Open the window, Ye Hua looks at the dark sea, and feels Ye Zizi's existence from that direction. She is really looking for something to do. There are many people.

After thinking for a while, Ye Hua decides to call Wei Chang and cleft bone to have a meeting. He goes to the toilet and closes the door. Ye Hua begins to summon the two men.

Wei Chang and split bone seconds to.

"I'll see you!"

"I'll see you!"

Ye Hua said lightly, "don't kneel, the ground is dirty."

Wei Chang and cleft bone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your consideration."

"Thank you for your consideration."

When he looked up and saw a red zunshang, Wei Chang and cleft bone were shocked. They were all black, and suddenly a red body was really uncomfortable.

"I'm thinking about a question, and I want to hear from you." Leaf Hua draws out a cigarette light to say.

What! The test came in the middle of the night!

Wei Chang and cleft bone once put up his ears to listen.

"Zizi is making trouble in a force. I want to take advantage of this opportunity. What do you think?" Ye Hua spewed out a mouthful of smoke and said in silence.

Cleft bone secretly pulled Wei Chang, this kind of problem you are not very good at?

"Subordinates think..." Wei Chang is ready to talk, but ye Hua says aloud, "let the cracked bone talk."

Cleft bone: "... Sir"

you know your subordinates are not good at thinking, they are only good at thinking in the lower part of their body.

But now I'm going to have a hard scalp. I'm going to have a crack and a light cough: "my Lord, I think your idea is very good!"


"No more?" Asked Ye Hua in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Ten of them are cracked.

"Say it!"

"My subordinates think it's not raining, what's its name?"

Wei often reminds: "prepare for a rainy day."

"Yes, yes, it's just to prepare for the future. There are no other forces in the human race that belong to us except to seek fragrance. If we accept it, it will play a role in the plan of the Supreme Master." After that, I'm ready to listen to the training.

"Yehuadun, deep voice said:" yes, the progress is really slow now, if you accept one side of the forces for my use, it is also convenient to do things

"Be wise!"

"Be wise!"

"Since we have to accept them, what kind of battle we have to put in order to shock them." Ye Hua thought of that year, when the seven sins were still there, there were eight people in every expedition, that momentum!

Wei Chang and cleft bone also thought of that year, but now there are fewer people, not so many.

Wei Chang suddenly got an idea and suggested, "I can call Xiao Tang here, and the three stars with broken bones, my little brother, and my little brother's woman, so the scene is almost the same."

"How many women to make the scene?" Ye Hua is a little unhappy.

Wei Chang hurriedly explained: "on the trip that day, they have worshipped the power of the Lord infinitely. If the Lord shows his hand again, they will become the blade in the hand of the Lord and pierce the blood vessels of the enemy! Not only the enemy, but also them! "

"It's reasonable to say that the strength of the Buddha has not been seen by the world. Let them see the real horror tonight!"

Wei Chang and cleft bone didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not. They said in unison, "respect the world!"

"Call in people and leave in five minutes!"



Ye Hua breathed a sigh of relief. There was a sense of inexplicable excitement, as if he had returned to the past. It felt so good!

Come to Qingya's dressing room, Ye Hua goes in.

"Ye Hua, what's the matter? Don't worry, it'll be all right. " Qingya smiled softly.

Leaf Hua light said: "the smoke is gone, I go to buy a pack of cigarettes."

"Well, I'll wait for you here. Be careful on the road and watch the car." Qingya admonishes.

Ye Hua smiles and pinches Qingya's nose. He looks at the car carefully, even if he bumps into it.

Once again into the toilet, Ye Hua's figure has appeared on the sea, took a deep breath, and Ye Hua touched a cigarette to light it.

In a hotel in Sanya City, the death mage and Xunfang are playing games in their beds. They can't avoid it, and now they can do as much as they want.

Just playing hard, the death mage received the master's order, and there will be a big move!

I fuck!!! Your great move must be a river of blood and bones.

What! And the woman next to you! Is there any mistake!

Time is pressing. Don't worry. Grasp the fragrant shoulder of Xunfang. The death mage makes Jie's voice.

Change your clothes quickly. Don't wear pajamas. Take you to your honor

I can't understand Xunfang. I frowned and said, "what are you doing? It hurts me."

The death mage immediately typed on his cell phone.Looking at the anxious appearance of the death mage, Xunfang was inexplicably nervous. What could make the death mage anxious.

Light up your phone.

"Take you to see the master, and change your clothes quickly! Change the waiter's clothes! "

Looking for Fang, who was confused, asked curiously, "aren't you the eldest?"

Jie Jie ·

Royal translator: "I'm a fart boss, change clothes quickly!!!"

Anxious death mage forgot to type again.

When Xunfang saw the words printed by the death mage, the whole person was not good. Was he not the eldest? It's the younger brother of other people's younger brother ·

who is the eldest brother!

Find Fang to find a suit of clothes for the waiter and hurry back.

The death mage hugged his woman and stepped into the black void.

On the sea, Ye Hua is smoking.

Wei Chang was the first one to arrive. He showed up with Tang Wei, who was still in the Black Maid Costume. But Tang Wei's face is not right now, with a fear.

"I'll see you next!" Wei Chang knelt in the void and shouted.

Tang Wei is surprised, immediately kneel on the void, Jiao voice shouted: "subordinates see your majesty."

Ye Hua didn't speak, neither did they.

Soon fracture bone also came, with still, ask Xia, Bai Xiaozhen, also is the maid temptation.

The four men knelt down orderly and slowly, shouting, "I'll see you next to me!"

The three women dare not breathe for a moment. They just learned the identity of the boss. They are almost scared out.

At this time, the death mage appeared at the scene, only slightly behind.

"I'll see you, my Lord!"

Looking for Fang was a little dazed. He was dizzy at the kneeling man in the void.

The death mage immediately pulled La Xunfang. What are you doing standing there? Hurry up.

Find Fang to know the meaning of the death mage, learn the appearance of all: "subordinates to see you!"

Ye Hua took a puff of smoke and said calmly, "get up, all of you."

The eight in the back rose slowly and stood in order of status.

Cleft bone and Wei Chang are standing behind Ye Hua. Behind them are their girlfriend. Finally, they are death mage and Xunfang. The team is still standing in a fan shape.