Jeff was not stunned this time, but he shook his head gently and said:


Mo Chongyan looks at Jeff, as if to verify whether what he said is true or false. But on the other hand, even Mo Chongyan himself can't remember whether it really happened or existed.

As if seeing what Mo Chongyan was thinking, Jeff looked at Mo Chongyan seriously and repeated his answer, saying: "Mr. Mo, I have never been here before, so we should have never met before."

Mo Chongyan looked indifferent and answered: "but I didn't say that we met here in this city. I just think you look familiar. It's like I saw it there. "

Hearing the speech, Jeff couldn't help laughing and said:

"Mr. Mo, if I wasn't a man, what you said just now would make me mistake you for liking me and chatting with me."

Mo Chongyan raised his eyebrows slightly and snorted with disdain. He didn't say anything, but the little action just now was enough to explain everything.

Seeing that Mo Chongyan didn't speak, Jeff realized that he had just said something inappropriate, so he stopped talking. He just turned his head and quietly looked at the flashing scenery outside the window.

About half an hour later, they finally returned to the Mohist villa.

When Tan Yutong heard Sister Li say that Mo Chongyan had come back, he immediately ran down the stairs with excitement.

When Tan Yutong saw Jeff sitting on the sofa in the living room, she was still stunned. She never thought that Mo Chongyan just went out for a while and brought him back.

If Jeff is brought back by Mo Chongyan, what about Mo chongchen? Is he here, too?

As if seeing what Tan Yutong was thinking, Jeff stood up, said hello to tan Yutong, gently shook his head, and said:

"Miss Tan, our young master didn't come. He had something to deal with. Let me come to Mohist school to take care of Miss Tan's food and daily life."

Probably because he thought what Jeff said was too funny, Tan Yutong unconsciously laughed and naturally went to Mo Chongyan and sat down. He said in a slow voice:

"you come here to take care of me?" Tan Yutong shook his head with a smile and said, "Jeff, do you think there is no one in Mohist school? Or do you think you don't know my eating habits except you? "

Jeff pursed his lips, lowered his head slightly and said, "actually, it's our young master who asked Mr. Mo to take care of me for a while. When he comes back, I'll go back immediately. "

Jeff raised his hand injury and his face injury, and continued:

" Miss Tan, you can see that it is basically impossible for me to take care of myself alone, so... "

Jeff's words didn't finish, just light eyes fell on Mo Chongyan who didn't speak, that meaning has been very obvious.

As if noticing the look in Jeff's eyes, Mo Chongyan raised his eyebrows slightly and said:


He replied, well, it means that what Jeff said just now is true, not a joke.

Before Tan Yutong's reaction, Mo Chongyan called Sister Li and said, "Aunt Li, this is Jeff. Recently, he's staying here temporarily. Let's arrange a guest room."