Fortunately, muqingxin first practiced the method of strengthening the spirit, so that his mental power was integrated and his brain power was clearer. So it was very easy to learn.

Mu Qingxin has experimented before. Time in the space passes faster than that in the outside. Two hours in the space is an hour outside. This is only the primary state of the space. When the space is upgraded, the time will change.

Mu Qingxin read a few books, the content of the book has been deeply recorded in his mind, theoretical knowledge has been learned, the rest of the practice.

Mu Qingxin puts away the book with some distrust. Although he likes singing very much in the past life, he can't escape the lack of five notes. The song he sings is quite different from the original one. In this way, he can't change his habit of singing. Of course, he just sings to himself, afraid that the tea will rub on others' ears.

"Ah --"

Mu Qingxin tries to open his mouth and listen to his capture. It is clear and sweet with a little childish, "eh, it's not bad.". Mu Qing heart satisfied with the nod, for this voice is very satisfied.

Then I think about the pronunciation, breath and tone of the book just now, and join hands to sing a song that is the only one in the past life that never goes out of tune and is catchy...

"get up

people who don't want to be slaves

build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall


forward and forward"


Mu Qing heart is manly, after singing with high spirits, he applauds himself with satisfaction. I feel great and sing out the essence of this song. Look at the vertical leaves of all the plants in the space.

Plants: "fortunately, we don't have ears...

Mu Qingxin confidently took out the Phoenix string and began to practice echo technique.

"Dangdangdang... Zhengzheng earn... Squeak..."

with the sound of Mu Qingxin's pop-up, the aura in the space becomes fluffy, all the plants shake with the sound, and the leaves shake involuntarily. Finally, they are unable to land. All the starfish in the lake almost jump onto the land to kill themselves...

after a long time of practice, his legs and hands are a little numb, so mu Qingxin puts it down Fengxian, stand up and take off the earplug. Out of the house, and... Stunned.

"This is... Bad robbery?"

Looking at a mess of space, MuQing heart some do not believe their own eyes, immediately release God consciousness and plant contact.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you all listless and the leaves are falling?"

"Wuwu... The sound just now is just magic sound, we can't stand it..." the plants who were just glad they didn't have ears were exhausted at this time.

Just now, Mu Qingxin just made a sound when singing. In addition to using the Phoenix string as an immortal instrument, Mu Qingxin also injected spiritual power, which directly destroyed the spirit of animals and plants in the space.


after Mu Qingxin got the result from plants, she felt embarrassed and felt a little lucky. "Fortunately, I was smart, just put in earplugs, ha ha...

all animals and plants:" QAQ "

Mu Qingxin raised his hand to look at the time on the optical brain. Once the optical brain entered the space, there was no signal and could only look at the time.

"It's already six o'clock. No wonder I feel empty. What do you want to eat?"

Mu Qingxin goes into the kitchen, looks at the ingredients, and decides to make porridge and stir fry dishes.

Fragrant white rice porridge, if there are red dates on it. Fried eggs, shredded pork with green pepper and eggplant with fish flavor. Three dishes, a pot of porridge, on their own and mom two people, enough.

MuQing heart with food out of the space, sent a message to his mother, come back to eat. Immediately out of the bedroom, ready to put the meal in the living room.

"... what is the situation?"

Mu Qingxin looked at the large and small packages in the living room, some dizzy, "did mother come back?" Mu Qing thought in doubt, but she didn't notice that someone was coming into the bedroom.

Mu Qingxin first put the food on the table, and then clean up the packages stacked on the ground. After reading the words on the package, only the name of the consignee was written, nothing else was written. It was a good job to keep secret.

"Honey, mom's back."

With the sound of opening the door, Ou Xuemei's voice also came in.

"Wow, it's delicious. Is this what your brothers call ancient rice? How beautiful "

after receiving the message from her daughter, Ou Xuemei immediately left her work and came back. In the morning, she could not wait to hear her little son say how delicious the old rice made by her heart was.

"I want to take a picture, let your father have a look, ha ha, it's made by heart for mom." Ou Xuemei immediately opened her brain and photographed the food her daughter cooked. After shooting, I sent it to my husband and sons.

Send to the husband, is to let the husband envy completely, daughter how much love mother. Send to the sons, it's just for revenge that the son ate his daughter's cooking earlier than himself, hum."Honey, are you ready to eat?" Ou Xuemei looks forward to her daughter.

"It's ready to eat."

Of course, before dinner, Mu Qingxin taught ouxuemei how to use chopsticks in advance, but she always couldn't learn it. She took out something similar to a scalpel in the experiment.

"Mom, can I draw some kitchen utensils and let people make them? It's convenient to cook and eat in this way "

" of course, you can draw it, and I'll find someone to do it. "

"Thank you, Mom"

Ou Xuemei has no time to talk. She felt that her little son was right when she ate such delicious food for the first time. She also ate the most delicious food in the world.

At this time, Ou Xuemei's food is delicious. However, Mu Qidong's three brothers and mu Fengnian, who have received pictures of their mother (wife), have fallen into deep envy and jealousy.

"Oh, I want to go home, I want to heart..." muqixi was sitting alone on the flying ship flying to the college, holding his brain and wailing.

"Big brother, I want to heart," muqinan eyes glued to the picture, how can't move the line of sight, full of pain on the side of the elder brother said.

"Muqidong also stares at several pictures and sighs," I want to. "

As for Ellen's big eyes, I can't help but look at my sister's eyes what is it? Looking at the delicious appearance... "I swallowed my saliva again. My saliva is so strong that I can't finish it...

Mu Qinan forced himself to turn off his brain and quietly took out the nutrient solution. After watching it again and again, I remember the taste of nutrient solution and the taste of green vegetables and egg noodles made by my sister.

"QAQ, I feel like I can't drink the nutrient solution in the future." Mu Qinan took out a peach and couldn't wait to eat it. "Well, fortunately, my heart has prepared fruit, otherwise I have to starve to death."

Mu Qidong also quietly took out an apple and ate it.

"Oh, my brother, you are so unkind. How about me? And me Allen jumped to his feet in a hurry, "I can't drink the nutrient solution, pity me, give me some fruit, no one, one can..."

Allen has been pestering for fruit since he got on the flying ship. Now he saw two people eating fruit. The smell of fruit is very strong, and the saliva secretion is faster, and he pleads more bitterly.

Muqinan couldn't stand it. He gave a peach to Alan, and then ran back to his own rest room, afraid to ask himself again.

"Ha ha, thank you Nannan brother." Alan couldn't wait to take a bite. "Oh, it's delicious." he looked at Mu Qidong, who was indifferent. "Hum, it's not brothers. Our friendship is not as good as a fruit. It's too disturbing for others..."

Mu Qidong glanced at his friend who was amused by himself and got up to leave the sad environment. His sister didn't have enough to eat. How could he give it to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!