With assistant Liu Qingwen's reply, both of them confirm that Mo Chongyan is really in trouble. Maybe it's just what Xu an an said. It's an accident, an accident!

"Mom, I want to..."

Before Tan Yutong finished, Liu Qingwen nodded and interrupted her, saying, "I know what you mean. Go, I'm worried too, or we'll go together."

After sipping his lips, Liu Qingwen said, "I'm relieved that Jeff will take care of the two children at home. We'll just go for a while. If it's fake, our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will clean up Xu an and let her talk."

Liu Qingwen just said that if it is false, she did not say that if it is true If it's true, what should we do?

Tan Yutong, who didn't know, didn't expose Liu Qingwen's unfinished words. He just nodded and ran to find Jeff.

When Jeff heard that something might have happened to Mo Chongyan, he immediately became nervous.

Tan Yutong has some doubts about Jeff's reaction, but now she is not in the mood to care about so much. All she wants to know is whether Mo Chongyan is safe or not.

After explaining the family affairs, Tan Yutong and Liu Qingwen rushed to the hospital.

People come and go in the hospital, Tan Yutong quickly found the nurse station, asked if there is also a car accident and send people over today.

The nurse picked up the registration form, nodded and said:

"Hello, there are four people who were sent here because of the traffic accident. Two of them are slightly injured. They are all right. They should be in the emergency room at this time. There are two seriously injured people, one is undergoing surgery and the other is in the intensive care room."

Thanks, Tan Yutong took Liu Qingwen's hand and hurried to the emergency clinic.

They hope that if Mo Chongyan is really the one who was sent here in the car accident, then he should be one of the minor injuries, not the two seriously injured.

However, they did not find Mo Chongyan in the emergency room, nor did they find anyone who had anything to do with him.

Tan Yutong, who couldn't find anyone, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said to Liu Qingwen:

"Mom, I think it's a good thing that we can't find anyone, don't you think?"

Although Liu Qingwen was worried, when he heard Tan Yutong's words, he nodded and said:

"yes, you're right. If you don't find anyone, it's good. If you don't have news, it's good news."

Now, whether it's Tan Yutong or Liu Qingwen, they can only comfort themselves with such words. They sincerely hope Mo Chongyan doesn't have anything to do.

Although they said so, they could not help walking towards the intensive care unit. When they found the man and saw that he was not Mo Chongyan, Tan Yutong's heart suddenly hung up, and his uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

"No, no, the other person is not Mo Chongyan's, definitely not, not..."

On the way to the operating room, Tan Yutong kept saying this sentence. It's just a simple hope that the one who is undergoing surgery and is the most serious of the four will not be mo Chongyan.

But all of this, when I saw the people standing at the door of the operating room, all of them were shattered, just like the last straw that killed the camel.