Zombies may not have to eat, but the students in class 1 of wusheng still have to sacrifice to the five zang organs temple. If the battle of survival is really going to last three to five years, it is estimated that "how do we fight this time" accounts for less than 10% of the battle content, and the rest is "where do we eat this time".

Time passed quietly in the rare serious discussion, and it was noon in the twinkling of an eye. The winter sun is as gentle as a lover's eyes, and the frost and snow begin to melt quietly in this gaze. But this is bound to be a slow and long process, because the light with a touch of warmth is really gentle too much, as if every melting snowflake will make it feel unbearable, so desperately suppress their own heat, so that the world wrapped in silver stays longer, longer.

"Should we make a fire and cook?" Li Jingyu's stomach has been crying for a long time. Seeing that no one has started, he can only tentatively propose that he doesn't want to eat vacuum sweet and glutinous chestnuts any more. Ren He Wei Hua's position is expressed implicitly, "don't you have snacks for lunch?"

"Still eating snacks?" Compared with Li Jingyu, Qiao Siqi is much more free and unrestrained. He says what he wants and says directly, "I'm so greedy now that I bite my tongue every time I eat. If it goes on like this, I'm easy to bite my tongue and commit suicide!"

Zhou Junyi also wants to eat meat, but he can't agree with Johns' Accusation: "do you like meat? So many shredded squid and beef jerky have been fed to dogs? "

There was something on josch's face that he couldn't hang. It took him a long time to mutter bitterly, "don't you eat it, too?"

Zhou Junyi didn't even bother to roll his eyes: "yes, thank you for giving me those two silk."

Lin Dilei could not help but stand up, move her arms and legs, and prick her head with the rubber band on her wrist: "what do you want to eat, I'll make it for you!"

Li Jingyu: "rice!"

Luo Geng: "steamed bread!"

Johns: meat

Qi Yan: "more or less with some vegetables, balanced nutrition."

Wang Qingyuan: "then add another soup."

Zhou Tongyi: "isn't there an oven over there? In fact, it's good to have some baked rice, lasagna or something exotic."

“……” Lin Dilei lowered her head and took a few deep breaths. When she raised her face again, she was smiling and said very light judo every word. "Just now you said it too fast, I didn't remember. Can you repeat it?"

Wusheng 1 swallows his saliva. At this moment, the seven souls reach an unprecedented tacit understanding -

"just be full."

a large kitchen pot with a long layer of strips, and a dozen of kitchen stoves, each with huge frying pan on each stove, and the spade is as spade as a shovel.

There are two independent rooms in the kitchen on the first floor, which are on both sides of the kitchen. One is a warehouse for storing rice, flour, grain and oil, and the other is a separate gas room set up seven or eight meters away from the end of the stove. Through the glass you can see four gas tanks standing inside. Obviously, this is the source of fuel for more than a dozen stoves. The size of these gas tanks is much larger than that of ordinary household liquefied gas tanks. At first glance, it seems strange, but when they are matched with large stoves and large pots, they have the same painting style.

When we ran to the canteen, we were worried that if the canteen used the gas pipe of the city's unified supply for cooking, now the heating has been stopped, and the gas and natural gas are no better. It was not until I ran here and found that I was using a gas tank that I was temporarily relieved.

However, the following problem is even more serious - the gas tank has a fixed capacity. If the fuel in it is used up, it will be replaced completely. Now, no one will come to replace it. What should we do if we cook later? In the early stage, we may be able to find the remaining gas tanks from the back kitchen on the second and third floors. Of course, it's a headache whether we will compete with class 2. But even if we get them, they will be used up one day. What should we do then? It's not realistic to build an eternal fire like the Olympic flame. The combustible things that can be found in the dining hall can be counted with one hand. The rest are all non combustible pots and pans, as well as plastic stools and metal tables outside.

Since there is no solution for the time being, let's look ahead.

Lin Di Lei went to the gas room and looked around the gas tanks carefully. At last, she patted them one by one and coaxed them like children: "I hope you can stick to it for a few more days."

As the only remaining achievement of the kitchen, Zhou Junyi naturally wants to help, so he also follows up the gas room. See Lin Di Lei to gas tank make a wish, simply come forward to hold the tank, next to the strong shake two.

