heard it, I still feel numb.

This is a kind of physiological rejection, is born human instinct, even if the fall has been infected into a zombie.

Song Fei slid down the window and sat down on the ground.

What kind of obsession can make people still have such a clear and clear sense of protection after mutation? That little black box is perhaps the most important thing that the teacher recognized at the last moment of his life.


Song Feihu was shocked by the sudden knock on the door, which completely dissipated his trance.

Qi Yan and he Zhiwen also recovered in this voice and quickly became alert.

The intermittent knock on the door lasted about five minutes. I don't know if I feel that the door panel is unbreakable, or I find that there is no sound in the room. Five minutes later, the door crasher gradually stops, and finally I can hear him walk away with rigid steps.

Three people look at each other, clear, should be before the fight sound attracted the zombie.

With the sound of footsteps completely disappeared, he Zhiwen suddenly stood up and said in a low voice: "Qi Yan, lend me the flashlight."

Qi Yan didn't know what he wanted to do, but his intuition was the right thing, so he didn't hesitate to take out a flashlight from his backpack, and without asking more, he handed it over directly."Thank you." He Zhiwen took the flashlight.

Qi Yan thought, or said: "there is not much electricity left."

He Zhi asked and nodded: "don't worry."

In the next three minutes, Qi Yan and Song Fei met with each other to find out what it means.

He Zhiwen turned the teacher's seat upside down by the light of the flashlight. He never let go of any drawers, desks and cabinets. After that, he went to one side to look at the public information cabinet and lockers.

Qi Yan looks at Song Fei suspiciously, thinking that BF, who is good at heresy, should know: "he is..."

BF didn't disappoint him. He said with a firm face: "thieves don't go empty."

Anyway, when they all come, they always bring back something to commemorate.

However, what he Zhiwen finally turned out from the deep of the locker is far more exciting than a commemorative one - about 65cm long, 30cm high, 15cm thick, silver gray, a pair of loudspeakers on the left and right, covered with black, just like a pair of bright eyes, a portable large-scale radio recorder in the 1980s!

Song Fei only saw it in the TV series full of sense of the times. Qi Yan's grandfather has one, but it seems to have become a decoration. Anyway, from Qi Yan's memory, it was placed on the cupboard of his grandfather's house. For so many years, without moving or making any noise, it was quietly there, falling ashes along with the decorations nearby.

Different from the old antique of Qi Yan's grandfather's family, he Zhiwen found this one and was wiped clean. Even if the light was not enough, he could see that it was carefully maintained.

Song Fei forced himself to calm down, don't be happy too early, in case of empty joy, he really can't help this kind of torture: "can you still use it?"

At this stage, he Zhiwen can only be visually observed: "it should be OK."

"It's too retro..." Song Fei sighed from the bottom of his heart and then asked curiously, "how do you know there is another radio?"

"In fact, I'm not sure," he Zhiwen carefully put the tape recorder on the ground and bashfully grasped his head. "However, people who especially like something usually can't only collect one. For example, my father likes maps, which are pasted everywhere on the walls of his home, including domestic, foreign, ancient, modern and various. I like radio. There are several walkie talkies in my house! "

He Zhiwen is simple and honest, but his eyes are bright. Song Fei understands the way he talks about what he likes!

"I'm the same as you! You see, I like game machines. My family has PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, Xbox and Wii. Later, I found the early plug-in game machines and the earliest red and white ones! It's very retro to play. There's a kind of... "

Qi Yan glimpses lightly.

Song Fei, with his mouth full of foam, woke up like a dream: "there is a kind of I'll deal with them when I go back! "

He Zhi asked: "what's going on?"

He Zhiwen is entangled in whether he wants to fall in love or not because of his radio equipment. What if the girl you like also thinks he's frustrated? Is he going to sell all this love to the trash collector?

Oh, love. He, who hasn't held hands with a girl since kindergarten, sighs deeply in his heart. You are a tormenting goblin.