"Why are you so unlucky? You must have stopped in the devil's vine area." Beck marveled at the luck of bailiyan team.

Zong Lun looked at the undamaged people and thought, "the devil's vine is not marked on the map. This is the fault of the Investigation Institute of the school. Fortunately, the young commander arrived in time to save you. When you come out, you should pay attention to the surrounding environment at any time..."

Zonglun and Beck's other senior students have taught some of their experience to these little guys. Bai Liyan listened carefully and remembered.

Beck team, in addition to Bella Beth, there are two 20-year-old, the others are 25-year-old, and bailiyan team, except Tomas and Cora, are 20-year-old, others are also small, so in their eyes, bailiyan is really a child.

After all the people got out of the rubble area, they entered the forest again. However, the trees here are obviously less and thinner than those before, and they are not as old as the trees before.

In fact, the destination was originally an empty place, but due to years of military training, trees gradually grew in places where there were no trees, which was totally different from the plant growth habits in ancient times.

In ancient times, the more people there were, the less trees, flowers and plants. Because of people's trampling and environmental pollution, plants and trees could not continue to survive.

On the contrary, the more people are there, the more wild the plants grow. It seems that they are competing with humans for territory. They are afraid that they will not be given them after they occupy the territory.


After a day's walking, they finally heard the sound of water splashing. At this time, the sky had turned dark blue, and it was dark immediately.

"Let's have a rest here tonight. We'll get up early tomorrow morning and get to our destination tomorrow night." Beck looked at the map and said.

"Well, it's time to have a rest." Beth said cheerfully and sat down.

Bella looked as like as two peas on the floor, and looked at what he looked like. He sighed once again. Why do I look like her? I don't want to see such a humiliating side of me. As like as two peas, Beck saw his two sisters, smiled and shook his head, took out the tent and started looking for a place to build. His two sisters were born to be loved by all. They were less girls. Not to mention the two twin girls who came to love one another. The two sisters did not look the same, but their characters were different. Bella was the elder sister, bill. Silk was born two minutes earlier. She grew up steady and quiet, while Beth was mischievous and lively. However, their relationship was very good. One of them could not see the other for an hour, so she was worried.

"Heart! Come on! Come on

Not far away, there was a loud cry from wangsi. Muqingxin and dongfangling girls went over to see what wangsi had found. The other boys set up tents and made a fire.

"What's the matter, it's a big deal!" Wang Si didn't see anything around him.

Wang Si pointed to the water excitedly, "look, there are thunder blade beasts in it! Thunder blade beast

"Where? where? Where is it? " As soon as he heard the thunder blade beast, the Oriental spirit immediately squatted down and looked into the water, "ah, really ah, heart, come on, thunder blade beast."

Shuihuan blue heard that there was a thunder blade beast. As soon as his eyes were bright, he also ran quickly. Sure enough, there were several fat thunder blade beasts in the water.

When they saw the thunder blade beast, they thought of the delicious food they had eaten. They didn't eat anything for a day. At this time, their eyes were green.

Bella and Beth stood on the shore, looking at the thunderblade in the water. The next second was far away. "Hey, you stay away from them. Don't be electrified by them. It's painful!"

Three people did not care about the wave of hands, "nothing, nothing, they are not terrible, but very delicious!"

"What?" Bellabeth did not hear them clearly and looked at them anxiously. When they saw the water for the first military training, they were excited when they saw the water. When their brother didn't notice, they jumped into the water to play. Unexpectedly, they were shocked when they just jumped into the water. It turned out that there was a thunderblade beast by the water. Suddenly, she saw a stranger and attacked them directly. Fortunately, Beck arrived to save them in time However, they may be electrocuted directly in the water.

They still remember the taste of being spread all over the body by the current!

Cora came over, saw the greedy appearance of the three Wangs, laughed, looked at the worried two people and explained, "don't worry about them, there's blue and blue, there's no danger." What's in danger is the thunderblade.

On hearing this, bellabeth remembered that blue and blue were mercury people, and they had a natural ability to restrain creatures in the water, so she was relieved. However, they were still afraid of thunder blade animals and could only watch from a distance.

Mu Qingxin comes over, and Dongfang Ling looks at her together. Mu Qingxin pulls from the corner of her mouth. Can you not show this kind of look? If she looks ugly, she can resist it. They are so beautiful and lovely, and show their moist eyes like deer. Oh, my God, the old aunt can't stand it

"Well, I'll give you enough for the whole fish dinner tonight, so take your eyes off!" Mu Qing heart closed eyes, strong let his eyes shift to the water."Great! Heart, I love you Oriental spirit is better than heart.

"Heart, Mo Da!" Water magic blue kiss.

"Heart, I love you too, Moda!" Vince pouts.

"I'm sorry, Vince, I don't love you, roll!" Mu Qing heart loathed glanced at the eye selling Meng of wangsi, "you come here, stand far away."

Three people immediately ran over, standing far away, eyes shining at heart.

"What is this for?" Bellabeth looked at several people in disbelief and didn't understand what it meant.

Cora smiles and stares at her heart. "In a minute, you'll see."

After hearing this, bellabeth looks curiously at Mu Qingxin who walks to the shore.

Mu Qingxin looked at the thunder blade beast in the water and whispered, "Why are you so stupid? When you hear someone coming, you won't sink to the bottom of the water. You still stop beside the water foolishly. Isn't this the rush to let us eat you? Well, since you are expecting us to eat so much, just as you wish, I just hope you'll have a good journey With that, he threw out the green vine from his hand and rolled up the leisurely and carefree thunder blade beast, which was not afraid of human beings at all, and directly threw it to the ground and knocked them unconscious.

"What's the situation?"! "

Bellabeth: "the thunder blade beast here is not fake..."

The thunder blade beast here has a wide range of life. It is obviously bigger than the thunder blade beast in the small pool at the beginning, but the meat must be more tender and delicious!

Wangsi dongfangling several people skillfully picked up the thunder blade beast that fainted on the ground, took out the compressed box, put them in, and then carried them to Mu Qingxin's side.

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