Chapter 61

Name:You Cultivate, I Farm Author:
Chapter 61

"A set of three mature first-grade Crimson Cloud Pine nuts, a second-grade Lihuo Sword Manual, and the Complete Guide to Basic Talismans."

"The Sword Grass and the Dark Marrow Fungus are both second-grade, unlike the common Crimson Cloud Pine. The rewards from their mature forms are sure to be impressive," thought Lu Xuan to himself.

Over the next two or three days, he kept the Mist Veil Array open, carefully observing the immediate status of numerous spirit plants, ensuring no infiltration of aberrant Gnawing Spirit Insects.

The remaining twenty-six stalks of Spirit Firefly Grass all matured during this time.

Among them, nine were of good quality, thirteen were of superior quality, and the remaining four were of perfect quality.

After harvesting the Spirit Firefly Grass, twenty-six white orbs appeared.

Six were cultivation rewards: three were for six months, two for nine months, and one for a year, granting Lu Xuan a total of four years' worth of cultivation.

Within his meridians and Dantian, spiritual energy surged like tumultuous waves, taking a long while to slowly settle down.

Gaining four years of cultivation out of thin air propelled Lu Xuan's strength significantly forward, nearing the seventh stage of Qi cultivation.

Additionally, twelve white orbs yielded twelve first-grade talismans, mainly Sword Qi and Evil Expulsion talismans, mixed with two or three other talismans like the Explosive Flame talisman.

The quantity of first-grade talismans accumulating in his storage bag was increasing. Lu Xuan estimated that if used collectively, their power wouldn't be inferior to a full-powered strike from a high-level Qi cultivator.

Furthermore, there were four first-grade Primordial Nourishing Pills, two skill experience packets for the Earth Attraction and Wood Growth techniques.

Lu Xuan absorbed them, enhancing his comprehension of the two techniques.

The remaining two white orbsone revealed the formula for a first-grade Primordial Nourishing Pill, and the other produced a drop of Grass Spirit Essence.

Lu Xuan tucked it into the lump on the head of his straw puppet.

"Let's celebrate your complete recovery. Next, it's back to guarding the spiritual field," he remarked.

In no time, the gray lump on the straw puppet's head swiftly turned green, commencing a new round of patrolling the spiritual field.

Empowered by the Grass Spirit Essence, Lu Xuan felt its strides were now more forceful.

After a few days, the serpent-like monster blood he'd pre-ordered from the Wandering Market arrived as promised.

Lu Xuan spent four spirit stones this time, adding to the three he'd previously paid as a deposit, obtaining a bottle of snake blood from the Grand Bounties Pavilion.

As soon as he sat down, Wu brought over a jug of deep-yellow brew and poured a cup for each of them.

"I noticed, Lu Daoist, there's been a second-grade defensive formation outside your courtyard. You really spare no expense..." remarked Wu.

Lu Xuan took a sip of the spirit brew, its taste rich and enduring.

"Great wine!" he exclaimed, setting down the cup.

"Wu Daoist, surely you're aware that the market is becoming increasingly dangerous. There have been instances of aberrant cultivators appearing, and recently, they even infiltrated the neighboring market's patrol guard, Wang Shan."

"Considering I encountered cultivator intrusions into my spiritual field long ago, and my entire wealth is tied to the spirit plants within, I've had to invest heavily to protect this foundation."

Lu Xuan casually explained.

Wu nodded. "Indeed, better safe than sorry."

"Here, let's continue drinking. This spirit wine is made from the gallbladder and bones of serpent-like monsters. It's not easy to come by on regular days."

"Is that so?" Lu Xuan picked up the cup, his hand freezing suddenly.

"A spirit wine made from serpent bones and gallbladders would require a large number of serpent-like monsters, right? Where do you get these gallbladders and bones from?" he inquired directly to Wu.

"Wu Daoist, I'd like to ask for advice on this matter. Where do you obtain the serpent bones and gallbladders for your brew? Is it from the Grand Bounties Pavilion or other shops, or perhaps from the independent markets?" he queried.


of those," Wu shook his head.

"It's hard to gather a substantial amount of the same species of serpent-like monsters from the independent markets, and the Grand Bounties Pavilion is too expensive. I acquire these from a good friend of mine."

"A friend?" Lu Xuan's eyes lit up.

"Yes, indeed. We've known each other for years. His family possesses a secret technique passed down through generations, specifically in capturing serpent-like monsters. Despite being at the sixth stage of Qi cultivation, with this secret technique, he can even kill second-grade serpent-like monsters."

"Can you introduce me to him? I urgently need a certain material from serpent-like monsters," Lu Xuan inquired.

"Of course," Wu promptly replied.
