Tan Yutong was stunned. It seemed that he had never said such a thing before.

Tan Yutong held Liu Qingwen's hand tightly and continued: "Mom, you are the best mother-in-law in the world and the greatest mother in the world."

Liu Qingwen eyebrows slightly pick, deliberately said: "I am the world's greatest mother, then your mother? Isn't she great? "

Tan Yutong was stunned, then laughed, and said:

"you two are the greatest mothers in the world. In my heart, you are the same and the same number one."

Although I can hear that there is a little perfunctory element in Tan Yutong's words, I still love Tan Yutong, so Liu Qingwen doesn't care. In fact, there are not many people who can handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as well as they do. Therefore, why should she destroy such a good thing?

After they talked for a while, Tan Yutong began to listen to Liu Qingwen about the Mohist group and some problems with the book.

When Qi Mingyuan and Liu Yanxi came over, he saw them sitting on the sofa, laughing so much.

"Aunt, Yutong, what do you say? You are so happy."

Liu Qingwen quietly picked up all the documents in front of him and threw them on the partition under the coffee table. He didn't care at all.

But Qi Mingyuan didn't care much about what they had just done or said. It was just a greeting when they came in.

"Mingyuan, do you wake up and have breakfast?"

Qi Mingyuan nodded, "ate, aunt, you can really get up early."

"When you are old, you can't sleep so much. As long as you have a little sleep, you can't help thinking about exercising your muscles and bones."

"Auntie, you look very young. You don't look like someone who already has a son as big as Chongyan."

After hearing what Liu Yanxi said, Liu Qingwen was very happy. He took Liu Yanxi by the hand and motioned her to sit beside him. Then he said, "you see, my daughter-in-law has already had a grandson. How can she not be old?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. It's you who maintain it well."

Tan Yutong talks to Liu Yanxi from left to right, which makes Liu Qingwen laugh all the time and his mouth doesn't close.

Qi Mingyuan was listening and watching, and sometimes he put in two words, which made Liu Qingwen as happy as a child.

While they were talking, Qi Mingyuan looked at the study in front of him.

He and Mo Chongyan have known each other for more than 20 years, and they have come to his home many times, but they are the first time to enter this study.

Qi Mingyuan can't remember why he didn't come in before, but I think it has something to do with this study, which used to be mo Chongyan's father's favorite place. So let alone Qi Mingyuan, even Mo Chongyan didn't come in several times.

Qi Mingyuan still remembers that Liu Qingwen has been taking care of this study all the time, so he has never let the servants in to clean it. I think there are too many secrets here, or too many memories about Mo Chongyan's father, so Liu Qingwen won't let others in.

Thinking about it, Qi Mingyuan could not help but open his mouth and asked:

"Auntie, is this really the place where you make love with your uncle?"