Originally, Lin silent, who was in the crowd, was robbed of his eyes and clenched his fist subconsciously.

Nanyou, it's you again. I've been in the limelight since high school. Now it's up to you to make a fool of myself.

"Yo Yo, is that you? We haven't seen each other for a long time. It seems that we haven't contacted each other since high school. By the way, are you here for shooting Lin quietly forward, familiar with the South you speak.

The South long leisurely stops the pace, on the surface doubts, "you are?"

"Pooh ha ha ha..." Fu siliu couldn't help thinking of it.

Damn Nan you, you don't even know who you are. It's really fast to forget.

Lin silently took a deep breath, collected the embarrassment on his face, and put on a smile again, "I am Lin silent, your high school classmate. I think you and your friends are here too. Shall we play together? "

"I'm sorry, I haven't played shooting!" said Nan youyou

Lin silently did not give up, pulling Nanyou, "come on, come on, I can teach you. Today, some of my good friends are here. We have a good time together

One of the teenagers with yellow hair said, "yes, play with us. It's better to shoot silently. It's better to have a look at it

Lin silently threw a shy expression at the young man, "thank you for your appreciation."

Lin silently picked up the shooting gun and said to the south, "you, I'll teach you how to take the gun first."

In a casual moment of Lin silent holding the gun, he fired again.

The remote display shows the eight rings.

The crowd suddenly burst out and said, "OK!"

"Our silence is really great."

"Yes, you can play eight rings when you accidentally fight out. It's so powerful!"

"Thank you, thank you for your praise!" Lin said

Fu siliu disdained Lin's silent movements and said, "this woman is really good at it!"

Nan youyou looked at Lin's silent action and took the gun. "Is it like this?"

Nan youyou seems to be a casual, pull the trigger, "whew!"

People looked from a distance, the display showed 10 rings.

"Shit, I don't mean I haven't played shooting! What's going on? "

"Yes, it's good luck."

"Did you inadvertently fight out and have good luck, right in the middle of the 10th ring road?"

Lin silent originally wanted to show his solid shooting skills in front of the public, but now Now it's really a bit of a slap in the face.

Lin silent again received an awkward smile and said, "you, you said you haven't played shooting yet?"

Nan youyou nodded at her leisure. "Yes, I don't know what's going on!"

Fu siliu covered her mouth and laughed, though she didn't know what you were shooting.

But you long, you quickly abuse this white lotus, the words are done very well, how can not see eye!

Abuse her, abuse her, abuse her!

Fu siliu had several times in his heart.

Nan youyou is like a devout apprentice, "Lin silent, or do you teach me again?"

"Oh, you. You know, I'm good at shooting, but I don't teach people very easily. But I met you today, so I'll teach you again. You should watch it later

Nan youyou nodded seriously, "well, good!"

Lin silent again picked up the focus of the crowd, carefully considered whether his movements were elegant, and then said, "like this, three o'clock, relax, and then pull the trigger." 33 novel net www.33xiaoshuo.com


A dull sound, the display screen shows 9 rings.

South you draw a gourd, squint, three o'clock line.


From the crowd came the sound of pumping, Nanyou side of the screen is still ten rings.

The first ten rings are lucky, the second ten rings are It's hard to say!

Nan youyou seems to be inadvertently, again hit a ten ring.

There was a sudden silence in the crowd. The third ten rings, then That's not luck, right strength!

Lin quietly approached Nanyou and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Nanyou, from high school to now, has always occupied my lead. Are you very happy and happy?"

Before Nanyou could react, Lin said in a silent crowd, "Wow, you've just learned how to shoot. How about a real match? "

There are also many people in the crowd who want to see who wins in the end, a novice of luck school who plays three ten rings and an old hand of strength school. So, a lot of people followed suit.

Fu siliu is worried about Nan youyou's embarrassment. After all, she has just started shooting. As for why she can make three ten rings, to be honest, Fu siliu doesn't know!Fu siliu pulled nanyouyou and said, "Hey, Youyou, are you ok? If we don't compare, let's go

Lin silent but heard Fu siliu's words, go, go, escape is the best, do not hurt their faces in the circle.

Unfortunately, Nanyou does not follow Lin's silent wish.

"Well, how do you play?"

Lin silently vowed, "let's play with ten hair, OK?"

Shooting has always been Lin silent's strong point. In the past, he has been oppressed by nanyouyou in school. Now he has to earn a face to come back!

Lin quietly adjusted her mind and hit the target with the most beautiful posture she thought.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After a while, Lin quietly hit the target results will come out.

8, 10, 8, 8, 9, 10, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9

there was another praise in the crowd.

"You are worthy of being Miss Lin of a well-known family. This shooting skill is very good."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"I can't do such a good job anyway."


"Bang, bang, bang!"

After a while, Nanyou's achievements also came out.

8, 10, 8, 8, 9, 10, 8, 9, 8, 10

the results of the first eight rings and the three ten rings before Nan youyou were not so hard core in the public.

Well, she must have been lucky before! Many people think so.

However, seeing the achievements behind, the crowd again breathed.

as like as two peas in the nine previous achievements, tenth went up a higher ring, which is obviously the way of the great God in fighting the nameless little fairy.

"Why, why, why..."

In high school, she did well, but every time she had to be in front of herself. It's just that she is outstanding in fine arts. Why did she sing so much in the end that everyone in the school only knew Nanyou and didn't know Lin was silent.