What do you think I am?

Suddenly, a big palm grabbed onto his fist with force. With a fierce pinch, Tang Yuli's face instantly turned pale white.

Mu Sili stood beside Feng Jing and threw his fist out coldly.

"Auntie, give me your phone!" I'm so bored. "

She rested her chin on her hands as she looked pitifully at the aunt, who was cleaning up nearby.

When Gu Qiqi woke up, shshehabitually searched for her phone. When she couldn't find her, he felt uneasy.

She looked at him eagerly. "Auntie, I'm a patient! We can't be so cruel to patients, can we? "

Finally, her plea was rewarded with a response from the Auntie Li. She walked up to her apologetically, pulled up the blanket that had fallen to the ground, and gently covered her with it. She coaxed gently, "Madame, please don't make things difficult for me! "It's Mister's intention to keep the phone. If you want to take it back, you have to look for Mister!"

"Sure, give me your phone. I'll call him."


Seeing that Auntie Li was motionless on the ground, Gu Qiqi increased the number of decibels. "If you want me to look for him, you have to call me, right?"

"Gu Qiqi, are you sure you have my number in your phone?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from outside the room. Someone had arrived before the sound. The cold tone of the voice sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Gu Qiqi did not expect Feng Jing to return after clearing out the world, but she had come at the right time!

She angrily lifted the blanket away, and just as she jumped up from the bed to settle the accounts, her gaze suddenly landed on his right hand that was covered in plaster, and she froze.

The bellow that came from the accounts unknowingly turned into a confused expression on his face. "What happened to your hand?"

Feng Jing, "... "It's fine."

Heavens, why did she feel that there was a hidden bitterness in her cold gaze?

Seeing that Feng Jing had arrived, the Auntie Li heaved a sigh of relief and quietly left the room.

"Lie still!"

The man's eyes were cold as he looked at her.

It was only then that Pineapple realized that she did look a little odd standing at the foot of the bed in her pajamas. However, why would she obediently listen to him?

She protested unhappily, "Well, the doctors didn't say I could be discharged! What did you bring me back for? And give me back my phone! It was taken without the consent of the owner, that's called stealing! "

As she spoke, she extended her small, white hands in front of Feng Jing, her face full of condemnation.

The man's cold gaze fell on her palm.

There was a tiny red mole on the woman's palm. Under the light of the crystal lamp, it was nimble and naughty.

The light in Feng Jing's eyes unknowingly softened.

He sat on the imperial chair at the side, his long legs moving as he elegantly and calmly sat across from Gu Qiqi.

"Your doctor says you don't have a concussion."

"..." What do you mean?

"Since there are no serious problems, then why do I have to stay in the hospital? Gu Qiqi, the hospitalization fees are very expensive! " As she spoke, she tossed out a document.

"I …"

Gu Qiqi had been holding back his complaints all day, but when she heard Feng Jing's words, she could no longer hold it in.

Think of her dry purse, look at the hospital bill that suddenly dropped in front of her, her face turning from red to white.