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Nan Rong Huaian seemed to know what Feng Sufei was upset, and Qingrun whispered: "Even if you stay alive, as long as they are caught, there is no need to ask, they will commit suicide. This is a dead man. You ca n’t ask any news. of."

"Dead man?"

These two words suddenly made Feng Sufei think of some words that grandma once said.

Grandma said that some family members with inheritance have cultivated their own dead men from previous times.

Their task was to obey the heirs of the family and carry out a secret assassination mission.

Some are secretly protecting some people.

They are dead, and they will never betray them. They have a deep-rooted thinking from birth, that is, loyalty, and death for the homeowner and heir, that is their glory.

Going deeper, it is the killing robot cultivated by the family, without its own thoughts, and it is its responsibility to listen to the orders of the family's owner.

They are not the same as Shadow Guard.

Although the shadow guards are also loyal, they have their own thoughts and their own analysis and judgment, so that they can better handle various problems for the owner.

Feng Sufei thought of this and asked, "Does the Nan Rong family have their own dead?"

Nan Rong Huaian nodded, "Yes."

After that, he also dealt with Feng Sufei's injuries to his palms. "If the hatred has no place to vent in the future, I will take you to the training site and don't hurt yourself in the future."

Listening to the warm words of Nan Rong Huai An, Feng Sufei could feel a warmth flowing around her.

She realized what she was doing, quickly retracted her hand, and looked down at her hand, saying: "Nan Rong Huai An, don't treat me well, I'm afraid I will fall in love with you, you don't love me, so I can't fall in love with you of."

After saying this, Feng Sufei could feel a moment of silence in the air.

She was a little guilty and did not dare to look up at Nan Rong Huai'an.

Some words may be clear, Nanrong Huaian is a very considerate person in his bones, and very short-term.

She's just his co-wife, and he may also attribute her to her for the time being, and be kind to her.

But she couldn't enjoy the good, forgive her for being timid and afraid to engage in feelings.

Since he doesn't love, she won't love either.

After a short while, they could hear the breathing of both of them. Nan Rong Huaian said, "Don't think about it, you are tired, take a good rest! If there is something to call me, I will be in the room next to me. "


After hearing the closing sound, Feng Sufei was relieved.

It was really too embarrassing just now.

She hated being able to hit herself a few times, so why bother to say such things?

But it ’s okay to speak out, each one holds a boundary, anyway, one year later, they have to be separated. If you do n’t care, you can walk smartly.

She believes that after saying such things, Nan Rong Huai An will not be gentle with herself anymore, that's good, she can think about how to avenge herself.

After figuring it out, Feng Sufei didn't sleep. Regardless of her physical condition, she took a piece of paper, took a pen and paper, and started writing and drawing on paper.

She is analyzing the situation in country h, the situation of the major families, the forces that the Department has deeply, and the characteristics of the people around her.

Knowing oneself and knowing one another can never be frustrated.

She was thinking about the past and forgetting that she was still injured today. She was immersed in the world of her own analysis, thinking about how to better deal with Si Shenshen, revealing his face and making him miserable.

Her style Su Fei really does not want to be a good person now.

Revenge and the cause of the country are her responsibility.

The light in Feng Sufei's room was on, and Nan Rong Huai'an didn't sleep in her room. Looking at the light leaking out of her room, she looked faint.