Toss and toss for half a night, and get nothing.

Eight people were listless, but they didn't want to sleep. They didn't even go out of their way to find a black shop. They just sat down on the ground, drooping their heads, or in a daze, or melancholy, as if they didn't care if there was cool air under their buttocks.

The atmosphere of the whole kitchen was dragged into the endless decadent black hole by the eight frosted eggplants.

"It seems that someone is going to beat us up upstairs..." Josch weakly reminded the boys.

"If you can jump down, let him beat you. I'm depressed." Zhou Tongyi sighed and silently wiped the blood on the blade with a dirty rag he didn't know where.

"In fact, I'm not afraid of no signal. There are problems with mobile phones and networks, and there are problems with TV. It's normal. I'm afraid..." Luo Geng wanted to stop talking. He continued for a long time, "I'm afraid it's not that the signal source is damaged and the news can't be transmitted, but that there is no news at all."

"It's impossible," Song Fei denied without thinking about it. If he hesitated before that, now he's determined, "we fish, shrimps and crabs can kill several zombies. Can't the state control the situation? It's difficult to settle 9.6 million square kilometers at one go. It's absolutely no problem to concentrate our forces and stabilize the heart area first. "

"Then I don't understand," said josch, raising his legs and adjusting his sitting posture. His brow was wrinkled and his tone was full of indignation. "This TV signal is not like a mobile phone signal. We need to build a base station nearby. A TV Tower is enough. As soon as the signal biubiubiubiubiu is launched, the TV will be received. It's done. Has the TV Tower been knocked down? "

Song Fei's language is not enough. I always think that josch's statement is strange, but as a layman, he can't say that he is ugly. It's the most common thing in life, but it seems that I never want to explore its technical principle in the past.

Looking at Qi Yan subconsciously - looking for Qi Yan when you encounter problems that you can't, has become a deep cognition of song Feigen.

Qi originally only wanted to hang his eyes to be a competent listener, but when Song Fei's voice was suddenly silent, he knew that what should come would come.

Hesitantly raised his eyelids, sure enough, a pair of eyes eager for truth.

In the past, Qi Yan enjoyed being looked at like this, because he was always able to answer questions like flow, and even talk. What song Fei can ask is nothing more than study, life, life and ideal. In the green years, no one would fall in love. Suddenly, he asked, "Hey, do you know how TV works?"?

"Cough," Qi Yan cleared his throat, half guessing and half analyzing, "the signal sent by the TV Tower is similar to the wireless signal, isn't it the one received by the antenna? But now that it's all cable TV, I don't think it's as simple as biubiu BIU shoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshosho. "

If Song Fei thinks about it, he thinks that Qi Yan is right.

Although the words were directed at Song Feida, the obvious refutation was josch, who was not happy: "do you mean the TV Tower is useless now? Pure sightseeing? "

Song Fei didn't get it all figured out. When he was around Qiao Siqi, he thought that Qiao Siqi's question was right, so he looked at Qi Yan again.

Qi couldn't make it up any more. He had no choice but to tell him frankly, "I'm just a biology student."

Song Fei Leng next, then black line: "that you say not to know not to go directly!"

Qi Yan was disheartened and had nothing to say.

Today is different from the past. He is still him, but Songfei is no longer that Songfei, and the world is no longer that world - once pretended to be forced, slowly return it.

"Who said the TV Tower was purely sightseeing?" Lin Dilei, who had been listening, finally found a place where she could put her mouth in. To tell you the truth, although she learned how to broadcast and host, what is involved in TV signal transmission is actually in the field of communication engineering, and she knows little about it. However, when it comes to the role of the TV Tower, she always knows something about it. "The reason why the TV tower is built so high is because it needs to receive and transmit signals. In the early days, when there was no cable TV, the old TV set had an antenna to receive the analog signal from the TV Tower. "

Qiao Si Qi still puzzled: "you also said that in the early days, now every family of cable TV, who still use the antenna, that signal is useless?"

Lin Dilei took a breath and patiently explained: "there are always places where there is no cable TV, such as remote mountainous areas, so at this stage, we still need to maintain a certain amount of analog signal transmission. And the TV tower doesn't only transmit TV signals. If you look carefully, it's usually called a radio and TV Tower. Besides transmitting TV signals, it also sends radio signals... " Lin Di Lei suddenly surprised, stunned expression seems to be suddenly aware of something extraordinary.

The comrades in arms who had been listening carefully with a learning attitude were startled by her expression.

Song Feilian asked: "how, what's the matter?"

Lin Di Lei returned to her senses, ignoring the explanation, and said angrily, "come on, take out all your mobile phones quickly!"

