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In fact, Ye Jiner just walked towards the royal family naturally.

It is just because she is now a princess that everyone looks at her differently. It is a light of shock and worship.

The only princess in the royal family is really attracting much attention.

And it's still on campus, where everyone is watching.

Those proud aristocratic children, who had no choice but to raise their proud heads, looked at the most noble girl in the world.

In the eyes of everyone, she seemed to emit a dazzling light all over her.

The campus is very quiet and everyone is watching Ye Jiner.

Everyone forgot the reaction and the place, as if there was only one princess in front of them.

There was only that princess in sight.

This dazzling princess


These two words mean too much to everyone.

The title of the word princess alone is enough.

There was no princess in the royal family before, but what the guards of the royal family say in person cannot be false.

And these cars are all royal vehicles, and no one else dares to impersonate the royal family.

Seeing Ye Jiner's look indifferent, as if she knew her own identity.

So, Ye Jiner knew from the beginning that her identity was not a civilian, but a princess?

Such nobleness, no wonder she did not do anything humble.

No wonder she looked faint in front of the noble classmates.

People are totally confident. Maybe she is not only confident. Even if she walks sideways, even if she bullies others as a princess, she is afraid to say a word.

Because she is a princess first!

The most honorable woman in their country.

It makes people look, and sighs.

It's always been quiet on campus.

Everyone seemed to be anchored.

Everyone didn't dare to move quietly, only the guards were moving, only the cars were moving.

Until the royal vehicle left, the entire campus returned to its former appearance, and the people suddenly returned to their hearts.

After returning to God, many people hit a shock.

There are still many people who have not recovered from shock for a long time.

Of course, there are people who return to God, and start to discuss in shock, "Is it really not an illusion just now? That Ye Jiner, that civilian, is the princess?"

"Is that person Ye Jiner? It turned out to be a princess!"

"The royal guards respectfully respected her and should not be wrong."

"I thought I was a civilian before, and I was so noble and dignified in the blink of an eye."

"I didn't talk nonsense in front of the princess before? There should be no disrespect."

"It's scary!"


Many people are talking about it.

They are discussing things about Ye Jiner.

It can be said that the entire campus was just so quiet. At this time, it was like the explosion, and everyone was discussing it.

If there are many princesses in the royal family, Ye Jiner's nobility is noble and may not be the most noble person.

But she is a princess, and the royal family is still such a princess. I can imagine how much she would be favored.

While everyone was talking, Ding Nongjiao was still stiff and seemed to have forgotten the arm that was removed.

When she reacted, she screamed, "I actually scolded the princess, but I wanted to hit the princess."

She felt like she didn't need to live anymore. Her frightened complexion was pale and her legs were shaking.

"She turned out to be a princess ..."

Ding Nongjiao's frightened lips clenched, and he repeated this sentence, then his eyes darkened, and he just passed out.