www.novelhall.com, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan's throat was bloody. He took a deep breath and quickly called Feng Sujin. The dark guard found that Madam Young's cell phone and wallet were in the dark cabinet, but she did not take them away.

In other words, she didn't bring the keys to the house.

Jun Mohan immediately arranged for someone to find Feng Sujin urgently.

He even drove along the road to find it in person. He went to the apartment to take a look. No.

Once there was the room where she laughed. Now that she is without her, Jun Mohan doesn't want to stay for a moment, which will make his heart more empty and confused.

He went to Yun's villa and there was no Feng Sujin.

Jun Mohan can plan everything in a calm and calm manner, but when he is facing the person he loves, he is scarcely able to think.

When Feng Sujin was not found in the two places where he lived, his heart was disturbed, there was a sense of fear, a fear of losing.

He Jun Mohan has never been afraid of anything, only her, his young wife, he really cannot lose.

After she was young, he lost her once, and this time he really couldn't, otherwise how could he forgive himself.

At this time, Jun Mohan couldn't even think calmly, and his hands trembled slightly.

He doesn't know where she went. Will she be in danger at three or four in the morning?

Fortunately, the dark court has a high ability to handle things, and quickly retrieved some videos to let Jun Mohan know where Feng Sujin might go.

I remember when the two were not together, when he went to the countryside for inspection, his car sent Sister Feng Sujin for a ride. In that village, she still had a home. Jun Mohan drove towards the place almost nonstop.

On the road, his car and Lan Beichen's car thought wrong.

Both looked at each other, and their eyes looked a little complicated.

Jun Mohan didn't think about anything else, his only thought was to find Feng Sujin quickly.

Jun Mohan came to the house where Feng Sujin was located, and saw that the door was not locked, but the inside was locked. He knocked and knocked, but no one responded.

He had no choice but to turn in gently.

The door of the inner room was open. Jun Mohan walked in softly, and it seemed that he could still hear the crying noise.

Hearing this cry, Jun Mohan's footsteps gave him a numb heartache.

He slowed his breathing, walked in gently, and found a person sitting on the ground, precisely she was holding her legs in a self-protecting, curled-up posture.

Jun Mohan's eyes trembled fiercely, and he felt as if he had been nailed all over, and could not move any further.

Breathing is painful.

Feng Sujin was immersed in his sadness, he didn't notice the locked door, and some people would come in.

After a long while, Jun Mohan slowly squatted down, trying to get close to Feng Sujin, but he dared not approach because he was too concerned about tension.

Perhaps more afraid to see her strange and hateful eyes.

Jun Mohan closed his painful eyes, and he told himself that even if she hated him to blame him, he couldn't let go.

When Jun Mohan opened his eyes again, his eyes took on a firm look.

He slowly reached out and carefully touched Feng Sujin's hair, his throat narrowed, and whispered, "Ajin, don't cry, I'm here."

Feng Sujin heard such a low voice, his whole body startled, and then she slowly raised her head, and in the eyes of tears of eyes, saw Jun Mohan's figure.

She murmured to herself, "Oh, abandoned, why would there be an illusion to see him!"