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Ye Jiner responded to Jian Lingling, then explained to Chu Yehan a few words, and went out with Jian Lingling happily.

Ye Jiner didn't know that after she went out, Chu Yehan became lonely.

Even if Ye Jiner showed him the book, he couldn't get in.

He coughed a few times, and hated him a bit, so unexpectedly.

If his body is very healthy, he can stay with Jiner.

When Ye Jiner is not at home, Chu Yehan will feel that time passes very slowly.

After Jian Lingling and Ye Jiner went up the mountain, they picked a lot of things, and the children did not have any trouble playing.

But in the evening, the weather changed, the sky suddenly made up for the dark clouds, and the lightning flashed and thundered.

"Rumble, Rumble ..."

When Jian Lingling was scared, she would hide under the tree.

Ye Jiner hurriedly took Jane Lingling and ran down the mountain.

Jian Lingling was frightened, she was young, after all.

In fact, the children in the village also grew up in free-range. When they went out to play, the adults were assured.

And during the daytime, adults are also busy in the mountains and fields, and can be seen at a glance, which is also very safe.

It was just that it suddenly rained, and Jane Lingling was scared too.

Sometimes it is the same when it rains in autumn.

As soon as Ye Jiner and Jian Lingling ran down the mountain, they fell down with a loud rain.

The wind is strong and whispers.

The two were still young, and they both felt like they were being blown away by the wind.

The two ran towards the village, both running against the wind.

Ye Jiner held Jian Lingling's hand, and the two ran to the village.

Jian Lingling's grandparents' home was at the foot of the mountain, and soon Jian Lingling arrived home.

Ye Jiner also ran home.

The rain was so heavy and the wind was cold.

Ye Jiner thought at this time, it was really good to have a home.

She missed the screaming clams at home, and the quilt.

Brother Han, of course, still misses his mother.

She also runs fast.


In fact, when he thundered, Chu Yehan became worried. He ignored the body and went straight down to the door.

He looked up at the door at the door, and he was worried.

At this time, Chu Yehan's heart was afraid.

He was really worried about what happened to Ye Jiner.

Looking at the heavy rain, Chu Yehan wanted to go to the mountain to find Ye Jiner with an umbrella.

But she was worried when Ye Jiner came back and couldn't see him.

Chu Yehan sighed. If there is a mobile phone at this time, just fine.

Brothers and sisters younger than him also play mobile phones in the big family of Tianjingcheng, but few people have mobile phones in the village.

So it is not convenient to contact.

Chu Yehan's anxious heart is the same as the fire.

He dare not imagine that without Ye Jiner ...

No, he came out of the darkness. Ye Jiner illuminated his heart like the same light, and illuminated him all.

Chu Yehan settled down, then went down the road in the direction of the mountains with his umbrella.

He remembered that Ye Jiner came from this road on weekdays.

If Ye Jiner returns home, she can be encountered on the road.

The wind was so strong that the umbrella almost broke.

And holding the umbrella blowing in the wind, walking against the wind, struggling to walk.

Chu Yehan closed his umbrella and walked quickly.

When Ye Jiner ran home, she saw the person walking in the rain. When she saw it was Chu Yehan, her eyes were red.