CH 14

Name:Your Regrets Are Late Author:
“Teacher! Are you all right?”

“Don’t come close as you may get hurt, Your Highness.”

The teacup fell to the floor and instantly became sharp shards.

Professor Hail felt an unknown anxiousness take over his body. He looked like something unsettling was about to happen. Even in the morning, he bled from rubbing his flesh with paper.

“Your Highness… By any chance, are you sick?”

“Hmm… I don’t think so… Why are you asking that?”

“I’m asking you just in case… At the birthday banquets of His Highness Harbert… How about not attending it?”

“It can’t be. My brother even asked me to come by all means… What’s wrong, Teacher?”

Professor Hail grabbed his trembling right hand with his left hand.

“It’s not like something is going to happen right now…”


“I feel like something is going to happen to Your Highness…”

“It… wouldn’t be a big deal. Ah, please take care of Yekaterina, Teacher.”

“I felt like something would happen to the Majesty Crown Princess….”

“There… There won’t be. Ah, please take care of Yekaterina, Teacher.”

“Why are you suddenly saying that…?”

“…it’s just. Like me, she always tries to learn etiquette from her teacher. How tired she must be.”

“Your Highness. You have to be careful whenever and wherever you’re.”

“Teacher too. See you… in the next class.”

In the end, Professor Hail couldn’t stop Crown Princess Elizabeth from attending Prince Harbert’s birthday banquet.

‘Goddess Resina, who bestows blessing and protection. Please, help Your Highness to spend her day without any problems.’

All he could do was put his anxious thoughts aside and pray to the goddess Resina.

Princess Elizabeth didn’t come to his class two days later. It was because she died on Prince Harbert’s birthday banquet as if to ridicule his earnest wish. Her neck was cut in the hand of Prince Harbert, whom she trusted so much.

“Article 2, Paragraph 18 of the Elioter Imperial Law. For the crime of smuggling katerias, which is banned within the Empire, Crown Princess Elizabeth Lobelia Lesha von Elioter will be beheaded.”

She was even accused of smuggling banned drugs within the Empire. Crown Princess Elizabeth, who was called a genius and loved by the people, emerged as a star in the night sky.

The only thing Professor Hail could do was regret for someone who no longer existed in the world.

* * *

Professor Hail smiled bitterly when he had finished reminiscing about the last time he spent with Crown Princess Elizabeth.

“Even at that time, the previous emperor had entrusted half of his work to her highness…”


“…the key figures in the Imperial Palace were already taken over by Harbert IV through his father-in-law, so it was difficult to guarantee the life of Princess Yekaterina.”

In response to Professor Hail’s words, Charelize nodded her head slightly.

“Therefore… were they forced to get married?”

“Yes. The previous emperor begged the duke, even kneeling for him. When the duke refused until the end, he used the pledge of allegiance.”

The first head of Duke Marsetta took an oath called the pledge of allegiance. It was a sacred ceremony that took place in front of everyone. It was carried out by dripping blood into the holy water in the temple of the goddess Resina. So it was impossible to break. In the first place, no one even thought about breaking it.

Just as it was a condition to take an oath from generation to generation to succeed in the title, it continued until this day, even after more than a thousand years have passed since their family was founded.

“I can’t tell where the tragedy… started.”

“Little Duchess…”

“It looks like it will take a long time. Until I get my revenge for Crown Princess Elizabeth and my mother.”

“I know that much, Your Highness.”

“I can tell you one thing. I will wipe away your bloody tears. No matter what happens, I will give the head of Harbert IV.”

Charelize and Professor Hail’s eyes met.

“Me too… I want to wipe away your bloody tears. I have a few days left to live, so it’s a thought that I can do.”


“However, unlike me, little Duchess has more days to live than the days I have lived. I don’t want you to sacrifice your life for revenge.”


“The two who are watching from heaven wouldn’t want that either. Let go of your regret, and live your day, Your Highness.”

“…I understand.”

“You don’t want me to be a bad teacher, don’t you?”

To Professor Hail’s mischievous remarks, Charelize replied with a smile.

Professor Hail pulled out a large album from the library. Charelizer spent a long time browsing the album of childhood photos of those who sleep in the sky.

The sun was setting, and it was time to leave. Professor Hail saw off Charelize as she was about to board her carriage.

