Jeff was stunned, then said thanks and took Sister Li away.

Looking at Tan Yutong's emergency medicine box on the table, Jeff felt helpless, but he was very grateful for Tan Yutong's behavior.

There is something in the heart of the secretly fall, gently, a little itchy, but very strange, unexpectedly still want her to stay here, don't leave.

At that time, Jeff didn't understand what kind of emotion it was, what kind of feeling it was, but later he understood that it had never happened again.

Two days passed quietly.

In the past two days, no matter in Mohist villas or Mohist companies, there were no problems. Even a project that had not been won in the previous bidding was unexpectedly in their hands at this time.

Mo Chongyan looks at the documents in his study, because there are so many important documents in it, so usually, except for Mo Chongyan and Sister Li who cleaned it, other people hardly go in.

Tan Yutong and his two children are playing in the living room. After two days' rest, Jeff's injury has almost recovered, and he can help to take care of Mohism.

Although Tan Yutong believed that Jeff was not that kind of person, and he didn't believe that Jeff actually came into Mohist School for another purpose, when he saw the figure of Jeff and appeared in every corner of Mohist school, Tan Yutong was still worried.

Tan Yutong remembers that she mentioned it to Mo Chongyan, but Mo Chongyan didn't care about it at all. She didn't take any precautions against Jeff at all.

Tan Yutong didn't know whether he should praise Mo Chongyan or scold Mo Chongyan for his big heart. Nothing could prevent an outsider.

Tan Yutong still remembers that when she said this, Mo Chongyan's eyebrows slightly frowned. It was clear that she was not angry for Jeff. After all, when Tan Yutong was with Mo chongchen before, Jeff had been taking care of him, but now, Tan Yutong doubts him.

I don't know if I realize that Tan Yutong doesn't like it. Jeff is careful in everything he does here. He doesn't look like the one who was around Mo chongchen before.

When Jeff came over with a piece of fruit, he said to the three people who were playing with each other:

"Miss Tan, Xiao Han, come to eat the fruit quietly."

Hearing something to eat, Mo Han immediately struggled out of Tan Yutong's arms and ran straight to the table without hesitation.

Quietly, he hesitated for a while. When he saw Mohan running away, he blinked for a while and finally walked slowly.

Mohan runs to Jeff and asks for a hug.

Jeff remembered that his hand had just been washed, but he didn't refuse. He bent slightly, picked up Mohan and said to tan Yutong.

"Miss Tan..."

Tan Yutong turned around and looked at Jeff. She pursed her lips and said in a slow voice: "actually, Jeff, you don't call me little grandma because you are worried that others will misunderstand my relationship with your young master. I can understand that."

"What's more, I didn't stop you when you wanted to help Sister Li deal with some Mohist affairs, but after all, you are a guest of Mohist, so it's better to have an appropriate amount. In case people outside misunderstand us for abusing our guests. "