A shadow fell from the sky, leaving a big deep hole in the ground, but the shadow rushed up from the hole.

And then it falls, and then it rushes up.

I saw countless deep holes in the whole earth, and ye Zizi was bored. He stood in the air and waved his fist powerlessly. Fengtian was like a sandbag.

However, no matter what, they rushed forward without hesitation, which was admirable.

Ye Zizi sighed, the gap of strength is still so large, and only the venerable can defeat himself, which is really a great distress.

Looking down at Fengtian lying in the pit, ye Zizi slowly lowers down and stands beside the pit.

Only see the big hole inside the body of Fengtian Ling injury, eyes one big one small, arms have become a strange angle distortion.

It's sad that ye Zizi spits out.

Such a picture seems to be familiar. At the beginning, Fengtian also looked at the blood devil in the pit like this. Unexpectedly, several months later, he realized it.

Fengtian's eyes are a little slack, looking at the sky foolishly, as if he didn't accept such cruel facts.

Judging from the expression, it's really hit and shut down. It's all hit and suspected of life.

However, ye Zizi doesn't plan to kill this man. It's so miserable. He's expected to become a useless man. Alas,

it's just that he's too strong to fight.

Ye Zizi opened his umbrella, and suddenly a strong wind swept in. At the same time, he had a ferocious rage!

The huge pressure made the whole ground tremble, and Ye Zi looked back stupidly.

What a big head... What a big head... Erha ·

What Ye Zi describes is quite appropriate. It's similar to erha, but its size is amazing. The Ye Zi looks like a small dot.

This is a fierce beast, cloud wave!

It's the same level as the fiery styrofoam that Ye Hua summoned at the beginning, but it's an accident to appear here today.

"Ah Wu Wu ~" cloud wave looked up and roared, finally saw the sky, and was locked in nothingness for so long! What a hate!

Small human beings, give me to die, how can you be my opponents.

Ye Zizi sees erha grinning and dying, just like in the video, as if to fight with Tibetan mastiff. When you let go of the rope, don't be serious.

Fengtian, who was lying in the pit, also saw erha, but he was still expressionless and didn't know how to be scared.

Ye Zizi feels like he has lost a dog. These two ha looks not so ha. If he can wag his tail, it will be perfect.

"Ow!!!" Cloud wave toward leaf son roar, humble human still don't kneel!

"Ye Zijiao hums:" thought only you can roar

I saw Ye Zizi take a deep breath, the breath all unfolds, opens the small mouth: "Oh!!!!!!"

What kind of girl's voice is this? It's worse than a fierce beast.

It's said that ye Zizi is not a human being. He's almost as fierce as a beast. With all the breath, it's really scary.

The hair on yunlang's body was blown by Ye Zizi, his eyes widened, and his face was startled.

This kind of expression appears on erha's face, which is normal performance.

The leaf wiped his mouth and took out a lollipop.

Yunlang swallows his saliva and doesn't dare to run away. Just now, the breath is so horrible that it's even worse than banishing himself to nothingness.

"What are you doing standing there? It's getting smaller." Ye Zizi didn't say it, it's stupid.

Cloud wave dare not say more, body size directly reduced to the extent of dogs.

A pure erha appeared.

"Wag your tail." Ye Zizi said curiously.

Cloud wave lowers head, the fear of one face, can only listen to, wagging tail.

"Ha ha, have fun." Ye Zizi is excited. This dog is much more fun than that cat.

Yunlang is so desperate. He suddenly finds that nothingness is good. Although it is a little dark, no one treats himself as a dog.

How can I be so unlucky? I met such a person as soon as I came out.

No! I should be glad that I haven't been killed by such a character. Actually, it's good to be a dog. I heard that all of them eat and sleep and eat.

Thinking of this, yunlang is a little relieved. It's good to be a dog.

Fengtian in the big pit didn't know what happened, so he felt a terrible breath, and then it was gone... Br >

but it's not a matter. He was abused by a little girl. He was mercilessly abused, without any face!

Fengtian looks very dementia.

Ye Zizi also reported the task after returning. Ye Hua was satisfied after listening. At least Ye Zizi controlled it well and killed only three people.

If they are right, they should be able to attack. Then they should also prepare for it. What's a good way to force it? The previous ones have been used. They have no new ideas. They need to think of some unique ones."How are things going, Ye Hua?" Dahurian angelica came and asked curiously.

"It's broken. They want you to apologize." Ye Hua is also honest, even let the woman apologize, you don't know the woman can't provoke!

Dahurian angelica seems to be exhilarating, of course, this is in front of the husband performance, if in front of outsiders, it is a cold face.

"Dahurian angelica, what do you say? They should kill together. There will be a lot of people then." Ye Hua asks curiously, do not know what kind of choice will be made by dahurian angelica dahurica.

There is a big difference between killing hundreds of people and killing hundreds of thousands of people.

Donghuang Baizhi thought for a while, and his eyes were cold: "come to invade my boundless realm! That is the enemy. There is nothing to say about dealing with the enemy! "

"This is my good woman!" Ye Hua holds the angelica dahurica in her arms, and it's not easy for her to open her mind.

"Oh, don't hold it too tightly. Be careful of my child." Dahurian angelica jiaochen, afraid to hurt their children.

Although I know it will be OK, as a mother, it's normal to worry about it.

"Make a mountain out of a molehill. I'll go back." Ye Hua said softly, back to the Qingba.

In fact, I want to buy a pancake fruit. By the way, I want to ask my mother about her son's situation. After all, it's a matter that I promised.

Go out of the Qing Dynasty. Ye Hua comes to the alley. Although it's ten o'clock in the morning, my aunt is still setting up a stall and there are many people buying pancakes and fruits.

I think it's lunch.

"A pancake fruit." Ye Hua came and said lightly.

When aunt saw it was Ye Hua, she said, "thank you so much."

Hearing this, Ye Hua also knows that Wu Li should be back.

"I said, I can help you."

"Yes, you can buy it later. It's all free!" Aunt is so happy. She holds Ye Hua's hands to express her thanks.