“Careful… Again, you have to be careful, Your Highness.”

“I hope you don’t grieve alone, Professor Hail.”

“That’s… what…do you mean?”

“It’s good to have at least one more person who remembers the one you miss. Don’t try to endure everything.”


“There are still lilacs in the garden that my mother loved.”

Charelize added, would he like to come to see the lilacs?

“After practicing walking… and getting used to the world that has become so unfamiliar… I will definitely go there. I hope the lilacs will bloom by then.”

Tears were shed, but Professor Hail was smiling lightly. His smile seemed to indicate that he could still be happy.

It was Lari who welcomed Charelize and Hailey, who arrived at the mansion late at night.

“Your Highness! Sister Hailey!”


“I told you to rest today. Neither you nor others would have something to do since Your Highness was away. It seems you didn’t even hear me.”

Hailey flicked affectionately on Lari’s forehead.

“Ouch. It hurts.”

“It hurts.”

“Well, Your Highness. Did you have a good trip?”

“… Yes. I’m back, Lari.”

After meeting Professor Hail and hearing his story, Charelize suddenly had such a thought. The time she had small conversations with her people was really precious.

* * *

“Young Master, I have something to report.”

“What is it?”

Charelize was lucky enough to get a good night’s sleep after a long time and was feeling better than usual. The butler nodded his head and answered.

“Someone asked to rent a vacant mansion near the Duchy Marsetta for a long time.”

“Then?” Charelize asked, fixing the glasses that she was wearing.

“Probably… that person is the second prince of the Peschte Empire.”

“Are you referring to Prince Arensis?”

“Yes. I was also informed that a man with light blue hair was staying there, and he seemed unwilling to hide his identity above all.”

“He came here without any intention of hiding his identity?”

Charelize briefly covered the paper she was reviewing.

“I understand. Then let’s get there.”

“Yes, young Master.”

As the butler left, Charelize rang the bell next to her a couple of times. Hailey entered with a polite knock.

“Your Highness, did you call?”

“Did you know a vacant mansion near the Duchy?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I’m going out there, so get ready.”

“I will follow your orders. Your Highness, May I ask how you are going to that mansion?”

At Hailey’s question, Charelize smiled relaxedly.

“Is it intentional, or does he really not know? There’s someone who keeps leaving his traces near me.”

“Your Highness?”

“Just to give you a little warning. It’s not a big deal.”

Charelize looked like she had something fun to do.

“Your Highness, shall we prepare the carriage?”

As she came down from the stairs and went outside, the coachman who was taking care of the horse ran over. At the coachman’s question, Charelize pondered for a moment.

“You don’t have to. I’m not going far, and the weather is nice, so I will walk.”

“I understand.”

It was very close, so Charelize sent back the coachman.

The weather was nice. She moved her steps while looking at the sky and arrived at the mansion before she realized it. A polite-looking old man with white hair came out.

“I see you, little Duchess Marsetta. My name is Helson, who manages this mansion.”

“I heard a man was living here.”

“Yes. Young Master Ash has been living here since a few days ago.”

“Young master?”

“He’s reluctant to reveal his identity, so I am calling him that way for now.”

At the old man’s answer, Charelize burst out laughing involuntarily.

“I heard reports from all over the place about that person.”

“Rumors travel faster than feet. If you wait inside for a while, I will bring the young master.”

The old man showed Charelize to a room. After ordering Hailey to wait outside for a while, she entered the room. Charelize, who was looking around, heard the polite knock. Apparently, it was the man with light blue hair. For a brief moment, that man was the mansion’s owner, and she was only a guest. Nevertheless, it was funny how he behaved.

“Come in.”

“Excuse me…”

She answered with an expressionless face, wiping her smile off her lips and maintaining her composure. When Charelize’s permission fell, the man came in. His face was red, with his head bowed slightly.

“It’s our second meeting, but… I’m the one who came first this time, so I will greet you again.”


“My name is Charelize Elze Roxana von Marsetta, little Duchess of Marsetta.”


Charelize reached out her hand towards him.

“I feel ashamed of my hand. Can you hold it for me at least once?”


“Your Highness Prince Arensis Cabel Yuan ron Peschte.”

Arensis, whose name was called by Charelize, seemed very surprised.