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The fire protection method said happily: "You are not long legs, you can not stand up when you stand up ?!"

Jin Hufa roared out: "What can I stand up on my own, and call you to do something ?!"

The golden guardian law is almost exploding!

When he was hit by the first mud, he wanted to stand up and hide. Where did he think he was like being imprisoned, he could n’t move at all, so he could only watch the mud of mud hit him he.

The fire protection law and others heard the words of the gold protection law, and then they realized the reaction afterwards. Also, the gold protection law was not a fool. It did n’t make sense to be stupid all the time.

The fire protector laughed and took out a rope to cover the gold protector and dragged him away.

As soon as he left the body of Jin Hufa, he was free to move and scolded angrily: "It must have been the ghost of the stinky girl! Or why did she get the herb, but the mud I got?"

The fire protection law pouted: "What you said is ridiculous. The little girl can't control the forbidden place of our Longling emperor's family even if she has the ability.

Maybe you said something wrong, and offended something in the forbidden land, so I was tricked. "

Mu Hufa said aside: "Will it be the demon fox that Chengxi girl said? Maybe the demon fox treated the little girl as Chengxi girl, so she was given her herb.

And you have been talking coolly next to it, so the demon fox tricks you. "

Upon hearing this, Emperor Xuan Ting and others felt that Mu Hufa had something to say. After all, the two emperors were very similar in appearance, and it was possible for the demon fox to admit its mistakes for a while.

Tu Hu Fa said on the side: "If this is really the case, then we can let the little girl come to kneel for a while.

I took a cursory look just now, and there are several herbs in it that are used to refine the elixir that aids the cultivation of consciousness. "

Emperor Xuan Ting's eyes lit up, and he felt that the earth protection method was a good suggestion.

Jin Hufa said angrily: "Listening to what you mean, are you planning to admit the identity of that stinky girl? You forgot to take pity on the girl? You are too unkind!

Do n’t forget, the news about the Hai tribe and thousands of lives including me are all due to the girl ’s credit. "

Emperor Xuan Ting said with some displeasure: "Golden Protection Method, to cherish the merits of the girl is indelible. None of us has forgotten, nor will we.

But you can't be prejudiced against the real emperor because of this, she is innocent!

And she is also the bloodline of the Longling emperor's family, and has suffered a lot. We should compensate her twice. "

Jin Hu Faxin said, Bah! It's nice to say, isn't it just that she wants to get herbs from the forbidden land? !

Of course, he would n’t be stupid. He said this, and then he said angrily: "Okay, okay, I ca n’t tell you, since you think she is that!"

But one thing has to be said, she can't call Emperor Chengxiu, just give her a cat or dog name!

Because in my heart, there is only one pity girl. "

Emperor Xuan Ting felt that although Jin Hufa was unsatisfactory, it also made sense. It was impossible for two people to call Emperor Cheng Xiu, which was not easy to distinguish. It was better to change her name.

But this is not easy to say. After all, the original name of the family is called Emperor Chengxi, which seems to be a bully.

Furthermore, what is the name?