Song Fei's first reaction is to run to the left side of the door, but zombies pounce on the left side, Song Fei can only hide to the right. After the attack, he was facing the door of the third compartment. Without hesitation, he stepped into the compartment and turned around like a lightning bolt to close the door!

The zombie didn't slow down much, but he ran to the door when he couldn't make a good jump. As soon as Song Fei closed the door, he put half of his body in the crack of the door!

The zombie stretched out his arm desperately, trying to squeeze the whole body in! Song Fei tried his best to squeeze the door, not only can't let him rush in, but also be on guard not to be bitten, the forehead has been sweating.

All of a sudden, the zombie let out a howl, as if it was forced to rush, and its strength suddenly increased! A force, life will open the door!

Song Fei was suddenly taken to one side, and his back hit the partition hard!

Zombie has rushed in, in the narrow compartment, Song Fei can't avoid it!

Seeing that he was about to be knocked by the wall, Song Fei suddenly squatted down, hugged the zombie and dragged his legs out!

He lost his balance and banged his head on the edge of the toilet!

Song Fei immediately released his arm and stood up. He raised his legs and straddled on the back of the zombie. He put his hands on the back of the other person's head and sent it to the toilet!

When they came, Qi Yan saw such a scene. If you don't know clearly that this is one person and one corpse, you will think it is an ordinary fight. What's more, how miserable Song Fei yelled before, how much they sympathized with the one lying on the toilet.

Zhou Tongyi gave each other a good time.

After confirming that the zombie was no longer struggling, Song Fei was relieved and stood up. But the next second he seemed to think of something, and ran quickly through his partner to the second compartment.

The ventilation window was still wide open, but fortunately no more zombies came in.

Song Fei quickly closes the window, only to find that the lock has been broken.

The air vent window of the toilet is the most common aluminum alloy pull window. It may be used by insiders, but also in the toilet, so it is an old crescent lock, with a metal piece with curved edge as the lock nose and a small crescent shaped lock. After closing the window, you can pull the lock.

This kind of lock is easy to install, it can be done by screwing four screws, and its security is also poor. When you pull the window with basic force, the bent part of the metal sheet will be scratched off by the lock lock. Even if the lock is abandoned, the window will naturally open. But the school has security patrols at night, and the supermarket itself has monitors and watchmen. It's estimated that the operators don't take this small window seriously and just deal with it.

When they checked, they naturally saw the window and also checked the lock, but at that time they all agreed that the zombie might break the door and hit the window, but it was impossible to open the window like a human being consciously. So as long as you listen to the sound of broken glass at any time, you can be sure.

However, reality gives them a cruel slap in the face.

In the cramped bathroom, everyone was silent. The zombie society opened a window, which had a huge impact on the "New Three Outlooks of the world of bereavement" that they gradually established after the outbreak of the corpse tide.

"So when I came to the bathroom before, it might have been in it?" The thought that she had been separated from the zombie made her feel goose bumps.

"It shouldn't be," he said, trying to analyze and reason, which is the first thing for him. "If it's inside when you come, even if it's not sensitive to sound, it can't be insensitive to the smell of living people."

Throughout the past few days, zombies who are not attracted by songs have no faces in front, and those who are not attracted by the smell of living people have not been found.

Following the analysis of Song Fei, Lin Dilei guessed: "you were attacked and yelled for help only a few minutes after you came in. That is to say, it crawled in not only after me, but also after you But it's not right, "Lindley found the problem." didn't you hear it when it opened the window and crawled in? "

Song Fei shook his head: "it didn't come in after me. I can swear that from when I came in to when I found it, there was no sound of opening a window. So the biggest possibility is that it was already there when I came in. The reason why it didn't attack me may be that I still have the smell of toilet water, which covers my own taste. "

"Was it in this compartment?" Qi Yan, who had been silent, suddenly asked.

Song Fei didn't know why, so he nodded truthfully.

