Hearing this, Feng Mo Chen was very happy, but he was the only one who came here alone. She frowned slightly when she didn't see the night.

Why didn't he come?

She put down her chopsticks and saw Su Mou push open the door of the cell and walk in slowly. He glanced at the dishes on the table. Seeing that she looked good, he sat down.

"Have you eaten yet?" Feng Mo Chen asked.

"No Su Mou replied, but now he is not in the mood to eat. His face is dignified. He said to her seriously, "Your Highness, I have something important to tell you when I come to see you."

"Say it Feng Mo Chen faintly felt that he had some uneasiness, which showed that he was very worried. At this time, she could not give him too much pressure. She picked up chopsticks and continued to eat while listening to him.

Su Mou looked at Feng Mo Chen's gentle face and said slowly, "I'm sorry, I let you down. Your highness, I can't find out anything. After Wei Xueqin's body was burned, it seems that there is no proof of death. Even if there is a corpse in his body, there is no actual evidence. When the clue is broken, I have no clue. "

He had tried all means to find out, but he got nothing.

Smell speech, Feng Mo Chen's eating action a stagnation, chew slowly after swallowing, lift an eye to look at Su Mou that guilty handsome face, she lightly smile: "as long as it is the existence of things, can't find a trace, Wei Xueqin's corpse is still there?"? Will general Zhan hand over her bones for your examination? "


Mention this two words, Su Mou Mou Mou Mou Mou color a deep, shake head: "don't know, I also went to him this morning, he still closed the door to disappear, it seems that he is iron, want to set his highness to die."

"Not necessarily." Feng Mo Chen Dao.

If he wanted her dead, he would have come to her last night and said that.

"But that's the situation, your highness. I'll ask the emperor! You are the only prince of Feng Dynasty. How can he kill you. This morning, the queen came to ask me about the situation. After I told her the truth, she went to see the emperor. She was still kneeling outside the Yangxin hall. "


Mother's concubine pleads with her father for her?

Still kneeling outside the Yangxin hall?

She was pregnant. How could her father make her kneel outside the hall?

Hearing this, Feng Mo Chen's face turned white, and he was in the mood to eat.

"Go and tell my father that I have a way to prove my innocence, but I want to see him. You go and tell him to hurry up. I can't let my mother's wife do anything for me. " Phoenix Mo Chen urgent way.

"Yes, your highness. I'm going to meet the emperor." When Su Mou heard her words, he got up and went out happily.

Feng Mo Chen is sitting there, can't help but clench fingers, brain can't help but emerge the scene of mother imperial concubine kneeling outside the hall, her heart faint pain.

Waiting for almost an hour, she didn't wait for Su Mou to come back, but she waited for the bodyguard beside Fengdi, saying that the case had been closed and she was acquitted.

They came to let her out.

Did you find the killer?

So fast?

Hasn't she made a move yet?

She asked the guards, but they said they didn't know.

After leaving the dungeon, he followed these bodyguards to Yangxin hall.

When I came to Yangxin hall, I didn't see my mother's concubine kneeling there. I heard from Duke Lin that the Fengdi had already gone back to rest with the empress.

She was relieved to say so.

When you enter the hall, you can feel that the atmosphere is a little dull. In the spacious hall, Su Mou is the only one standing there. At his feet, there is a stretcher. It looks like someone is lying on it, but it is covered with white cloth. You can't see who it is.

She glanced at the ground, then looked up at the Lord sitting on the Fengdi, kneeling on the ground salute: "son minister to see the emperor."