Although his heart is full of worries about Mo Chongyan, Tan Yutong is a little relieved to think that Mo Chongyan is sober, not really in a coma.

But Tan Yutong didn't know. At the moment when she turned around and left, the nurse dressed up took out a needle tube from his pocket and gave Mo Chongyan an injection!

At that time, Mo Chongyan wanted to resist, but on second thought, he was able to catch the person who injected himself with medicine, but the people behind her could not.

Therefore, Mo Chongyan forbeared and did not move.

The speed of the drug effect is also very fast, but it is just injection, Mo Chongyan immediately feel dizzy, consciousness is gradually lax.

When his consciousness finally disappeared, he also heard Tan Yutong say thank you to the nurse.

I don't know whether it's true or Mo Chongyan's illusion.

Tan Yutong called Qi Mingyuan at the first time. Now, it's not the time to avoid suspicion. What she can do is to protect Mo Chongyan's safety.

Qi Mingyuan saw the caller ID is Tan Yutong's mobile phone number, Leng under, then picked up.

"Hello, Yutong, long time no see."

Tan Yutong doesn't have the heart to talk about the past with Qi Mingyuan now, and says to the point:

"Mingyuan, I already know what you are planning with Chongyan. Chongyan is gone. I went out just now, Chongyan is gone. Please help me find it."

Qi Mingyuan was stunned again. He immediately responded and said:

"you can rest assured that our own people have been arranged everywhere in the hospital. Once there is any news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

After a pause, Qi Mingyuan added: "you don't have to worry too much. It will be OK. I won't let Mo Chongyan have anything to do."

I don't know why. Tan Yutong thinks that Qi Mingyuan's last words remind her of what happened three years ago.

At that time, Tan Yutong was kidnapped, but Mo Chongyan's choice was Xu An'an next door. At that time, Tan Yutong was really disheartened and didn't know how to face Mo Chongyan after going out.

Qi Mingyuan at that time, just like now, comforted her in a soft voice and told her that it would be OK. He would never let it happen again from now on.

However, Qi Mingyuan likes Tan Yutong. Tan Yutong knows and has definitely rejected Qi Mingyuan. However, Qi Mingyuan says that it's his own business who he likes. It has nothing to do with Tan Yutong, and Tan Yutong can't manage it.

In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed. It's just like what happened yesterday, but now, it's far past.

"Yutong, just stay in the hospital and don't run around. If you look at it according to what you just said, Chongyan and the man who took him should still be in the hospital. I will find him as soon as possible."

Before Tan Yutong could say anything, Qi Mingyuan continued:

"now, you stay at the nurse station. I will arrange someone to meet you and protect your safety. Don't move."

Qi Mingyuan finished, and without waiting for Tan Yutong to agree, he immediately hung up the phone, as if there were more important things to deal with.