He Longyang didn't hide, and he didn't know whether he had no time to hide or what. The wine cup hit him straight in the face, making a dull "bang", and then hit the ground straight, making a sharp crisp sound.

Originally very noisy bar, because this suddenly rang out, all looked at them in the past, in a moment, the bar suddenly quiet down.

Song shaonan didn't speak. He looked at he Longyang fiercely. He didn't respond to the sight of everyone around him.

He Longyang didn't move either, just like the man who was just smashed was not him.

After watching them for a while, the people in the bar seemed to feel bored and soon became lively again. Only in their corner, the atmosphere became more and more depressed, almost suffocating.

I don't know how long it took for he Longyang to blink his eyes slowly. He shook his lips several times and then looked at Song shaonan's eyes. Almost every word squeezed three words from his throat I'm sorry... "

I'm sorry. He owes song shaonan more than anything else.

Since he knew the truth of the matter, he owed it. But now, he even lost the chance to say "I'm sorry" to her in front of her

"I'm sorry?" Just like hearing a joke, song shaonan repeated: "he Longyang, do you think I will accept you? I'm sorry? Do you think she'll take you sorry? "

"I'm sorry, you just want to erase all these things?"

"I tell you, he Longyang, don't even think about it! I'll get everything you've done from you, from you and your father

This is what he promised to give her. He will give her justice.

"I didn't..." He Longyang forced to close his eyes. After a while, he squeezed out a sentence from the choking roar: "I didn't think you could forgive me. These are all owed by our he family. I'm sorry for her. I will bear all the responsibilities and consequences. I just..."

From the day he knew what happened, he thought that if it happened, she would hate him. He failed to live up to her trust, and his close relatives killed his father. These crimes add to the crime. He would not dare to ask her forgiveness for a long time. He just

As if he could not help it any more, he Longyang's straight body suddenly bent down, his eyes also dropped down, but his body trembled more and more.

I don't know how long it took for him to stabilize his mood bit by bit. He said: "I just hope I hope she's still alive... "

This is what he is now, all his expectations, really, apart from that, he really doesn't want anything

I hope she's alive This sentence, like a heavy hammer, hit song shaonan's chest, and flattened his chest, which was still heaving.

Live Live

No one wants these two words to come true more than he does.

However, he has found it for such a long time. He has done everything he can do and used all the forces he can use. However, after such a long time, she has no news, no news

Today, on his way back from the police station, no one knows what kind of feeling he had in his heart.

That feeling, unprovoked, just came out of his heart, scared him to stop the car in the middle of the road, and almost caused a series of traffic accidents

What he feared most about her was his premonition.

From the time when she was almost hurt by Gu Mingxi, he felt it. Later, his premonition became true. He really almost lost her

And then, every time, everything about her, he has a premonition, and the most terrible thing is that every premonition he has won't cheat him, she is really dangerous

But today, on his way back, he suddenly had a very bad premonition again, and this premonition was worse and stronger than any previous one.

It's like It's like, this time, he really completely lost her

He was afraid. His fear flooded his whole life. He didn't remember how he left that road and how he came back to the company.

I just remember that when he got back to the office, he got a call from the people he sent out, saying that there was still no news.

After hanging up the phone, he spent a whole afternoon in the office, doing nothing and seeing nothing.

For the first time in his life, he felt so powerless, so powerless.

He didn't remember when Xu xiangnuan came to remind him that it was time to get off work. He only knew that when he looked up, the window was already dark.Rejected Xu xiangnuan's proposal to send him back to rest, he drove his own car, and then came to the bar.

In fact, he didn't drink much wine, but he was confused and empty.

After he Longyang finished that sentence, the whole person choked completely and couldn't say a word any more.

He looked down at his feet, but there was a sour feeling in his eyes, which became stronger and stronger. At last, the sour feeling became stronger and stronger, and his eyes could no longer contain it, so a wet feeling poured out.

Song shaonan didn't make any more noise. After a while, he suddenly stood up from his seat. Without leaving any words, he turned to the door of the bar and walked out unsteadily.

In the early morning night, the whole city seems to be silent, only the flashing neon lights are moving in the lonely.

Out of the bar, song shaonan didn't call the driver to pick him up. The whole person just walked aimlessly along the street, step by step.

He didn't know if his hunch would come true this time. He didn't dare to think about the result and couldn't accept it

However, if that result should come true, that is to say, now, at least at the moment, she still exists, she still exists in the world.

However, if she was there, he could not find her

He would like to, like many times before, in her critical moment, can timely appear in her side, protect her well.

But this time, baby, I'm really useless. I'm really incompetent. No matter how I look for you, I can't find you

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