The comrades in arms didn't know why, but seeing that Lin Dilei was so worried, she immediately took out her pocket and turned over her pocket. In a few seconds, five mobile phones were presented to her like tribute. In addition, in her own hands, there were two apples, one Samsung, one Huawei, one millet and one oppo.Qi Yan and Qiao Siqi quietly watched, but in fact, they silently offered a bowl of wine for the fruit machine of Lin Dilei and Li Jingyu. Although they thoughtfully passed on their chargers to the next generation of fruit party, according to their combat experience, it was only a matter of time before they were brave.

Lin Dilei looked at the mobile phone piled up in front of her eyes in an instant, and she couldn't laugh or cry: "who asked you to give it to me, I can't unlock the screen. I'm asking you all to take it out and look for it yourself. Is there a built-in radio? "

A word awakens the dreamer.

Song Fei just wanted to smoke himself. Why didn't he expect to receive TV or radio!

I have the impression that there are all mobile phones. Song Fei opens the system tools folder - in fact, this folder is equivalent to his utility room. All the built-in chicken ribs programs that can't be removed and used in mobile phones will be dragged here by him - after searching for a long time, the recorder sees one, but there is no radio logo.

Other small partners are similar, first excited, then confused, and finally disappointed.

Only Wang Qingyuan's Xiaomi has an FM radio station, but if you look at it carefully, it's the kind of network radio station that uses traffic to listen to. Its name is quite confusing. In essence, it's a different thing to listen to by relying on network signal and radio band.

"It's impossible," Luo Geng went over and over again, intellectually knowing that he really didn't have it, but emotionally unable to receive it. "My father listens to the radio with his mobile phone every day. How can he get to me without it? There's a generation gap with his mobile phone?"

The guys can't explain because they're confused.

Everyone thinks there should be a radio in the mobile phone, but really, it just disappeared.

Only josch, trying to trace his mobile journey, seems to find some clues: "maybe it's really a new generation. My first mobile phone was bought by my father when I was in the fourth grade of primary school. At that time, I was able to listen to the radio by flipping the cover. I always listened to it secretly. Later, on the first day of junior high school, I changed my smart phone and also had a radio. They all need earphones to listen. I remember it very clearly, but when I changed my cell phone in high school, I didn't remember it. It seems that I did, but I didn't use it again. At that time, there were too many things that my cell phone could do. No one went to listen to the radio specially. When I went to university, I changed fruits, and I didn't pay attention to all kinds of wechat and microblog apps every day. "

Certainly not all brands and models of mobile phones have been castrated from the function of the built-in radio module, but if the mobile phones of class 1 of wusheng are taken as the sample for sampling survey, it is definitely the trend of the times. However, if it wasn't for Lin Dilei, they couldn't even think of such a thing - the times are developing so fast that people keep catching up with new things, and they don't realize what things are quietly changing or even disappearing.

Just like the TV discussed before, you naturally use it and accept that there will be programs when it is turned on. But if you think about it carefully, it has unconsciously changed from antenna to cable, from set-top box to set-top box, from stand-alone to Internet, from what you see to what you want to see, and even started to install app.

This change is so huge that the technological change behind it may be earth shaking, but when it comes to life, it becomes a breeze. The alternation of new and old technologies is a silent process for most users, as few people can accurately recall the time of the first use of Q Q, the first time to download WeChat, or the first time to install Alipay. When I get back to myself, they're normal.


The familiar sound of radish knocking at the window rings again.

The guys who have not recovered from the blow of snowflake TV and were hit by the death of radio for the second time didn't respond.

Dong Dong Dong.

Radish is very anxious, and hit three times in a row.

Song Fei goes to the shop and takes out a flashlight from his backpack, which is pressing the corner of the shop. Then he goes to the window, opens the blinds and slaps it on. The window is empty except for a radish with a note.

It seems that without the attraction of singing, the zombie should have returned to the hall to escape the cold.

Turn off the flashlight, song Feifei quickly open the window, take down the note, wait for the window to lock, read on the spot.

It's still the beautiful little character before. Inexplicably, Song Fei feels that it's Huang Mo's handwriting.

"What are they doing? The more you scold, the more angry you are. Do you really want to come down and fight I'm a little nervous.

Qiao Si Qi Le: "you didn't say that if they want to beat you, let them beat you. It's estimated that they heard your sincerity. They didn't want to come down and they were moved to come down."

Zhou Tongyi's black line, just wanted to say something more, was interrupted by Song Fei after reading the note -

"they said they wanted to come down and have an interview with us."

My friends are surprised. It's late at night. Theoretically speaking, it's not a particularly suitable time to be a guest.