The liquid in the tank shakes with the rhythm of the week and makes a sound.

In a short time, Zhou Tongyi stabilized the last jar and announced the identification results: "two of them are about half left, and the other two are a little less, at most one third."

In fact, Lin Dilei has never used a gas tank. Her family has been running through the city's gas supply pipeline. When she comes to the University, she stealthily touches the electricity for cooking, so she earnestly asks, "how long can it last?"

"The jar I used to use in my family, if I remember correctly, should be 15kg," he said. In recent years, the family no longer uses gas tanks. He can only try to recall it with vague impression. "If we cook normally, it's only a month and a half." Then he looked at the bottle in front of him. It said 50kg. After a rough calculation, Zhou Tongyi had a number in mind. "Now there are 0.5 * 2 + 0.33 * 2, which is 1.66 large cans. The large cans are 3.33 times of the small ones, and 1.16 * 3.33 * 1.5, which is 8 Well, after the decimal point, we don't count carefully. It's just eight months. ""Eight months? Are you sure? "

"In theory." Zhou Junyi didn't dare to say that he was too dead. In case the students ran for a year to prepare, only four months later, poof, the kitchen fire went out, it was estimated that his life fire would die out with him.

Even in theory, it's exciting enough. Lin Dilei almost hummed a little song and lit the stove under the guidance of Zhou Tongyi


At the moment when the huge fire started, if it wasn't for Lin Di Lei's fast hiding, several strands of hair on her forehead would be burned away.

"Do you and your family have such a fierce fire..."


"One more chance."

"It's no problem to keep burning at this rate for two months!"

"Did anyone tell you that being cute when a woman is angry is suicide?"


The kitchen of the canteen is different from that of the household. It is specially designed. The fire power is so strong that it is absolutely appalling. Zhou Tongyi debugged the hydraulic valve in the gas room for half a day, and all failed. It's too low, and the fire goes out directly. It's hard to keep the fire steady. The fire is almost the same as that of cooking at home. I didn't wait to be happy, but I found that this kind of fire is not enough for a large cooker, and the dishes are not hot even if they are put in the pot for a long time. If we insist on using such a small amount of fire, the amount of gas used per unit time will drop, but when the dishes are cooked, the total time of gas use will be lengthened, and the amount of gas used will still be so large.

If he had to choose between a quick fire and a slow fire, Zhou would rather save time to have a good time.

It's hard, Lindley.

This dish is in a hurry. During the whole process, she missed the small stove on the second floor, where she could easily cook bean sprout soup. Here, she had to stir fry at four times the fast forward speed, otherwise the dish would be burnt.

here be in full swing, shovel, and the other side of the week is more vigorous than the steamed rice machine. After half a day's study, he just managed to send the rice steamed iron dish with rice in the water and put it in the heart of trying to try. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and pressed the button to start.

The six little friends watched the whole process from a distance, and at this time they were filled with emotion -

josch: "they looked more nervous than when they were beating zombies..."

Li Jingyu: "I've done too much."

Luo Geng: "and sweating, such a cold day, they are sweating."

Josch: you talk like they're doing something shady

Wang Qingyuan: "only you think so!"

Song Fei and Qi Yan: "er..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm too unsociable." Wang, the only one who didn't get a driver's license, decided to go next to him.

Cooked rice, stir fried cabbage that melt into the mouth, fortunately, there is a full amount of meat in it, which saved this disastrous lunch. Class 1 of Wu Sheng couldn't care whether it was too poor for eight people to eat a dish. Anyway, there was a big pot of dishes, so they all gobbled up the flavor of the long lost home dishes.

At first, some people took time to say a few words, mumbling, commenting on the food, or chatting. But later, no one spoke again.

Some strange emotion with the gradual warming up of the stomach, with the recovery.

In the past, no one would have thought such an ordinary meal strange, but after eating eight treasure porridge snacks with instant noodles for more than ten days, after experiencing all kinds of hardships, it would be difficult to calm down after sitting down and eating such a meal again. It turns out that the most intimate things in the world are those you never care about, but are very familiar with, such as the plants in your hometown and the ding of your parents Exhort, still have the firework gas that the stove in the home floats out day by day.

