Looking at the deep eyes of emperor Feng, the princess was startled. She had never seen emperor Feng look at herself so angry.

Her heart trembled, but she still refused to admit it. She insisted, "I have buried his body. How can I know where it is? Didn't the emperor arrange for them to search? Have they been bribed by the prince? He deliberately hid the little prince, trying to frame me. "

Feng emperor's face sank, and his fingers pulled her wrist tightly. "In this case, I can only admit my marriage by dripping blood. I won't let my son die for no reason, and I won't let people frame up the prince at will." With that, he turned to Su Mou and said, "take the dagger..."

When Su Mou heard the words, he offered half a dagger.

Seeing this, the princess still kept her face and heart, so she didn't believe in the idea of blood.

There's no basis for that.

Fengdi took the dagger and made a strong stroke. His fingers were bleeding. He went to the corpse and squatted down slowly. His face was full of haze. His fingers stagnated, and the blood still trickled into the corpse.

All the people present held their breath, and the atmosphere did not come out.

Feng Mo Chen knelt on the ground, his face a little gloomy.

It's just a legend that she didn't actually see it. I don't know if she really melted the blood into the bone marrow.

Although the princess was not in a hurry, she could not calm down and was afraid.

Everyone was staring at the little corpse.

Fengdi will drop blood into the bones above, a moment later, the blood slowly changed, really melt into the bone marrow, disappeared.

See this scene, Feng emperor all startled a jump, he can't believe his eyes, really can melt into bone marrow inside.

"Princess, what else do you have to say..." thinking that the little corpse was his own yu'er, he turned around angrily and glared at Princess. For a moment, he wanted to strangle her: "is your heart a stone? This is our yu'er. You burned him with fire and used his death to frame my other son. What's your intention? You are vicious, cold-blooded. "

With that, he went forward and grabbed the princess's neck directly, exhausted his strength.

I want to strangle her.

Zhenfei didn't have time to react, so she was choked by Fengdi and couldn't breathe out.

"The Emperor... The Emperor..." she was pinched in the palm of her hand by Fengdi. She slapped his hand hard, her face turned red, and her eyes became wide open because she couldn't breathe.

Seeing this scene, Feng Mo Chen was deeply afraid that Feng emperor would strangle her in a rage. He got up and stood up. Because he had been kneeling for too long, he almost didn't stand firm. Fortunately, he helped her with the night brake.

She looked at him, then turned to step forward, "father... Don't be impulsive, you have something to say."

Hearing Feng Mo Chen's voice, the anger in Feng emperor's eyes gradually faded. As soon as he threw it, he threw the princess on the ground and asked coldly, "why do you want to harm the prince?"


Princess Zhenfei fell to the ground hard and took her breath. She looked up at Fengdi, sneered, and tears came down: "yes, I burned yu'er's bones, I wanted to hurt the prince. How unfair is heaven to me? It gives me hope and a fatal blow. "

"..." all the people present did not speak any more, and they had their own thoughts.

Feng emperor's face sank: "it's you who are stupid and make your own decisions. Yu'er is ill. Why do you want to hide it? What do you want to know? If you tell me, will he die? "