"Why are you back! Let you go, don't you know! " Baoci whispered, do you think it's a trick! It's going to kill!

Bao po said in a deep voice, "father, I have no self now. In half an hour, my supreme strength can also help you!"

Hearing his son's words, Baoci seemed to know that his son now has no self and has supreme strength.

"Then you should evacuate people first!"


PI Liangjun is very angry now, but the roar from the magma below calms him down a bit.

"You two go home immediately!" Said piliang Jun in a deep voice.


"Go away!"

Picheng and pichui are helpless. They also want to help their father, but they can't. now they have to go.

After all, the strength is here, and my father has to take care of it here. But what kind of monster is it under the magma!

With doubts, Picheng and pichui go first... Baopo is also evacuating the audience at this time, but some people just don't want to go. It seems that there will be a good play soon.

It seems that there are no different areas for the bustle. People everywhere like to watch the bustle. It's not too much.

But some people are doomed to tragedy.


Once again, the roar of madness resounds throughout the sea area. In the foolproof sea, a tsunami even larger than just started again and attacks around. This is a disaster!

Countless magma began to erupt, just like Mars. Even the three bad old men set up a border, which could not resist the erosion of these magma, disappeared in a moment.

When a drop of magma falls on someone's arm in the audience.

The crazy scream suddenly sounded, and the man began to become a skeleton at the speed of the naked eye. The magma was really terrible.

And the magma, like a dense Gatling, falls around.

The crowd is screaming. If you give them a chance, you won't stay and watch. It's like playing a joke on life.

The four nobles are also fighting against these magma. After all, they fall on themselves and do not know what kind of damage they will cause.

However, all the guards around were shot down.

Just the five of them are good, as if they have the halo of the main character. That magma doesn't fall on them.

As if thousands of arrows are fired at the same time, it's just that they can't hit the target... It doesn't make sense. That's how good luck is.

Ye Zizi closed his eyes and murmured, "that's a beautiful voice."

"Yes, the sound of nature." Kaiyun is also enjoying with his eyes closed. It's very comfortable.

Brett choked. "Two little perverts."

"It's up to you, old woman." Ye Zizi crooned.

Brett didn't want to get to know ye Zizi. He stopped talking.

Qingyutong looks at the magma, what monsters will appear in the end. Listen to the roar, it's a very powerful monster.

It's not small, it's not small.

Well, it's just a joke. There are five perverts standing here. It's the four lords that should be careful.

A magma erupted directly, just like that kind of fountain, dazzling and gorgeous.

But this magma spewed directly from the deep sea!

In the vast sea of foolishness, a terrible magma burst out of the sea and rushed to the sky!

However, the magma was blown by the high-altitude wind, which was originally straight, and now it bends. As for where it will blow, no one knows.

But it is not hard to deny that if the magma falls, it will be a terrible disaster!

"How's the harvest today, Mao?" A 70 year old man came with a fishing rod and a sieve, and his face was full of this gentle smile.

"It's Lao Wang. Your little grandson was just born, and he is willing to come out?" Old Mao is also an old man of about 70 years old, with a bamboo hat and a smile.

Lao Wang sat beside Lao Zhang and smiled: "it's important for us to fish. It's good to have an old lady at home."

"Look at your closed mouth. It's comfortable for grandson." Old Wang smiled and said, as if envious.

"That's right. My son won't fight for it. He has been in this small fishing village all his life. He is waiting for his grandson to give glory to my old Wang family."

"This is a glorious family... Alas..." Mao sighed deeply.

"Your son hasn't come home in nearly twenty years."

"Well, sometimes I feel like I don't have this son."

"Your son is busy. Fortunately, your son is in duanmaizong. It's better in our village."

Old Mao chuckled. He used to feel very dignified, but it's been a long time... Who can stand it.

"Fishing, don't say such a wet blanket."

"Well, today let's go home with a full load!"They were hiding by the sea, chatting, fishing and drinking.

"Old Mao, am I drunk? It seems that I was covered that day?" Old Wang wiped his eyes and asked curiously.

Lao Wang also rubbed his eyes and was confused: "what is that?"

However, in the sky, a huge tsunami hit, the threat of terror seems to tear up everything!

"Lao... Lao Mao... This is... What is it?" Lao Zhang grabbed Lao Mao's arm and asked in horror.

Old Mao was also stunned by what was in front of him. It was too high... Too high... It seemed to cover the sky.

The tsunami did not come, a strong wind suddenly hit, the two old people were blown away in an instant, the body hit the big stone behind, the two people all spewed blood.

In the fishing village hundreds of meters behind, all the houses were opened, and thousands of people were killed in the whole fishing village!

Panic spread to everyone's heart, because everyone saw the terrible tsunami.

Cover the sun on the sky. Everyone kneels down and prays for the protection of the God of the sea!

"Lao Mao"

"Lao Zhang"

the two old people watched the surging tsunami and there was no way to stop it.


In a moment, the huge tsunami overturned the whole fishing village, and all people died at this moment! Even new children!

It's cruel!

This fishing village is the nearest one. There are hundreds of such towns around it. The terrible tsunami has not abated at all. It is attacking inland!

In the rear, however, a more terrifying tsunami followed!

When people look at the tsunami that engulfs everything, despair... Deep despair...

but at the same time, there is a flame in the sky, sliding over the head... Br >

the law enforcement team in the outer clan of the pulse breaking clan, this is the time to eat.

"Mao team... Congratulations... I heard that you are going to the inner court." A law enforcement team member is holding a glass of wine and laughing.