Qin Simiao went to the studio the next morning and took the script from pangyang. To be honest, at the beginning, I felt that it was dispensable, but after being serious, it seemed that it was really difficult to see down.

Fat Yang stares at Qin Simiao and says without blinking: "what do you think? Can you take this?"

Qin Simiao nodded and shook his head and said, "this script is really difficult. At the beginning, I didn't expect that he could be so difficult."

Fat Yang heard Qin Simiao say such words. It seems that this script is really a little difficult.

Then he took a sip of coffee and said, "well, forget it. If it's too difficult, if it's not good, it won't be good."

Qin Simiao shook his head and said, "that's not good. After all, I haven't tried it. If I succeed, it's not impossible."

Looking at Qin Simiao, fat Yang seems to like the script, so it's up to him. Go to the audition at that time. If it succeeds, it will be successful.

Qin Simiao looks at Pang Yang and feels that Pang Yang understands her meaning.

Qin Simiao went back directly with the script. After all, the script still needs to be looked at carefully. Otherwise, it will be eliminated at that time.

If Miss Qin can see it, it can be a big play.

Although it's a TV play that he can't watch, it doesn't have to be hot. After all, it's a leading TV play.

Qin Simiao has more confidence in director Wang. After all, this director is also a famous director in the TV drama industry.

After reading the script, Qin Simiao thinks that the woman in it is really not easy. From a commoner daughter of a family, and then become a queen.

Seriously, she went through a lot step by step. Intrigue in the backyard, in the family, in the backyard.

Every step makes his steps difficult, and every step makes him walk step by step. Seriously, from a bottom girl, and then slowly climb to a top girl, also experienced a very long into.

Qin Simiao has also experienced a lot during this period of time, and has thought a lot about it. Sometimes he thinks that the mentality of this character is really complicated.

I'm afraid that if I don't have a good grasp, I will attack all of them, but I think there are a lot of them. He wants to go to a better part.

Maybe he hasn't played this kind of similar role before, and let him really want to play it.

After Qin Simiao got home, he kept turning to the script. Seriously, this script is really very difficult. It can be regarded as one of the most difficult scripts to shoot before.

In the past, no matter how to shoot a character in an age group, now I have to shoot him from a very young age. It's really difficult when I am old.

Maybe this role is really too difficult, so I think more about it. I'm afraid I won't play this part.

Of course, he is not the only one who has this idea. Other people also have this idea. After all, everyone is of this age, and it is impossible to have too much experience.

Too much experience can only be said that he is older, too much experience is not necessarily a good thing.

Qin Simiao is not necessarily in a hurry now. After all, there are many more anxious people than him. There are still many girls who want to play this role.

Seriously, the one who can really interpret the role is also a bit of acting skills. It is impossible to play this role without anything.

Qin Simiao may have thought too much about it recently, so I can't grasp it. However, it may be better to leave a little time.

After all, I haven't said when to audition now, so it doesn't matter. Now at least there is still a period of time to hone your acting skills, so don't worry.

Qin Simiao just thinks more about it, but it's not a big deal to think about it now. After all, it's a normal phenomenon.

Everyone must have a yearning for a good script. Whoever can be good or who can be bad depends on his own ability.

Now just wait until the audition to show a good performance. The rest is not important, so it doesn't matter.

Qin Simiao may also have no work during this period of time, so the whole person has relaxed a lot, and it is difficult to get a job, so he wants to play her well.

After reading the script for a long time at home, I felt a little tired, so I went out to eat to see if there were any snacks in the house. After all, I was hungry.

Just out of the door of the room, I saw the child walking around the door of his room, with several aunts following behind.

Qin Simiao immediately picked up the child and said with a smile, "we are already able to walk. Let's go and see if there is anything delicious with our mother."

After that, he went to the refrigerator with Liuliu to see if there was anything delicious to eat.

Open a look, there is really delicious inside, took a bread, there is a cake, by the way poured a glass of juice.Seriously, I haven't eaten this kind of food for a long time. For actresses, this kind of food can be avoided as much as possible.

But after all, he is hungry now, so he ate a little more.

In fact, Qin Simiao didn't want to eat this kind of food at the beginning. After all, these things are easy to get fat and have a lot of sodium cyclamate.

Calories are too high, so to eat these things, or to keep a little rational, otherwise, when the time comes to lose weight can not be reduced.

Qin Simiao takes a bite of chicken cake, which is really similar. In fact, at the beginning, there was no such feeling, but when you are hungry, what you eat is very similar. Maybe it is the baby who wants to eat more quickly. Otherwise, it will be everywhere the baby gets.

Parents can't eat well when their children are by the way. After all, we should also take care of the children. Otherwise, what should we do when the children fall down?

In fact, Qin Simiao sometimes thinks about why children stick to their mothers? Maybe he stayed in his stomach for such a long time, so his dependence on his mother was the heaviest. Otherwise, he would not stick to his father.

The child still has a strong feeling for her mother. Otherwise, why do so many people take her with her every day? She still likes to follow her mother.

Qin Simiao has an idea for children to be independent.

But it is not right now. After all, the child is too young to be independent right now. After all, you can't let him be independent so soon.

Now the child is still slowly practicing walking. To say that there are so many aunts to take care of her, she is also very relieved in her heart.

After all, there are old men in the house watching them, and it is impossible for her to make some strange actions.

Qin Simiao, you can also say that he is deeply in love with children, but for children, she is also quite puzzled. I don't know why the child seems to have an inexplicable sense of distance from him.

Sometimes, it seems that she is very attached to him, but sometimes, it seems that there is a little unspeakable feeling.

It may also be that recently, she has always been with the nanny, and she is not very close to her mother.

It was like walking around the door of his room just now, but he pushed him away when he wanted to hold him. But in the end he picked it up.

After all, the child's strength is still too small, so when adults want to hold her, she still can't make any refusal.

In fact, Qin Simiao has remembered some things for a long time. After all, let the children grow freely. After all, it is impossible for him to take care of the children here every day. Maybe he will go out to film or watch the children every day.

In fact, Qin Simiao sometimes seems to understand, but sometimes he is quite confused. He really can't understand what the child is really thinking.

I always feel that this child seems to be a little precocious, but it seems to be a little cute.

It may also make her have a wrong feeling, otherwise it can't be so long. This child always makes him feel a little unclear.

But after eating, he doesn't have much time to treat the children. After all, he has to be busy with his own affairs.

If the script is only just got, so we still have to study it thoroughly, otherwise the audition may not be successful.

In fact, Qin Simiao is a little immature in dealing with children. After all, there are no nannies and aunts in the family. They are a little more mature. After all, they all have children at home.

They also know how to treat children, so they don't know anything like him.

The children seem to like the nanny and auntie behind him. When the parents are with him, sometimes the children seem to be a little puzzled. It seems that it is very difficult.

Just sitting here for a short time, she wanted to go out and walk, which may be the reason why nanny often carried him out.

In fact, children like to walk around at this time. It's also hard for them to put them at home every day. It's better to let them go outside. Walk around and review the fresh air.

Qin Simiao's words on this point, for nannies and aunts, they are still a little bit not in place. After all, she is also very busy, not a person at home, every day with the children to walk around.

The child's words or to use a nanny aunt with him. If he wants to go outside, he can go there. Otherwise, a busy person like him can't walk around with his children every day.

So now the child feels like a stranger who is familiar with him.