His voice is very low, and because he is close to her, the driver in front of him can hear him whispering, but he can't hear the specific content, and he can't help looking at them through the rearview mirror out of curiosity.

A man's fingers lift a woman's chin, and his thin lips kiss her face. When a man's kiss extends to his lips, he will peck from the lip flap to the corner of his lip.

All the way home, he in this way, thin kiss her face shallow.

Until the car drove back to the manor.

Mo Shichen got out of the car with a woman and carried her all the way to the bedroom. When she passed the living room, she was startled to hear the sound of the car and meet her mother su. She followed other servants who were working nearby.

Su's mother came to realize that the woman in the eldest son's hand seemed to be, madam?

Men did not pay attention to their different eyes, only a light command, "send a cup of sobering tea to the bedroom."

"Oh, yes."

Mo Shichen held the woman up the stairs. When he came to the bedroom door, he couldn't make a move to open the door. He kicked it open and walked in with long legs. Then he put the woman in his hand on the big bed.

Wenyi was just awakened by the sound of a man kicking the door. She opened her eyes in his arms. When the man put him on the bed, she looked at the ceiling in a daze and then turned her head and looked around him.

Mo Shichen took off his coat with his suit and threw it on the sofa in the distance. Then he took off her overcoat for the woman on the bed.

It's cumbersome to wear this thick indoors.

Wenyi didn't feel half, let him play with him, but the man took off to the last, and his displeasure expanded to the last, because she was always staring at the ceiling, pushing her to turn over, she turned over, pulled her arm, she lay back again, stripped her clothes, she did not respond.

Throwing away her coat, Mo Shichen sat down on the side of the bed and reached for her chin.

She didn't respond.

He frowned, increased the strength, pinched her pain, frown to break his hand.

"Wenyi," he said, leaning close to her and looking down on her above her, "do you know who I am?"

She was forced to look at him, frowning, "you hurt me."

"I ask you who I am."

"You hurt me, I hate it!"

The strength of his hand was not loose, and his face was expressionless. "I can't tell you the answer. I have something more annoying."

Wenyi raised his hand on the mattress and pointed to him. As a result, it was too close and directly poked into his face. "You're disgusted enough. It's disgusting to watch. Pinching me is even more annoying."

"I hate it? I hate that you let me pick your clothes? "

"Hot, uncomfortable."

Wenyi was drunk last time, he thought it was very cute, looking at her would like to open the bone into the abdomen.

But now, he only has the indescribable irritability and the jumping to break the ground.

Mo Shichen has never wronged himself. Besides, he has no reason to do so now. This woman should have expected that he would not be polite to her before she was drunk. The strength on her fingers was light, and he bowed his head to cover her lips along with the surging desire in his body.

He stretched out the tip of his tongue to describe the shape of her lips and tasted them patiently. Finally, he pried off her lips and teeth with great skill, drove straight in and hooked her tongue.

She still had no reaction, neither refused to resist, nor confused love, and even her eyes were not closed. She just lay on her back in the huge double bed at random, staring at the light on the ceiling.

What's the meaning of such a kiss? It can't be compared with that of a strong one. At least, a strong one has a reaction, which can only be said to be a rape. Although he only kisses, there is no rape.

Mo Shi Chen is finally unable to kiss, leaving her lips.

Her lips were wet, and her lost eyes were focused, like looking at the man's face above.

He narrowed his eyes and his voice was mute, whether she could understand or not, "you know what's going to happen, eh?"

She raised her hand and stroked her face and laughed, "it's back again."

She knows the bedroom, the bed and the ceiling better than the man in her.

Mo Shi Chen kisses her again, starting from behind the ear.

She slightly deviated from the head, drunk still, but mixed cool, closed her eyes and asked lightly, "will you give me what I want?"

The man stopped and asked, "did you sleep with me?"

She took away her hand and buried her head in the soft pillow. "Do you want to sleep for nothing?"

Mo Shi Chen was silent for a long time. After half a minute, he still bullied himself and kissed him.

After mother Su came up with sobering tea, she knocked on the door. No one responded. With experience, she went down quietly again.

A night of ups and downs.


The next morning, it is Wen job to get up first, conscious of a clear, systemic pain.The hangover pain, the body ache, and the pain in the heart.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar ceiling above. For a time, she had the illusion that she had crossed time and space, as if she had been in this bedroom for a long time, as if she should have woken up in this bedroom, as if when she opened her eyes, what she saw at first sight should be the present scene.

Holding the forehead and holding the brow, she slowly returned to the reality and remembered last night.


Her action is not light or heavy to take off the arm of the man on his waist, also did not go to see him, so lifted the quilt out of bed, barefoot ground to pick up clothes.

She wanted to wear it directly, but she felt uncomfortable because of her sticky body. She went to the bathroom and took a simple shower. Then she put on her clothes, stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, combed her short black hair with her fingers, and then walked out.

Mo Shichen had already woken up and got up.

Wen job light look at him, cool way, "I left."

The man may have been up for a while. While she was taking a bath, she was touching out the lighter. When she heard the news, he looked at her. When she heard this, the flame in the lighter did not light a cigarette.

At last, the flame was extinguished, and he pressed down again. This time, he ignited it steadily. With the smoke, he spit out two words, "three days."

Wen Yi, who was about to get his coat, stopped and turned to look back at him. "What do you mean?" After asking, she responded again, pulled the corner of her lip and asked with a smile, "let me accompany you for three days?"

"No," Mo Shichen calmly looked at her, slowly vomited out after taking a deep breath, followed by the way, "I want you to stay here for three days, no place to go."

Wenyi didn't understand for a moment. Is there a difference between what she said?

"Are you going to work in the daytime? What am I doing here? "

"Miss Wen, you don't understand what I mean."

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