Chapter 34: Xu Yan: The Dragon Subduing Palm is really powerful.

Chapter 34: Xu Yan: The Dragon Subduing Palm is really powerful.

Chapter 34 Xu Yan: The Dragon Subduing Palm is really powerful

Li Xuan never expected that Xu Yan would ask such a question.

I can only say that he is indeed a person who can successfully practice the made-up exercises. His brain circuit and focus are different from ordinary people.

But this problem is not a problem for him!

He immediately looked at Xu Yan with gratified eyes, his face full of satisfaction for his apprentice.

Disciple, if you can ask this question at this time, it means that your understanding is not bad, and you have already begun to get a glimpse of the master of the Dragon Subduing Master.

There is a saying, fight fire with fire. Have you ever heard of it, disciple?

The same is true for this Dragon Subduing Palm, using a dragon to subdue a dragon.

Dragon or even a high divine beast is born with supernatural powers, how can it be easily conquered?

"And this Dragon Subduing Palm, using a dragon to subdue a dragon, not only subdues the dragon's body, but also subdues the dragon's heart, attacking both its body and its will!"

Li Xuan opened his mouth and started making up nonsense.

Subjugate the dragons body, but also subdue the dragons heart, attacking both its body and its will?

Xu Yan was greatly shocked and felt that the Dragon Subduing Palm was really mysterious and unpredictable.

Although he could not understand how to lower the body and lower the heart, how to attack the body and attack the will, it did not diminish his shock at the Dragon Subduing Palm.

I was very excited: "I must practice the Dragon Subduing Palm. If one day I meet a real dragon, I will use this palm to subdue the dragon!"

Master, I understand, I will definitely master the Dragon Subduing Palm and realize the true meaning of the Dragon Subduing Palm!

Xu Yan said with firm eyes.

Well, I believe you, my teacher!

Li Xuan was very pleased.

"Dragon Subduing Palm formula, my disciple, please memorize it. This is the true meaning of Dragon Subduing Palm. If you can understand one or two points, you can get started with Dragon Subduing Palm. If you understand its true meaning, it will be martial arts magical power. "

For this Dragon Subduing Palm, Li Xuan took great pains to compile the formula.

Whether it can be done or not depends on Xu Yan himself.

Disciples must keep it in mind!

Xu Yan said respectfully.

Listen carefully.

Li Xuan said solemnly: "The dragon has magical powers and can change according to the situation; its power is all over the world, and its anger shocks the heaven and earth; it raises wind and thunder when it is angry, and it disappears without a trace; it swings for thousands of miles, and it is as strong as the sun, and everything is unstoppable." ; Straight and soft as water, unpredictable, adaptable and rebellious according to one's heart."

Xu Yan murmured in his mouth, his eyes thoughtful, and a light seemed to flash in his mind. Vaguely, he felt that he had understood something.

But failed to catch it.

You come with me as my teacher.

Li Xuan walked towards the flat place where the Bagua was drawn, with his hands behind his back.

Yes, Master!

It was really wise to accept Xu Yan as his disciple.

Xu Yan followed the Bagua and fell into deep thought. There seemed to be some vague insights in his mind, but he couldn't make it clear.

Ill allocate my training time first. Ill practice Dragon Subduing Palm in the morning and comprehend the Eight Diagrams in the afternoon!

Today, lets practice the Dragon Subduing Palm first.

With this thought, Xu Yan returned to the hillside where his master taught him the Dragon Subduing Palm.

Taking a deep breath, he slapped his palm suddenly, and the energy and blood exploded like a blazing torrent, blasting out.

No! This is just the power of Qi and blood, not the power of the real dragon palm at all!

Xu Yan frowned and fell into deep thought.

He was pondering over and over again in his mind the formula for the Dragon Subduing Palm.

Dragon has magical powers, and the dragons magical powers are naturally unparalleled in strength, but if you want to be strong, you must be violent and unyielding, and concentrate your energy in a moment...

My level is still low and I cannot be too demanding, so I should lower my requirements...

Dragon has magical powers, how can it display palm power like a dragons magical powers?

Xu Yan entered a state of enlightenment in which he forgot both things and himself.

At a certain moment, the legend books I had read, some legends about real dragons, and portraits of real dragons came to mind.

In an instant, he had some enlightenment in his heart.


The qi and blood gathered in the palm of the hand. In an instant, the qi and blood squeezed each other, condensed and united, and then suddenly slapped out with a palm.

A torrent of Qi and blood that doubled in power suddenly hit a tree not far away.


The tree broke and collapsed instantly.

I understand how to make the palm force stronger and how to increase the palm force beyond normal.

At this moment, Xu Yan opened his eyes, and as if a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, he understood how to exert the force of his fierce palm.

But seeing the chest and abdomen violently inflated, both palms pushed out, the torrent of energy and blood suddenly became extremely violent, and the power was doubled again!


Made a small crater in the ground.

I have finally come to some superficial realizations. This is just the beginning. This palm of mine is more than twice as strong as the full-strength strike before I practiced the Dragon Subduing Palm. This is not the limit, but the beginning!

Xu Yan was very excited at this moment.

I have only scratched the surface of how I can exert such powerful palm power. The power of the Dragon Subduing Palm is really incomparable!

After gaining insight, the next step is to consolidate this level of insight, continue to become proficient, and then continue to understand and perfect it.

ps: I want to read, I want everything^_^