Looking at a pool of blood on the ground, Mengli was very worried, frowned and asked, "Mengyao, you have not finished this time"

Mengli's words, Mengyao said softly: "let me sit alone."

Looking at Mengyao like this, Mengli knows that the emotional distress is painful, without too much persuasion, Mengli slowly exits the room, let Mengyao calm down, now the mind must be very confused.

Mengyao wiped the blood on the corners of her mouth, stood up slowly and touched her pocket subconsciously.

Take out a white cloth and slowly open it. Inside is a pink lollipop.

Mengyao holds it in her mouth and stares at the whole sky: "I owe you! Give it back to me! "

Looking back on the days of these months, Mengyao's heart is like being torn!

Ye Jue Tian! I believe you so much! You did this to me!

And Gong Yue! Yi is a stupid woman! But I'm not stupid!

You deliberately let me make trouble today, just want me to die!

It turns out that all you show is hypocrisy, you will not die! How can I let go of my hate!

Mengyao put the lollipop in her mouth on a handkerchief and wrapped it up. Everyone else said that she was sad! It's going to be painful!

Yeah! Pain... Even if you become God, your heart will hurt!

Ye Jue Tian! You are really cruel to me!

"Dream glass!" Mengyao called softly.

Mengli pushes the door in, stands behind Mengyao and leans slightly: "Mengyao, how are you feeling?"

"Bring the blood Yang flower!"

Mengli frowned slightly and asked, "Mengyao, what do you want to do with the blood Yang flower? That's "

" don't ask, I don't want to owe others, but others owe me! Must return! " Mengyao said in a cold voice that she had wasted the Empress Dowager's medicine for only a few days. It was her fault. She should pay!

But those who bully me, one can't think better!

"However, xueyangjinghua comes from the grandparents generation by generation... I'm afraid"

"I'll take care of what I have to do alone..."

"OK, calm down, Mengyao." Mengli murmured, feeling that Mengyao had suffered a lot of grievances. Otherwise, how could he react like this? Even when he came back, he would spit out blood.

Mengli still wants to tell: "Mengyao, no matter what you are going to do, I still hope you can rest for a few days. Your situation is not very good now."

"Well, I know." Mengyao nodded and then sat cross legged. If this tone doesn't come out, it's hard to swallow.

In the bar, Ye Hua has watched the cartoon all morning. Turning off the TV, Ye Hua said softly, "let's go back."

This morning, Ye Hua also reflected. During this period of time, he was grumpy and lacked judgment in thinking, which was not up to standard.

Although Ye Hua has suffered from this incident, it is also a profound lesson. It can help Ye Hua find her own shortcomings, improve her own shortcomings, and make herself more and more perfect without being affected by some emotions.

Qingya and Donghuang Dahurian have supported qingyuantong. We are still in the cold war. I'm sorry to care too much.

Qingyutong is also convinced. He is worried about death and face.

"Brother in law, are you ok?" Qingyutong asked. I haven't seen my brother-in-law so depressed for a long time. It's very painful.

Ye Hua shook his head to show that he was OK.

Dahurian angelica now can not help, in fact, long ago wanted to talk about this problem!

"Ye Hua, you have a bad idea now, you know! When did you come up with the idea of being a family member? Although Yiyi is an ordinary person, she is braver than those masters. You are too superficial! "

Qing Ya said to see the emperor dahurian angelica, and she also wanted to make a statement.

"Dahurian angelica said well, Ye Hua, you can't afford to look at people in this matter. Do you know who I am at the beginning? Do you know who dahurian angelica is? You have had a relationship with us without saying a word. At that time, did you think that we are worthy of your supremacy? "

"Ye Hua, you really need to reflect. Since you became the emperor, you have changed a lot, just like those emperors on TV." Qingya and Donghuang Baizhi have finished, and they are ready to be taught by Ye Hua. It's much better to say.

After hearing this, Ye Hua was silent for a long time, and finally said softly, "go back to see how Xiaotian is doing."

After that, Ye Hua disappears on the sofa. Qingya and others are confused, which forces Wang ye not to get angry?

I want to go back quickly to see how my mother-in-law is now. If anything like this happens, my mother-in-law will not feel well.

Yiyi's death made everyone unhappy.

Qingya and other people came to the bedroom of lejing. Qianyuqing was with lejing, and Daji was waiting by her side.

But Yue Jing's face is not very good, a little pale, but it was very ruddy before.

"Mother, what's the matter with you?" Qingya rushes forward and holds yuejing's hand.Yue Jing smiled softly: "it's OK, mother is OK."

Donghuang Baizhi looks at qianyuqing, and the meaning of the inquiry is obvious.

But thousand language fine tightly wrinkles moth eyebrow, mother adult just saw small day so sad, in the heart also is grieving unceasingly, cause toxin spread more quickly!

I just took Lingquan once again, it's a little better... However, there are not many Lingquan now. If I can't find the antidote, I'm afraid it's more dangerous!

"Silly child, mother is very good." Yue Jing comforts her daughter-in-law and knows that her illness has come to an end.

"Mother, I'll find Ye Hua to find a way." Qingya can't care about the cold war, and now only Yehua can save her mother.

But ye Hua can't do it now. Juetian's research hasn't progressed. The only thing that can solve the problem, Qingxu, doesn't know where to go.

Yue Jing holds Qingya's hand: "don't go, Ye Hua is very unhappy today. Don't let his mother's illness bother him again."

Everyone is so sick. They don't want to tell their son so that he doesn't worry about himself.

"But, my mother, we can't drag on any longer." Donghuang Dahurian said urgently, eyes are red.

"That's all. You can talk with your mother." Yue Jing smiled and said that she could see that Ye Hua was not dead. She was relieved and despised life and death. She could see that Xiao Tian was married. That was heaven's favor.

Four daughter-in-law can only hold her mother-in-law's hand tightly, even if they have extraordinary strength, but encounter some rare diseases, there is no way at all.

At this time, Yehua found yejuetian through the leaves.

Ye juetian is in an inn. This is the place where ye juetian used to live. It is also of commemorative value to ye juetian.

"How are you?" Ye Hua asked Ye Zizi.