"How to say," Song Fei asked everyone's opinion, "let them down?"

We all looked at each other and couldn't make up our minds for a moment.

Cooperation is the same thing, and face-to-face is the same thing. Although it's a little mean to think like this, the amount of grain reserves upstairs can't be compared with that downstairs. If they do something that leads wolves into the house once, they will have a shadow for a lifetime."Are you sure there are only six of them?" Luo Geng looked up at Song Fei and asked.

Song Fei immediately nodded: "well."

Lin Dilei also said: "I testify, only six."

"Then let them come down," Luo Geng looked at his friends, with a discussion in his tone, "eight to six, we may not suffer."

Think about it for a moment -


You can use plastic bag rope to tie radish, but if you really climb down, just like Sophie Lindley came down before, you can only tie clothes. Fortunately, there were only four students in class 2, so they all dressed neatly. The two garrisons on the upper floor should have been spared nothing, so the fourth person just landed, the clothes rope was pulled back.

The four guests are Zhao he, he Zhiwen, Huang Mo and Feng Qibai.

As Qi Yan closed the window and locked the door, the number of students in the kitchen on the first floor increased to 12.

Zhao he stood by the window, still standing on the boundary after he jumped in, hardly moving half a step, obviously tense.

Eight people in class 1 dare not take it lightly.

The twenty-four eyes were opposite, and they were awkwardly quiet for a moment.

Song Fei is familiar with both sides. Seeing this, he can only step forward. Three meters away, he looks at Zhao he, who is the leading elder brother, and asks, "friend or jackal?"

Zhao he was asked with a confused face.

He Zhiwen and Feng Qibai did not understand.

Huang Mo smile, smile so that she can only be regarded as a beautiful facial features, inexplicably moving: "a river wave width, the wind blowing on both sides of the rice."

Song Fei grinned: "friends come with good wine, jackals come with hunting guns."

He Zhiwen and Feng Qibai recognize that this is my motherland. They look at each other, and suddenly one of them holds Zhao he's arm.

Zhao, who also understood, gritted his teeth and said, "don't worry, I can bear it."

But why do there exist such hatred people in the world!!!

After such a special opening, the atmosphere became lively. Although we can't help but guard each other, this kind of guard is more like the survival instinct in the state of virus crisis, which is different from malice.

Without malice, we can live in peace.

Of course, it's up to time whether we can have a deep friendship.

Four people were invited to sit on the floor, a little look at the environment, class 2 students understand that this belongs to the guest of honor treatment.

The eight little friends who had been sitting around at random also picked up their mobile phones and surrounded them. For a moment, the shop was a little crowded and warm. Twelve people, you are next to me, I am squeezing you, but I can't tell one class from two.

"What are you doing with your cell phones?" Feng Qibai looked around strangely and found that several people were clutching their mobile phones. "Isn't the network broken? In the middle of the night, playing a single game? "

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Sad thing was recalled, Song Fei sighed: "don't mention it, it's not easy to have a flash of inspiration. When I think of the radio, no one has a mobile phone."

"We have." Feng Qibai said suddenly.

Eight small partners stare big eyes together: "ah?"

"But it didn't work." He Zhiwen asks for the interface. At the same time, he takes out his Huawei from his pocket, unlocks the screen, clicks on the radio twice, plugs in the headphones, and finally hands the white ear cord to Song Fei.

Song Fei took the earphone and put it into his ear, while Luo Geng looked at his own Huawei, speechless and choking - they all support domestic products. How can people choose the model with radio as soon as they buy it!




After two minutes of hard work, Song Fei finally made sure that there was no human language in the earphone. Even Spanish and Arabic will do!

But he didn't give up: "it's all electric current sound. Why don't you try adjusting the station again?"

He Zhiwen raised his cell phone and showed him the screen, but said, "I've been adjusting the channel. When the accident happened, didn't it ring the campus radio? At that time, I thought of using the mobile radio, but it didn't work. The built-in radio of mobile phone is basically FM, which belongs to ultra short band, straight-line propagation, and the propagation distance is very limited. This band can only listen to local programs. "

"No," Luo Geng recalled the years when he was devastated by his father's radio. "My father listens to FM all day long, and some of them have to plug the headphones to me, forcing me to listen. I remember the news broadcast."

He Zhiwen: "that is the second conversion of the local radio and Television Center after receiving the signal, and then broadcast it to the nearby area through FM."

Song Fei seems to understand: "now FM can't find any stations, and TV has no signal, that is to say Our city's Radio and television systems have been unable to operate normally? "

"Maybe even the whole province." He Zhiwen pushed his glasses. The words used are unique to men of science and technology. "Although the transmission distance of FM is short, it may not be limited to one city. Many times, you can find stations in surrounding cities, so..."

