The night before CET-4, the dormitory building was cut off. Song Fei is brushing the ghost animal video of a station with relish. In order to avoid disturbing, Wang and Ren, who are studying hard, also bring a headset, but they didn't notice it at first. When a video finished playing, he went to click on the new one, but the buffer could not be opened any more. Then he realized that it was wrong. When he looked at the lower right corner of the computer, there was an exclamation mark in the network connection status.

The instability of campus network is like the roll call of elective course teachers. You know it exists, but you don't know when it will come. But the frequency of the former is high, and the lethality varies from person to person. The frequency of the latter is hard to say, and the lethality is absolutely the same.

Song Fei has been numb, but to take off the headset, sure enough, the corridor outside a curse.

"Broken again?" Xiangyang, who had just finished the meeting outside the four stops, pushed the door in.

Song Fei a show hand: "must, do not smoke is not campus network."

"Be content," Xiangyang said as he went to the bottom of the bed and took off his coat. "Let's break it for an hour or two at most. My daughter-in-law said that they've been broken for two days, and they haven't been connected yet."

Song Fei's black line expresses infinite sympathy to the girls in the outer courtyard: "well, I have a balance in my heart."

Without the Internet, Song Fei can only go to bed with his mobile phone to brush the traffic, but I don't know if the God of learning in heaven can't see his carefree. At 9 p.m., his mobile phone has no signal. Not to mention 234g data, even the call signal has become a fork.

"Hey, do you have a signal on your cell phone?" Song Fei really doesn't want to break the quiet and serene learning atmosphere in the dormitory. How can the God of learning deceive people too much!

Qi Yan, who has just pulled out the real topic and is obviously not in the state yet, is going to the library to kill time. He is thinking about it all the way, because it's not only this that's abnormal. Song Fei's face is also strange when he comes. At that time, time was tight and I didn't have time to ask. I had to ask when I had lunch. When Qi Yan swiped his card into the library, he thought so.

When Song Fei walked into the examination room, all his friends had already sat down, including the invigilator. The whole classroom was filled with a kind of tense silence. Song Feichong's invigilator teacher smiles, and the teacher also gives him a smile -

"sit down quickly!"

Song Fei shrinks his neck and runs to the only empty seat.

Just after sitting down for a while, the teacher began to hand out papers and answer sheets. Soon there was only the rustle of pencils rubbing against the paper in the classroom.

Song Feiquan knows all the letters, but only is, are, yes, no and ABCD are familiar words. After scratching his ears to make a good composition, and painfully finishing his listening comprehension, Song Fei finally turned on the rampage mode and finished the other questions in two minutes. Then he didn't know what to do, so he just pretended to look down at the paper seriously, and somehow he felt lonely that he was invincible in the world.

The most inhumane thing about CET-4 and CET-6 is not to allow students to hand in their papers in advance, which makes it impossible for such speed masters as Song Fei to love. During the long wait, they can only lean their arms on their heads, look at the blackboard, the roof and the window


Song Fei blinked his eyes, doubting that he was dazed. He saw a classmate pass by the window. According to the truth, it's not that candidates can't enter the building at all, but if candidates can't hand in their papers in advance

Just passing by the window, the students have come to the door of the classroom. Song Fei sits in the second row of the classroom door. He can see the door clearly when he raises his eyes. This time, he can be sure, not his own eyes, but really have students, and is a blood covered classmate!

Invigilator at first thought that someone broke into the examination room to make trouble, and so on to see clearly the appearance of the visitor, screamed out, ran over and asked with concern: "classmate, what's the matter with you?"

The face of the comer was blurred, and his lips seemed to move, but there was no sound. Suddenly, with a bang, he fell to the ground.

Invigilator teacher has been scared silly, a classroom examinee also muddled force.

Outside the classroom came the sound of disordered footsteps, with shrieks in the middle, from far to near.

In the blink of an eye, crazy students are just like a frightened herd of animals running past their classroom door!

