Chapter 110

Name:You Cultivate, I Farm Author:
Chapter 110

While tending to the Monkey-Faced Orchids, Lu Xuan deliberately selected six plants, secretly marking them and nurturing each with different spirit insects. He meticulously recorded their delayed changes in expressions, continuously summarizing patterns.

Three days later, under his adjusted cultivation methods, all six Monkey-Faced Orchids maintained either a smile or a hearty laugh throughout the day.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

"You're quite the pleasant bunch under my care."

Lu Xuan sighed, deciding to share his discovery with Senior Sister Yao.

The graceful woman lived alone in a small courtyard, three elegant wooden houses, and a garden blooming with peculiar flowers and plants.

"Senior Sister Yao, are you in? I need your help with something," Lu Xuan knocked on her door.

"Lu Junior Brother, come in. What can I do for you?" she asked, smiling as she stepped out.

"During my cultivation of Monkey-Faced Orchids, I stumbled upon something that might slightly enhance their quality. So, I've come to inform you," Lu Xuan said.

"Oh? What did you discover?" she asked, intrigued yet skeptical.

"I've observed and concluded that the expressions on the Monkey-Faced Orchid petals are closely tied to their state. Adjusting the cultivation methods according to their expressions could enhance the quality of the spiritual plants," Lu Xuan explained.

"Previously, the cultivation masters had a similar inference but eventually found no profound insight. Hence, they stuck to conventional cultivation methods, ignoring those peculiar expressions," he added.

"If Junior Brother can elaborate on the secrets hidden within these expressions, I will report it truthfully to the foundational master behind the Herb Hall," Senior Sister Yao promised, noticing Lu Xuan's concern.

If this could indeed enhance the quality of the many second-tier Monkey-Faced Orchids in the herb field, not only would Lu Xuan be rewarded, but she, as the garden's manager, would also receive credit.

Thus, there was no need to keep Lu Xuan's cultivation method to herself.

"Senior Brother Yan makes a valid point. He has invested a lot of effort in these Monkey-Faced Orchids, so any changes in cultivation methods must have his approval."

"Your method, Junior Brother Lu, is currently in an experimental stage. How about this? Among the nearly hundred orchids in the spiritual field, let's split them in half. Half will be cultivated using Senior Brother Yan's conventional methods, and the other half following your method. What do you both think?"

Lu Xuan and Yan Ping exchanged glances, both agreeing.

Two months later, the Monkey-Faced Orchids in the spiritual field reached maturity.

During this time, Lu Xuan and Yan Ping meticulously tended to the orchids they were assigned. Since their dispute, their relationship had cooled, merely acknowledging each other when they crossed paths, with minimal interaction.

Lu Xuan didn't mind; he was fully engrossed in cultivating the Monkey-Faced Orchids.

Upon maturity, instead of waiting for the spiritual progress bar to fill up completely, Senior Sister Yao directly harvested all the orchid petals.

The harvested orchids were stacked separately.

Lu Xuan's stack exhibited smiles on all the fifty-plus orchids, appearing somewhat eerie when gathered together.

"Even in death, you all must smile. It's not in vain that I fulfilled each of your subtle needs during this time," Lu Xuan sighed, glancing at the orchid petals cultivated by Yan Ping, showing varying expressions, a noticeable contrast.

"These past days have been challenging for both Junior Brothers. I'll handle counting and assessing the quality of these mature orchids," Senior Sister Yao smiled.

Lu Xuan and Yan Ping nodded. Yan Ping appeared grave; his extensive experience in cultivating the orchids allowed him to discern subtle differences in their quality.

"Senior Brother Yan, out of the fifty-five mature Monkey-Faced Orchids harvested, thirty-eight are of average quality, fourteen are of good quality, and the remaining three are of superior quality," Yan Ping reported calmly, noticing only slight differences in these orchids' qualities.

However, upon seeing Lu Xuan's fifty-plus orchids, he couldn't maintain his composure, feeling a mix of emotions, unable to remain calm.


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