The next words need not be said, we all understand.This is not good news, but after a series of disappointments, it's nothing to be disappointed again. At least you don't have to worry about why you didn't buy a mobile phone with a built-in radio, and you've also learned a lot.

"Classmate he, aren't you from the physics department? Why are you so familiar with radio?"

He Zhi asked with a shy smile: "Hey, hobby."

This fat face is more smiling.

Song Fei sighed that he was never too old to learn, and he wanted to digest the other party's popular science about radio channels. But after repeating the previous conversation, he found the problem: "wait a minute, you said that the CCTV news heard through FM has gone through the secondary transformation of the local radio and television center. How did the local radio and television receive these signals? It can't be FM. We have a vast territory. How many relays do we have to relay one by one? "

"That's why we came to you." In a hurry, he Zhiwen also felt that it was amazing. He was worried that he didn't know where to start. That's good. When he met a group of diligent alumni, it was easy and natural. "If, I mean, if the country really didn't give up transmitting information to us survivors, then there are two most effective channels. One is radio waves, and it must be transmission distance The farthest SW is short wave; the other is satellite TV signal, which is transmitted to the communication satellite by the ground signal transmitting base station which is still in operation, and then the satellite transmits the signal back to the ground. Both of them can be received directly without any transfer. "

"No if." Song Fei did not hesitate, "we risk being bitten to turn on the TV, that is, we believe there will be information."

He Zhiwen looked around at all the students in class 1 and found that their faces were almost the same as those of Song Fei. He did not dare to say that they were as firm as iron, but he trusted them.

He turned to look at his three companions and received a positive look.

He Zhiwen took a deep breath and finally said his intention: "like you, we are eager to know the outside information. But if you want to receive short wave signal, you must get a radio that can receive this band signal, or direct full band radio is better. Otherwise, we'll find a way to get a satellite pot and even a TV, but no matter which one, I'm afraid we can't do it alone. "

"So you want to work with us?"


"Where is this kind of radio or satellite pot?"

"Not sure."


speechless, white excited, just want to Tucao no target, you said so much, but listen to Monday Law: "make complaints about radio 46?"

Class 1 is a bright spot. If CET-4 or CET-6 listening radio is good, there is no need to worry about it. There must be several teaching buildings full of it.

"No way," he Zhiwen obviously thought about it earlier. "Our unified listening radio only has AF campus radio and FM frequency band, and we can't receive any other band."

"And the car radio?" Josch broke in.

Eleven pairs of eyes look at the past, this proposal is not amazing, but the idea is very special.

He Zhiwen quickly regained his mind, pondered for a moment, and replied: "it's hard to say, it depends on whether the radio itself has this band or not. In addition, if it is our school's underground parking lot, even with this band, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to receive it. "

"You're going to break the glass in the underground parking lot?" Zhou can't think of any other way, unless he meets a fool who forgets to close the window or lock the door.

Josch was puzzled: "I can drive my own car with the key. Why do I break the glass?"

All students: "do you have a car at school?"

Song Fei: "do you have the car key?"

Now we don't look at josch, but at Seinfeld.

The latter was so embarrassed that he quickly looked at josch and asked him a question instead of explaining: "didn't you escape back to the dormitory with your car key?"

"Keys, mobile phones, wallets, you can't forget these three things when you run for your life." When Johns said that, he actually took out a key ring from his pants pocket. It was very simple. He tied a dormitory key, two of which should be home keys, and a very simple car key outside.

"Why do you come to school with a car from other places?" Zhou will replace all the partners to ask. As a matter of fact, there are not many people who drive here. Their school spirit is relatively simple, and most of the students still follow a down-to-earth and low-key style.

Josch didn't feel anything at all, but suddenly he felt guilty under the gaze of his friends. He didn't speak very well: "just go out on the weekend, it's convenient to go downtown..."

Zhou tonghei: "you don't have to grab train tickets to go home for the new year, do you?"

But josch shook his head: "no, no, no, no, my father won't let me drive long distances. We bought all the cars here. Just run around the city."

Zhou Tongyi: "after talking for a long time, what kind of car is it?"

Josch: "horse Herder."

Zhou Tongyi: "four or five hundred thousand SUVs, you're going to the city!"Josch: "I go to the suburbs occasionally..."

Zhou Tongyi: "now the only thing that can cure me is that you grab tickets with us before the winter vacation. Don't tell me you don't need them."

Josch: "it's all my family who directly help me book air tickets..."

Zhou Tongyi: "I hate the rich now. I want to beat him. Do you have one?"

All the little friends: "take, go, I, we!"