In the video, on the cool garden path, a thin figure appears in the video. The video screen suddenly shakes slightly, and a wretched figure follows the figure.

After walking about a hundred meters, Shi Moqing suddenly turned around and yelled at him. He saw the astonished mouth of the visitor, drank him a few words in a cold voice, and then turned to leave. Until Shi Mo Qing's shadow gradually moved away, the wretched figure ran after him. Suddenly, a finger covered the camera, and the picture abruptly ended

"Shi Moqing, what else do you have to say? From the beginning to the end, there are only you and the victim Yang an looks at the foam Qing coldly, with an imperceptible oppression in his eyes.

"What kind of officer are you? If you don't understand the most basic case solving, you will be charged to the innocent! " The voice of disdain came from the crowd.

When they saw it, it was Xiao Junyu, the third miss of the Xiao family. She put her hands in her waist and looked scornful.

"Junyu! No nonsense The old lady drank lightly, but her eyes flashed with a smile. She was obviously satisfied with her granddaughter's nonsense.

"Grandma! I'm not talking nonsense! second elder brother! You rewind the video for a few seconds! Look at the last hand! Why don't any of you suspect it's the man behind the back? " Xiao Junyu looked at Yang an in a puzzled way, "or is Officer Yang jealous that my cousin is Xiao's granddaughter?"

Cough! Shi Moqing admires her cousin's assist. She tampered with this video in front of her cousin. At that time, she worshipped five clothes and threw them to the ground. Well, my personal points of attention are different. My third cousin ignored her to kill people directly

Before Yang'an's face changed, Lu Zhan quickly reminded him, "cousin's observation is subtle. It's true that this kind of possibility exists. Mo Qing may not be the only murderer who killed Mr. Zhang. Don't forget that there should be less people in the back of the video in front of him!"

"You mean I killed it?" Should Shaochen sneer.

"I didn't say it. I just said you were all suspected! Why don't the two suspects say that they are not the killers? " Lu Zhan light way.

Yang Anwei Leng, immediately nodded, "yes, you explain the reason why you are not the murderer!"

"I can't kill my fifth uncle!" Should Shaochen brow lock, he unexpectedly found that here does not have a can give him to testify!

"I was really in a hurry. At that time, I met my cousin in front of the garden. My cousin took me to my grandmother. My cousin was also there. She also blamed me for drinking her bird's nest porridge!" When Mo Qing looks at Yang an innocently.

"I can testify!" Xiao Hanmo nodded.

"I can do it, too. I was afraid that my elder brother would find me complaining, and I hid myself..." Xiao Junyu's neck shrank.

"You can't count your testimony! Shi Mo Qing may also turn back to kill people! " Yang an frowned. Neither of them has direct evidence to prove that they killed them!

"Officer Yang! Can I plead? " When Mo Qing's voice is clear and crisp, people can't help but feel that she is aboveboard.

Yang an nodded slightly.

"First of all, the fatal wound on his forehead!" When Mo Qing came to Lu Zhan, timidly looked at the corpse, and then drew back, "although my fiance is a colonel, it doesn't mean that my shooting skills are so strong. Besides, guns are not what I can get for a civilian woman!"

"You said your fiance is a colonel! He may not give you guns in private! " Yang an's face was slightly cold. Who in the team didn't know that Lu Zhan didn't follow the rules.

"But the problem is that I didn't know his identity until today! I think the Lu family, just like me, knew that Lu Zhan was a Colonel? " When Mo Qing wronged to turn around, a pair of concealed heart.

"Don't feel bad. We don't know that Lu Zhan has his mission! We should be proud of him! " Su Xin's face is distressed. How could she kill a fairy? Even if you kill someone, it's that person. Damn it!

"That doesn't prove he won't give you guns to defend yourself!" Yang an did not give up.

Seeing that he was as stubborn as a mad dog, Shi Mo Qing was too lazy to pretend to be pathetic, and sneered, "since Yang Jingguan's words have been mentioned, I have nothing to say. Even if I have a gun, I would like to ask, will this Zhang Jia ye stand still and let me kill him? What strength is he? I don't need to remind you. I'm a little girl with no strength to bind a chicken. Can I shoot him directly? It's just fantastic! "

Yang an slightly stagnant, when foam Qing is the hand does not have the strength to bind the chicken? Are other ordinary people killed for nothing? He and when Mo Qing had a fight, know that although she is fast, but she is definitely not the Wu Emperor later Zhang Laowu's opponent!

"What's more, I'm not a lecher. Why take off his clothes? I can't move so fat... "

But I want to know what Mr. Ying is doing in the garden? Follow me? Do you want to take advantage of this opportunity to start with me

Ying Shaochen looked at her in surprise. She didn't expect her words to be so straightforward, and there were two traps in and out of the story. He admitted that he was afraid that Shi Moqing would wait for the opportunity to say that he could not make love. He wanted to frame himself by love and hate, and just killed the opponent of Zhangjia!

He didn't admit it. So, what did he do in the garden? Is it urgent? Oh, that's it!

Everyone is surprised to see to Ying Shaochen, all waiting for his answer!

"So hard to say? I see. Is Mr. Ying in a hurry? " When foam cold smile, you will shift your eyes to me, I will also shift attention!"I heard the gunshot go by!" Should Shaochen coldly looked at Mo Qing and Lu Zhan, also know that today even if he is not a suspect, it is difficult to get away from it. As long as he pinches Shi Mo Qing, the other party will fight for fame and not drag him into the water!

"No! There is no gunshot in the video! " Talking is Xiao hanxuan in front of the computer.

That's right! There is no gunshot in the video. Shaochen is lying! Why did he lie? The gossip flashed through everyone's eyes. Did he really have a wrong idea about Shi Mo Qing?

"Or does Mr. Ying hold a grudge against me and take the opportunity to kill your fifth uncle and plant it for me? There is no lack of brotherhood in a big house! " When foam cold smile.

The onlookers were silent. Shi Moqing said the truth. Every family has its own dirty business. In order to fight for the right of the family, it's really nothing to calculate and frame up!

"Nonsense! I'm a member of the Ying family, not from Zhangjia! " The first time that Ying Shaochen was a little angry, Mo Qing was quick witted. This was the first time she talked to herself so much, but she poured dirty water on her body.

"Since there is no direct evidence, please come back with me!" Yang an glanced at the crowd, took out the phone from his pocket and went to one side to make a phone call.

Should Shaochen direct cold face, angry when Mo Qing smart teeth, more angry this meddlesome Yang an, toss for a long time has not tossed a name out, he went back to have important things to discuss with Grandma! Yang's stubborn cow!

"Mo Qing..." The old lady and Su Xin are worried and look at Shi Mo Qing. It's a disaster free!

"Don't worry, grandma. It's OK! I'll follow you Lu Zhan comforts looking at the worried several people.

Here, Yang An Gang, who came over after the phone call, was ready to tell Xiao hanxuan about something. Xiao hanzhe unscrewed the mineral water and handed it over with a smile, "is Officer Yang thirsty? Drink , the fastest update of the webnovel!