Qi Yan asked again, "shut the door?"

Song Fei was puzzled: "yes, I saw me when I came in with the door open."

Qi Yan frowned and finally knew what was wrong: "when you came in, it closed the door, neither saw you nor attacked you. Why did it attack you suddenly after a few minutes?"

Song Fei's language is not enough.

Qi Yan's original intention is not to question. He just wants to know as many details as possible and clear up doubts. Only in this way can he sum up more about the behavior habits of zombies. He knows himself and his enemy, and is invincible. This is the universal truth.

But Song Fei's hesitation gave him a bad feeling.

Sure enough——"I heard the music of my mobile phone. I thought it was you, so I kicked the door."

Song's reply made all the onlookers think that they had heard the letter from heaven, and Qi Yan turned black.

When Song Fei said this, he thought he was a fool. But in fact, when he heard that song at that time, his first reaction was really Qi Yan. He never thought that there would be another person in the world who would like that kind of song, and it was after he finished singing the same tune. More importantly, there were only them in the supermarket. He could never have thought that it was a zombie playing songs next door

"Love spicy, green spicy, green spicy..."

The sudden sound of music interrupted Song Fei's self loathing.

When entangled with the zombie, the song which stops inexplicably revives now.

He squatted down and tried to find out the culprit from the back of the toilet. He just wanted to show it to the public to prove that he was really careless rather than mentally retarded. But when he saw the mobile phone, he was stunned.

"It's not Do you have any... " Song Fei stands up in a trance and looks at Qi Yan blankly. His mind is completely confused.

"It's not safe to hold it on the roof for too long, so it's thrown on the ground." Qi Yan takes the phone and turns off the alarm. This is the third-party alarm software he has been using. At the moment, it's set up to keep ringing every two minutes as long as the alarm is not turned off.

"Why didn't you tell me you lost your cell phone?"

Song Fei asked lightly, even with a little trembling. If Qi Yan is sharp, he will find that Song Fei is abnormal.

"There's nothing to say. Can you make one up for me?"

Unfortunately, Qi Yan didn't.

Now all he thinks about is how to make Song Fei clearly realize that the world is different. If he follows the previous behavior pattern that everything is but brain, he will die sooner or later.

"Even if it's the same song, did I come to the toilet with you? I'm such a living person. When I enter the toilet and open the door, I sit next door. Can't you hear a sound? You can't think before you act? You are not alone now, your every move is related to everyone's life

Qi Yan tried his best to restrain his emotion, but his words were still full of anger. Of course, he was worried about Song Fei, but he hated Song Fei's incongruity. This kind of incongruity will affect the achievement of Song Fei and the relationship between them at most before, but now, any negligence may be fatal!

The friends also feel that Song Fei's kicking the door is heartless, but from Song Fei's point of view, they have no idea that Qi Yan's mobile phone is lost. When they first hear the same song, it's still so unpopular. Conditioned reflex thinks that Qi Yan can understand it. So when Qi Yan's continuous training, Song Fei didn't reply at all, so he bowed his head and listened obediently, and they were a little impatient.

"Well, well, he didn't mean it."

"You know there's a zombie in there. He doesn't dare to let him kick the door."

"Look at him, he must have realized that impulse is the devil."

"Do you have a stick or something? Let's find something to hold the window up..."

The frequency of Song Fei's unreliability is too high, so it's not the first time Qi Yan has said about him. But in the past, regardless of right or wrong, Song Fei would jump up and choke with him. To put it better, it was communication. In fact, it was unreasonable argument. Qi Yan is not a good temper. To be exact, he is afraid even when he is angry. Because reason can't control it any more, he usually feels that he is going to be angry, so he doesn't quarrel with Song Fei any more. What he says is to calm down with each other. He really wants to calm down with each other, so as not to say something that makes him regret. But Song Fei didn't adapt. He always said that this was cold violence, and he didn't want to explain it.

But this time, he scolded the other side for a long time, but the other side bowed his head and didn't say a word.