Song Fei did not wait for them to recover, chasing after the "classmates" behind them - if they can still call them like this, they finally showed their true face. I saw that they were dull and pale, and several of their faces were still rubbed with their own or other people's blood! Most of them chased the "classmates" who ran away in front of them, but a few of them looked at this side when they passed the door of the classroom and suddenly stopped!

Song Fei breathed and watched the three "classmates" change their route and come in!

Invigilator teacher squatted at the door of the injured students have fallen to the ground, from the nearest, between the lightning has been three "students" down!

No, it's not a fall, it's an attack More biting?!

Now I've only seen horror scenes on the screen!!!

Song Fei can't remember how he ran out of the classroom. He only knows that everyone is running. Zhiyuan building is one of the few teaching buildings in the school without elevators. It is built in a zigzag structure. The corridor is long and winding, with six floors capped and stairs up and down. Song Fei's examination room is on the third floor. When they run out of the whole classroom, they may be driven subconsciously. Instead of choosing the direction where the students were chased before, they run to the stairs in the opposite direction!The process of going downstairs was fairly smooth, because this staircase was relatively partial, and there was no one else except them. Rao is so, Song Fei is still several times nearly squeezed down, to run to the first floor has become the end of the team.

Fortunately, he became the tail of the team.

The corridor is full of ferocious "schoolmates". There are only about 20 people in their classroom, and the first seven or eight have become the targets of attack. There are students trying to rush down, can eventually become a trap. All eyes are frightened faces of the attacked students, which is like the end of the world.

Song Fei was standing at the stairway. For a moment, he was in a trance. He couldn't tell whether it was a dream or a reality.

"Ah, ah, ah --"

suddenly, there was a heartbreaking scream in my ear, which was close at hand! Song Fei was so scared that he shivered all over. He turned his head and couldn't see two meters away. A "classmate" was riding on another classmate, biting off a piece of meat on his face!

From the initial chaos to the present, this is the first time for Song Fei to see clearly what happened. He just felt sour in his stomach and swallowed it, but his eyes were fixed there, and he couldn't move it.

The gnawed face of the students has been motionless, riding on his body "classmate" seems to no longer move the "thing" no interest, raised the iron blue face covered with blood, looked around, soon saw Song Fei.

The four eyes are opposite.

Song Fei couldn't help but vomit out. He didn't eat in the morning, now he can only vomit some sour water.

Perhaps the voice of vomiting completely interested the other party, "classmate" stood up, hesitated for a moment, then decided to go to Song Fei.

Song Fei looks at the other side approaching, but his feet seem to be filled with lead, unable to move. Intuition told him that he should escape, but reason told him that it must be a dream, just wake up.

Suddenly, Song Fei's eyes widened in horror.

Behind the "classmate" who came to him, the one who had just been bitten also stood up wobbly!

That person - if you can still call him a person, his face is already bloody, and the flesh of his right face is hanging there. Only one pair of eyes is still in good condition, but there is nothing in his empty eyes. There are no joys and sorrows, and there is no struggle and pain.

No, it's not human.

Maybe it's not a dream, either?

Song Fei has been completely confused, he only knows that a ghost like classmate is approaching him, he wants to escape, even in a dream!

"Classmate" has come to the front, no longer allow Song Fei to think, he is almost reflexive to run back, to run upstairs! He didn't know what was ahead, but in the back, on the fourth, fifth and sixth floor, there must be many normal teachers and classmates in the exam. The place he wanted to escape from not long ago has now become the most secure area!

One breath ran to the sixth floor, Song Fei did not know how far away he "classmate", but at least temporarily is invisible. Sure enough, as he thought, the sixth floor was quiet, and the world seemed to be back on track.

But Song Fei knew that it was only temporary, and the cold air began to smell of blood!