A drop of tears fell into the rice. Holding the bowl, Lin Dilei lowered her head and tried to blink her eyes. She choked back all the things that still came out.

No one found out.

Because the male students are not good, the homesick homesick, the homesick mother, but the man has tears not light play.

After the last meal, Song Fei feels that the atmosphere is a little depressed. He looks around and suddenly has an idea. He gets up quietly.

"What are you doing with the shovel?" Before he finished eating, Josh found that Song Fei took out the frying shovel from another empty big pot.

"It's OK. You eat yours." Song Fei perfunctorily goes to the window.

Josch shrugged and went on eating.

Other small partners also looked at Song Fei, but in view of the latter's habitual unusual way, so his comrades in arms also let him go.

Except for Qi Yan.

As soon as Song Fei looks for a shovel, Qi Yan knows what he is going to do, so he is on guard from beginning to end.

Song Fei did not know, and when he unnoticed himself, he confirmed that he still had no dead body outside, and quietly opened the window, and shovel out the big pot shovel with almost no difference from the shovel, and gently shoveled a thin layer of snow from the ground that had not been melted. Finally, he carefully took back the shovel and put it on the ground, closed the window, squatted down to gather the snow on the shovel together, and covered it in the palm of his hand to form a big snow ball.Everything is ready, but bad luck.

Showing the thief's bad smile, Song Fei turns around. Just as he wants to go back, he is squinting at Qi Yan.

Song feiji quickly made a "hush, keep quiet" gesture.

Qi Yan's eyes flashed a trace of suspicion, but did not make a sound.

Song Fei stealthily walks to Wang Qingyuan, who is still eating. When his index finger hooks his back neck, the snow ball in the other hand is sent into his neck.

When Wang Qingyuan reacts that it's wrong, the cold snowball has already rolled into the depth of his clothes. Everywhere he goes, it's cold and sour.

Wang Qingyuan didn't cry, but he jumped up all of a sudden. After a look at Song Fei's expression and the shovel under the window, he knew what was going on. Without saying a word, he went to open the window to shovel snow!

Half a minute later, Wang Qingyuan's snowball is nimbly dodged by Song Fei, and finally hits Qiao Siqi's face behind him.

How can josch be dumb? Join the war immediately.

So in a few minutes, the whole class 1 of wusheng entered the happy snowball fight mode. Although dare not call too wantonly, but every face is full of long lost happiness.

Except for Qi Yan.

As the first person to discover Song Fei's attempt, Qi Yan's emotional ups and downs are very complicated. At the beginning, he was proud. Look, I see through you. Later it was a threat. How dare you throw it at me? Then judging from the calm on the other side's face, people's original goal is not him. Finally, he was lucky that he still can't fall in love with Wang.

It's a painful thing to be sentimental.

In the corner of the back kitchen, two students, josch and Zhou Tongyi, who were tired of the temporary truce, found that their comrades in arms in the distance were unusually quiet -

josch: "what did he think of sitting there?"

Zhou Tongyi: "I don't know."

Josch: it looks very annoying

Zhou Tongyi: "the mind is too heavy, always think too much."

Josch: if you like someone like Sophie, can you continue to be silly without heart or heart

Zhou Tongyi: "it depends on how to say..."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao called over there -

"Qi Yan, why are you sitting still like an old man? Come on, be happy. Anyway, Zhou said that we can stay here for at least three months!"

They looked back and went on -

josch: "what do you say?"

Zhou Tongyi: "I became a monk the first day I found that I fell in love."

On the second floor, there are six heads in the window.

Why do they dig out the spade

Wu Zhou: "we are an ancient capital with many tombs. Have we found any clues?"

Zhao he: "don't be blind. Do you want to steal tombs at this time?"

He Zhi asked: "maybe I want to make a side hole into the tomb to hide the zombies."

Feng Qibai: "zombies are hiding. What should we do if we meet zombies again?"

He Zhi asked: "I find that you think the question is very sharp..."

Huang Mo quietly left the window, sat down in a corner and began to think seriously about whether to change classes.