Qi Yan is higher than Song Fei. When Song Fei bows his head, he can't see each other's expression from his point of view, which makes Qi Yan a little flustered.

"Not next time," the still low head finally gave out a stuffy voice. "I'll think about everything I do in the future."

Qi Yan was stunned. He had hoped that Song Fei would be obedient and don't make trouble. But it really came true, and it seemed that something was wrong.

"Well, why? It's like training your son. You didn't tell him you left your cell phone outside." Lin Dilei comes in and drags Song Fei out of the bathroom.

Next Monday's law, Qiao Siqi and Luo Geng, some are confused, some are filled with emotion, and some are in praise -

Luo Geng: "you guys are all in the mode of education when they fall in love?"

Zhou Tongyi: "the two men are good at dealing with each other. Right is right and wrong is wrong. There is no one who is coquettish and gives up unconditionally."

Josch: "I've been worried that you can't hold him. Now it seems that my younger brother is worried too much."

Qi Yan has no mind to tease them. He is still thinking about Song Fei's abnormality.

Lin Di Lei has been pulling Song Fei far away, and no one can hear him. She just pokes the latter's dying face like a joke: "at least, it's the expression to be scolded. When are you so thin skinned?""No," Song Fei scratched his head and said, "I think I'm really stupid."

Lin Dilei said: "Qi Yan has been scolded in an all-round way, so you don't have to add it yourself."

Song Fei gave a wry smile and stopped explaining.

What he did today was really stupid, but what really made him feel stupid was that when he heard that song, he thought that Qi Yan was next door. What he felt was great peace of mind.

The kind of people around, are not afraid of the collapse of the mood, not promising to even despise himself.

Fortunately, the person who was focused on him didn't notice these details, otherwise he really had to find a way to get in.

At that time, there were always people in the group asking, what's wrong with Qi Yan? You have to break up with him. Song Fei always gives reasons for being very smart, such as personality incompatibility, three outlooks incompatibility, unable to play together and so on. Only he knew that the truth was far less beautiful.

He's just tired, too tired.

Qi Yan is much better than him. This is a fact that he would never admit in front of Qi Yan, but in fact he has long accepted in his heart. He wanted to live with Qi Yan forever. He tried to keep up with each other for many times, but it was too hard. He likes the big tree, but he is a grass in his life. If the big tree likes to accompany the grass, it will be safe. Unfortunately, the big tree has to let the grass grow as high as himself. Grass tried, No. The big tree still does not give up, must continue to pull up.

In the long run, one day the grass will be uprooted by the big tree. When the big tree finally realizes that the grass can't be a tree, it will give up and the grass will turn yellow and die.

Song Fei didn't want to wait until that day.

But only he himself knew that his mouth was divided, but he was reluctant to part in his heart. That's a big tree. If you miss one, you may not have another in your life.

So he can take it up, but can't put it down. He's still a friend even if he doesn't know what to do.

Until just now.

He decided to really give up Qi Yan, not to engage in ambiguity, not to tease. No matter how good the grass is, it's still grass. He can't climb this tree in his life. Even if people are willing to be surrounded by you, they still have to look down when they look at you. It's not Qi Yan's fault, it's attribute. When he used to quarrel, Qi Yan always said that he couldn't face up to his problems. Now he understands that it's self-knowledge.

What's more, the most important thing now is to protect his life. If he loses points, his heart doesn't matter. It is likely that everyone's safety will be involved. Therefore, from now on, he must have a spirit of 12 points, and can no longer be free from his temper and random thoughts.

For the first time in his 19 years of life, Song Fei made up his mind to reform and become a good grass.

Finally, the six friends moved the body to the rest room, wrapped five brushes with adhesive tape into a bundle and put them in the slide. Then they used adhesive tape to firmly stick the pencil bundle with the slide. Finally, they resisted the vent window of the toilet. But just in case, they moved in the narrow half height lockers in the staff lounge, blocking the door of the compartment from the outside, so that once the zombies break through the window and climb in again, they have to push the lockers. At that time, the sound of metal lockers rubbing on the marble floor tiles is enough to give them an alarm.

