Now the kids have two days off after shooting the magazine. In the past two days, their brokerage companies called them out, and then their own companies went to do some road shows.

In fact, sometimes people feel very annoying. In this case, although it is arranged to sign a contract for one year, these brokerage companies will always let their children go back to their company to do some of their work.

If every brokerage company looks like this to them, then they will do this talent show. After that, as long as their own company makes a debut, what's the point of coming to this kind of program?

They may also be the first birds, so these brokerage companies give them a bad impression, let them know some of the hazards of the combination of these brokerage companies.

Of course, as far as their situation is concerned, there are worse things than them.

In fact, they sometimes make people feel very annoying. They think about how to pull these children out of the roadshow every day.

It can't be said that roadshow is a bad thing. After all, he can also improve his popularity, which is good for some of their popularity.

But what's the point with the brokerage firms they've signed up for a year? It's better for them to go back to their original agency and do something.

Although they have signed a brokerage company, they can still go outside and do some things about their company. In that case, it is certainly unfair to their company.

Originally signed a contract for a year, the time of doing one year is also very short, which will make people feel very headache. In fact, I sometimes worry about it. As far as this situation is concerned, everyone actually hopes to be able to do a good job in the next period of time. But what can they do? He can't help himself. Their agency has arranged them in this way. Can they do anything else? It can only be two words.

It's really difficult for them. After all, they are also contracted by other brokers, so they are not the boss themselves.

In this case, it is a headache for them, because if they do so, they will feel a little pressure. After all, they are also contracted to other companies.

Now it's a nuisance to every one of them.

Every day I think about how to dig something back from someone else's company. Who would like such a company?

Of course, in fact, everyone's thoughts are different. In fact, everyone hopes that this thing can be the best, but how many people can do it? Sometimes it makes people feel disgusted.

Sometimes watching such a plot makes people feel a little confused about where to start. Seeing too much will make people feel like they are now. For these children, they will certainly regret it later.

Now is also the most brilliant moment for them. If they can arrange their next things well, they don't need to think about others.

But their agency doesn't allow it, so the next thing is a lot of hindrance for these boys.


This time the magazine will be on the shelves. And 9% of the boys have said in advance about the above, they will be on the shelves soon, so fans are also enthusiastic comments. Every fan is basically looking forward to a magazine from their little brother.

It's also the first cover of little brothers. It can be regarded as a more precious cover for these boys. Basically, everyone hopes to take one back. In the next few months, they will start to disband, so the magazine cover in this period of time is more precious.

Everyone is basically very cherish the next period of time, so everyone's heart is also thinking about the first, everyone's hands are hoarding a copy.

The fans who got the clip were all very happy in their hearts.

[I didn't expect that all these little brothers would fall like this when shooting magazine covers, 6666]

[of course, they are handsome. In terms of their present situation, it is good to have this magazine cover this year. It's going to be disbanded. I don't think there will be any more magazine covers. ]

[according to internal information, their respective brokerage companies are quite honest about the group activities of these boys, so there may be separate activities for these boys in the following period of time. ]

[when signing the contract, they had already agreed on the group activities. In a year's time, these machine companies couldn't wait. How could this happen? ]

[is there a lack of mind upstairs? They have just coaxed up, and the brokerage company must hope to step on this piece of meat. ]

[nowadays, the brokerage companies really have no bottom line. They are not willing to admit the good things they said before. Now these children are basically busy flying. ][if you look at them now, it is estimated that it will be very difficult for them to get together in the future. Now, we should cherish the fact that they can be 9%. ]

[what I said above is right. We should cherish the time when they are still a team. ]

[one year is still very fast, so who knows when they will be disbanded immediately, and then I hear that there are also concerts of their group, who knows when they will appear. ]

[it is also said that who knows when it will appear, that is, in their current situation, every brokerage company hopes to win them back to their own company, so now who knows what will happen. ]

[how can these black eyed companies look like this? Now that the boys are out of business, they have already made such a difficult problem. ]

[so what is the purpose of this variety show to train talents for other brokerage companies! ]

[who knows why they do this activity, sometimes it's a little confusing. ]


Nine percent of the boys watched their fans talking about what to do next. To be honest, everyone is a little sad. After all, it is their brokerage company that can do such a thing. They also feel a little shameless in their heart.

But after all, it's also their brokerage company. It's a foregone conclusion. Can it become something else?

Although we all understand it in our hearts, it is a foregone conclusion, and there can be no other things.

Sometimes it makes people feel very headache. Even if they have such a small wish, they will basically feel some pressure on these fans.

In fact, sometimes it can make people feel very headache. After all, as long as the situation is good, the following other things are basically dispensable.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, these brokerage companies may also be reluctant.

Think about and know how these companies are willing to be regarded as their cash cow at this stage. For these brokerage companies, they only value money, so these trainees return to their. What good can you do? It's basically not good to be able to get it.

So I feel a little headache in my heart. In terms of their current situation, people don't know what to do, and hope to have a good result.

But what else can we do? Certainly not, so these people are a little bit low pressure in the next period of time.

In fact, everyone knows what they know. In terms of the situations they are talking about now, these brokerage companies must have some joint and several liabilities. No matter what kind of responsibility they are in, they don't think that there will be some good things happening to the company from this family.

Everyone wants to be able to get their little brother group to do a few more of these activities. After all, they are also a limited men's group, so the next time is really very tense, but if they look like this, it may also make them have no more exposure.

It's a headache to think about it. It's clear that these things are all good, but they make it look a little ugly.

Although every brokerage company thinks differently, sometimes it's hard to understand.

Chen Feiyu and his boys are also warm when they see the comments of fans. After all, they also know their fans and hope that they can have more team activities.

After all, they are also combined, so they also hope to have more team activities. Sometimes, it will be a headache for people. What do they really want to do?

They have been given free training. Why should they do this? Sometimes I really don't understand what they are thinking? It may also be that people's greed is too heavy, so they always hope to share all the good things with themselves, without considering for others.

After all, Chen Feiyu also signed a contract with the program group, so in recent years, he has basically followed the program group in activities. For him, he also hopes to have more team performances. After all, they are very rare to have such a chance.

If they miss this opportunity, it is basically impossible for them to cooperate in the future, so they will cherish their time together.

In fact, sometimes I think these boys are very cute, although they are all like children, but each of them is more real.