Haha... Too funny?


"Smile when you think it's funny, don't hold it in." After holding it in for a long time, Lu Ziyi suddenly said this.

"Come, let's eat." Lu Ziyi held her small hand and the two of them left the kitchen. Aunt Liu looked at the destroyed kitchen.

She still felt regretful in her heart. She really shouldn't have let the young master into the kitchen. She remembered one time when the young master cooked instant noodles when she was young. At that time, she was hungry in the middle of the night and didn't have the heart to wake herself up. Even the kitchen had been burnt down, and it was the same for now. Even if it wasn't burned down, more than half of it had been destroyed.


Aunt Liu busied herself with cleaning up the kitchen, while Lu Ziyi did not have the time to clean up my face or pull Qin Yuanyuan down to sit.

"Um …" Aren't you going to wash up? " It was really hard for Qin Yuanyuan to imagine a man that loved cleanliness so much that he wouldn't even wash his face when it was black? She remembered the last time Boss Lu cooked a crab for her, his culinary skills were really great?

Qin Yuanyuan looked at Lu Ziyi, as though she had understood something.

Could it be that he didn't want him to exhaust himself into the kitchen to cook, and also didn't want Aunt Liu to say that he wouldn't cook for him, so he directly set the kitchen ablaze?

Uh, when he understood what was going on, Qin Yuanyuan was also speechless.

Seeing Qin Yuanyuan was startled, Lu Ziyi looked at her.

"No need, go wash after eating."

"It's fine, I'll be waiting for you." Qin Yuanyuan comforted him as if he was afraid that Yun Che would finish his food.

"I'm not going, these dishes are going to get cold soon." This was something that the little guy had personally cooked for me.

"..." Qin Yuanyuan was speechless, because before she could even open her mouth again, the other party had already picked up the chopsticks and was about to start eating …

Qin Yuanyuan looked at everything in front of her, and she was truly at a loss for words.

Lu Ziyi was eating happily, the entire table was filled with food and he was eating the dishes slowly and methodically. Even Qin Yuanyuan himself felt that a few dishes tasted bad, either too salty or too light.

"Um …" "If the taste is bad, then don't eat it..." She was afraid that he would eat himself.

"Yeah, it's delicious." But he continued to eat with a straight face.

Right at this moment, Lu Ziqi came back. As soon as he entered the door, he discovered that Lu Ziyi's face was pitch black, and couldn't help but be shocked, his brother was obsessed with cleanliness, and remembered that when he was young, he only touched Lu Ziqi's face when he played around with mud, and he was beaten up by him. This was something that Lu Ziqi had always kept in his mind.

Other than Qin Yuanyuan, who else could make his brother act in such a manner and not be disgusted or even willing to wash up?

Lu Ziqi looked at Qin Yuanyuan with admiration.

"Brother … …" After saying that, he picked up the chopsticks on the table and prepared to place one of the dishes into his mouth.

However, in the next moment, the chopsticks holding the dish were blocked by someone. "Didn't you already eat it?"

Lu Ziqi was dumbstruck. From the moment he entered the door, he had never mentioned that he would eat. Moreover, it was just the matter of eating a meal.

"I haven't eaten yet." Lu Ziqi was unwilling, the table was full of food, his brother could not finish it, did he think that he had disturbed the two of them?

"Eat outside." Lu Ziyi still rejected it, it was just a joke, these were all made for him by the little guy, he was so precious, how could he feed them to outsiders?

"If you have anything to say, then hurry up and leave." Lu Ziyi looked coldly at Lu Ziqi, feeling that he was really unnecessary here.

Lu Ziqi was also innocent and speechless. What did his brother mean by that?

Not even allowing him to eat a single mouthful?

"Fine. If you don't want to eat, then don't want to eat." Lu Ziqi flew into a rage, "Aunt Liu, cook a bowl of noodles for me. My brother eats so much, yet he doesn't let me have a bite to eat."

Aunt Liu who had heard the news and came over looked at the situation, she naturally understood why Lu Ziyi did not allow Lu Ziqi to use his chopsticks, and looked at Lu Ziqi: "Young master, you should go out and eat, it is not convenient to eat in the kitchen today."

"Inconvenient?" Lu Ziqi was dumbfounded: "Alright, I think you guys are teaming up to bully me."

"Young master, no, the kitchen is on fire..."

"Ah?" It's burned? " Lu Ziqi did not dare believe it, he then looked at Lu Ziyi: "Did the kitchen killer personally cook today?" Looking at the table full of dishes, he became even more impatient.

However, Lu Ziyi kept staring at the scene, he was like an eagle protecting his prey, whoever dared to touch his food, he would make them pay the price.

Of course, what did Lu Ziqi, who knew the truth discover? He looked at Qin Yuanyuan.

"This... You did it? " Otherwise, he really wouldn't understand what kind of treasure his brother had.

Qin Yuanyuan was also a little speechless towards Lu Ziyi's reaction, but facing Lu Ziqi's question, she silently nodded.


His brother was truly hateful, because in the future, because his sister-in-law would abandon his only brother, Lu Ziqi felt really hurt, and looked towards Qin Yuanyuan.

Qin Yuanyuan naturally knew that Lu Ziqi might not be satisfied, and she was indeed embarrassed to snatch the other party's elder brother. She simply pulled over a small porcelain bowl and picked out some of each one for him.

Looking at the full bowl of dishes in front of him, Lu Ziqi finally looked at Qin Yuanyuan with satisfaction: "It's still better if it's my sister-in-law." After saying that, he started to eat impatiently.

"... "Hmm." However, it was only the first sip, yet he was already frowning. Raising his head to look at Lu Ziyi, he saw that the other party's eyes were sharp, as though as long as he dared to spit it out, Lu Ziyi would not be able to take the consequences.

No way, this smell?

Lu Ziqi felt that he had been tricked, why was his brother so happy when he was eating just now?

This caused him to think that it was a delicacy of the human world. He could no longer resist the taste of it after it had just been delivered into his mouth. The taste was just too refreshing.

Qin Yuanyuan looked at Lu Ziqi and said: "If it's not delicious, then don't force it." She was serious, and her words were for Lu Ziyi's ears.

Lu Ziqi originally wanted to say the truth, but this way, he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The other party was glaring at him like a tiger eyeing its prey. There was no one left in that gaze.

You don't have to be like that. People say that he is trying to scam his father. He is a swindler...

There was no other way. Who told him to be so curious? Even if he wanted to swallow the blood in his mouth, he would have to.

Qin Yuanyuan looked at everything in front of her. She knew that she couldn't say anything, and could only look helplessly at this pair of brothers.