After all this, we finally got back to the living area and began to analyze and summarize.

Qi Yan, the chief culprit, first explained the situation, but before he said it, he took a sneak look at Song Fei. He found that the man, like everyone else, also had a pen and a notebook, with a serious look and a dedicated appearance of preparing to take notes in class. Song Fei is no longer fooling around, which used to be a happy event of universal celebration. But now, Qi Yan just feels that he has no bottom in his heart. It seems that something is changing quietly. He can't grasp it or control it.

Everyone was watching him. Qi Yan calmed down and said, "when I dropped my mobile phone on the ground, the player was playing songs. But just in case, I set an alarm. Once the player was touched by mistake, the alarm can be added. The music that Song Fei suddenly sounded when he was in the toilet and our later music started from the first sentence, which proved that they were all alarm bells. The most likely case is that a curious zombie picked up his mobile phone and climbed into the toilet through the air vent. As for whether he hit by mistake or consciously climbed in, there is no way to judge. "

"I should have climbed consciously," Luo Geng said after pondering for a moment. "Do you remember Cui Menghan? We thought it climbed up just because of its soft body, but when we think about it, many zombies on the ground wanted to grab the sheets, but Cui Menghan was the only one who finally climbed up. Similarly, there are many zombies who want to climb the ventilation window, but which one happened to succeed? "

Zhou Tongyi gasped: "you mean Is their intelligence not completely degraded? "

Qi Yan's eyes narrowed: "at least, I can imitate."

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

They did the bed sheets and the ventilation windows, and then the zombies followed them. Qi Yan's reasoning cannot be refuted. Although the vent window of the toilet is much shorter than Qi Yan's, there is no need for the zombie to climb up visually. But even the simple imitation of climbing is enough to make people despair."I have a problem," Song Fei raised his hand. "Er, did you lock the screen when you dropped the phone?"

Qi Yan was stunned. Originally, conditioned reflex thought that Song Fei wanted to make trouble. After listening to the question, he probably understood his doubts. He seriously replied, "it's locked, but it's possible to touch the song pause by mistake when the screen is locked."

Song Fei: "is the screen still on when you are connected by us?"

Qi Yan was silent for a long time, slowly shaking his head: "no, it's already black."

Song Fei: "so you have to touch the home button to light up the screen, and then touch the pause button to stop the music."

Josch: "and you have to hold it in your hand with curiosity, climb into the vent, sit on the toilet and continue to study."

Zhou Tongyi: "can you stop talking, I'm cold..."

Lin Dilei: "maybe it's a coincidence. We can't scare ourselves. "

"Or," thought Sophie askew, "they still have some What's that called, muscle memory? For example, when we touch the mobile phone now, we will move our fingers to unlock the screen saver without thinking. Will they do the same? "

"It may also be memory," Qi Yan looked at Song Fei and discussed with him seriously for the first time. "Since their intelligence has not completely degenerated, at least their ability of imitation remains, it is also possible to retain some memory."

Song Fei nodded, but avoided Qi Yan's eyes and pretended to be diligent in recording.

Or, really diligent?

Qi Yan has no way to judge, this is not the Song Fei he is familiar with, nor is it the way he is familiar with. Although they parted in name, the ambiguity that only they could feel was never broken from beginning to end. It was this feeling that made him never really think that they would be parted.

Song Fei likes himself, and Qi Yan knows it clearly. Even Song Fei's every move, he saw in the eye, willing to take the bait, because he also likes. He is a person who likes to take the initiative in everything, and his feelings are no exception. Song Fei said that when he broke up, he was really a little confused, but after several rounds, he knew that the man had a bad temper and could not be cruel.

But now, all of a sudden, he's not sure.