After hanging up the phone, Tan Yutong walks aimlessly on the road. The bright sunshine in the early morning shines on the road, illuminating everything, but it can't shine on Tan Yutong's heart.

Where should I go now? For fear of being found and rushed out, Tan Yutong did not bring too much cash. If you go out to stay in a hotel, you may be kicked out in a few days because you can't afford to pay.

Tan Yutong distracted thinking, did not pay attention to a black car stopped by her side.

"Yutong, would you like to have breakfast with me?" The glass of the black car came down, revealing a handsome face. That's Qi Mingyuan.

Qi Mingyuan has been sending people to pay attention to the movement of Mo house. Although Mo Chongyan brought Tan Yutong home yesterday, Qi Mingyuan always felt that she would go again. So when he received the news that Tan Yutong had left Mohism in the early morning, he immediately drove over.

Mo Chongyan, since you don't know how to cherish Yutong, please let me protect her later!

"Why are you here?" Tan Yutong is obviously surprised by the appearance of Ming Yuan.

"Well What do you say? " Qi Mingyuan pretended to think for a while, "you can understand that I have inexplicable preferences for beautiful girls, so I drove to the street to see beautiful women before dawn."

Qi Mingyuan's humor amused Tan Yutong and made her forget her troubles for the time being. For this man who hasn't met several times, she has inexplicable trust. Although she knows that he is also Mo Chongyan's person, Tan Yutong always thinks that he is different from Wen Yan.

So, hesitating again and again, Tan Yutong said her heart.

"Excuse me, Mr. Qi, can you help me find a temporary place to live?"

Qi Mingyuan was not surprised by the question raised by Tan Yutong. He took Tan Yutong to his remote residence. Qi Mingyuan bought it many years ago when he was still in the army. Because he seldom came, he didn't even know his good friend Mo Chongyan.

"You can stay here first." Qi Mingyuan said. "The company has already gone through the entry procedures for you. You can come to work at any time."

It seems to see her concerns, Qi Mingyuan said: "don't worry, although brother Mo is also a shareholder of Shengda, he doesn't come often."

Although Tan Yutong didn't know what Qi Mingyuan thought, he felt at ease. About this strange move, Tan Yutong did not say, Qi Mingyuan did not ask, two people seem to have a tacit understanding of this matter.

After Qi Mingyuan told his servants to take care of Tan Yutong, he didn't stay much and left. I didn't forget to send someone to protect her before I left, so as to prevent the last traffic accident.

Thinking about it, Qi Mingyuan still plans to call Mo Chongyan.

As soon as the phone was dialed, there came the sound of Mo Chongyan going crazy.

"What's the matter? If it's not urgent, don't bother me at this time! "

Qi Mingyuan guessed that he must have found out that Tan Yutong ran away from home again. Thinking of Mo Chongyan's present expression, Qi Mingyuan suddenly wants to laugh. Mo Chongyan is so proud that he can let his wife run away from home. It's two times. I think he's mad!

"It's not urgent," Qi said leisurely. "It's just that Mo GE's assistant suddenly ran to me, so I'll tell Mo Ge."

On hearing that Tan Yutong, who has been looking for him for a long time, actually went to Qi Mingyuan, Mo Chongyan is mad. What does she mean? Early in the morning, left his home to a strange man? Is she so reluctant to be with herself? So quickly found the next home, the goal is actually his brother for many years!

Jealousy and anger grow wildly in Mo Chongyan's heart, which is about to devour him. Regardless of Qi Mingyuan's idea, he cried out: "where is she?! Send her back to me as soon as you can