www.novelhall.com, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan is deeply in love with Feng Sujin.

In the deep affection, Feng Sujin's eyes had tear marks, and a few tear marks crossed the corners of the eyes.

So she looked at Jun Mohan with tearful eyes.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin like this, his heart seemed to be cut by a knife, he lowered his head and kissed Wen Sujin's tears tenderly.

But Feng Sujin's tears still flow out.

She tilted her head to the side, and didn't seem to give Jun Mohan a kiss.

Jun Mohan gave a heartache, "Ajin, what's wrong?"

Jun Mohan loves Su Jin, and her heart is hurting, especially when she looks like her.

"Ajin, are you blaming me?"

Just now, he did not notice her strangeness, and almost caused her a physical problem. He was also guilty and guilty.

Feng Sujin was uncomfortable in her heart. Just now, she was so active, Jun Mohan didn't want it, she was uncomfortable in her heart.

When she really felt like she was going to die, she felt like she was going to die.

Jun Mohan hugged Feng Sujin distressedly, "A Jin, it's not good for me, don't get angry with yourself, okay? Don't cry ..."

Seeing her cry like this, his heart hurts so much.

He couldn't see Feng Sujin like this, his heart felt as if he was caught by something, and it hurt.

When Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin at this moment, his eyes were full of distressed light.

Feng Sujin leaned her head aside, "Why didn't you just want me?"

Jun Mohan said with painful eyes: "How could I be willing to leave you alone."

She's his life!

"You were just born with a baby, and I was afraid of hurting you, and you also felt how much I wanted you. It was just how hard I controlled. If I didn't control well, I was afraid I would tear you ... ... "

These words, Jun Mohan did not want to say, perhaps could not say.

But he didn't want Feng Sujin to misunderstand.

After two, they haven't seen each other for a long time.

Feng Sujin listened to Jun Mohan's words and looked at the intense emotion in his eyes. She suddenly chuckled her lips and then reached out to ignite ...

She charmingly said in Jun Mohan's ears: "Let me know, how do you tear me ..."

After Feng Sujin said this sentence, Jun Mohan's body shook fiercely.

The two were so close together that she could naturally feel all his trembling and trembling.

Jun Mohan held Feng Sujin's slippery wrist, this grinning little fairy, and was about to kill him again.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin with a burning gaze, and his throat rolled fiercely.

Jun Mohan no longer hesitated, bowed his head and kissed Feng Sujin fiercely, like a hungry wolf.

Maybe he was really hungry for a long time.

He swallowed so hard as if to swallow Feng Sujin into his stomach.

In deep affection, Jun Mohan was going to crisp his bones.

The poison of the fire snake is even more domineering to the back. This time, it is mainly Feng Sujin who is an anti-visitor, struggling and twisting Jun Mohan ...

Both seemed to be disassembled.

Jun Mohan held Feng Sujin, baby Ajin shouted.


I don't know how long it has been before, the love poison seems to have resolved, even if Feng Sujin has the magic skill of Phoenix, at this time, he is paralyzed on Jun Mohan's body.

She really didn't have any energy and didn't want to move at all.

Jun Mohan gently held Feng Sujin, stroking her hair back and helping her calm her breath.

How can he not want her, she is her life, perhaps more important than life.

"Ajin, are you okay?"