He rushed to the classroom nearest to the stairway, clearly out of breath, but his words were extremely coherent, and his tone even became more intense because of panic: "something happened below! It's all crazy! "

The invigilator was startled, and quickly snapped out Song Fei: "where's the exam? Where's the exam! Which college are you from! Get out

"Something's wrong, I didn't make trouble with you!" Song Fei exclaimed excitedly. It looked like he was going to fight.

The students in the examination were very angry because they were disturbed. When they saw that the troublemaker was still so arrogant, they burst up and stood up seven or eight times in the sound of the stools --


"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'll go!"

Now Song Fei is eager to be surrounded and beaten, and strides into the classroom.

It's all the sun at 90 o'clock. It's right to have a sense of justice, but no one is skilled in fighting. Watching the "people who are angry" rush in and beg for beating, the seven or eight young men who stand up can't resist the enthusiasm.

The little girl sitting in the first row suddenly screamed!

When they followed the reputation, they saw that the female teacher who was still criticizing Song Fei had been knocked down. At the moment, there were two more people on her. If they were right, they were grabbing an arm to gnaw. The female teacher who was riding under them kept twitching, and blood was pouring out from the broken arm.

No one knows why the female teacher didn't scream.

It's like no one knows what kind of monster is eating her arm.

"Ah ah --"

I don't know which boy howled out, and the classroom fell into a sea of panic.

Students scramble to run out, Song Fei was almost pushed down, staggered several steps, just barely keep up.

The corridor on the sixth floor has been in a commotion, and everyone is still running to the stairway. This time, Song Fei doesn't run in the opposite direction, but is crammed into the huge stream of people!

As the saying goes, many people have great strength. The impact of Bailai's escape army is far stronger than that of more than 20 people. He broke through the obstacles and ran out of zhiyuanlou!Song Fei is being pushed to run, there is no time to see how many students running in front of the monster has become the plate. When I see the sun again, it's almost a rebirth!

However, wailing outside the teaching building, crazy and half dead, has occupied the Boulevard!

In addition to the zhiyuanlou army that Song Fei followed, there were other students running out of other teaching buildings. For a moment, the students who fled from all directions converged into a sea of running, and they all went to the dormitory area with tacit understanding. I don't know who started first. Anyway, when Song Fei came out, the team went to the dormitory area. Even if the students who joined later wanted to run in other directions, they instinctively followed the mainstream.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Who knows!"

"Zombies!"!!! "Absolutely!"

"Screw you!"!!! Now it's time to joke! "

"I'm not dreaming!"

"You can let them take a bite to see if it hurts!"


The blue sky, the white clouds, the surging students and the army of zombies constitute a vibrant picture.

Song Fei looked back as he ran. He had never regretted his death like this. Even if he followed Qi Yan to exercise once more, it would not be like this!

"Classmate" is not as fast as the big army, and has been left behind, but there is only one. The speed of running is as fast as the big army. Now it is getting closer and closer to Song Fei, five meters, three meters, two meters!

Song Fei tried his best to run, but he couldn't get away from the other side! Seeing that the other side stretched out his arm and almost touched his back, Song Fei's heart beat to his throat!

Suddenly, a foot flew from the side and kicked "classmate" to the ground. After the kick, the man kicked "classmate" more than ten feet: "go to die, go to die, go to die!"

Sometimes when one's fear reaches its limit, one will be angry.

Song Fei was almost scared to death, gnawing people "classmate" terror, this does not gnaw people's classmate is not good where to go!

Seeing that the "classmates" on the ground are going to get up and the "classmates" behind them are going to catch up, Song Fei quickly pulls the real classmates: "don't waste your time!"

The man looked at him, obviously still resentful, but the "classmates" behind him had come like a tide, he gritted his teeth and ran!

Song Fei also accelerates again!

Run no two steps, the heart is not willing to violence, the students still did not resist, looked up at the sky roaring: "fuck, your mother review day and night for three months, ah, can't let me hand in the paper!!!"

Er, sometimes when people are extremely angry, they forget their fear.